
A white faggot moved into the room next to me. How do I avoid him. Can already tell he is gay and saw him glancing at me. Also this is not 'le bait." Also white cunt hate general. White cops shoot everyone.

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Start picking cotton for him.

Well if he really is gay, the more niggerish yoy act to scare him away the more he will crush on you

polish his shoes and do his laundry for him while he's out

at least hes not a trap.

I thought niggers fuck anything. Isn't that why there's an AIDS epidemic in the ghetto?

Op is black
Post racist shit
Jow Forums is here
shit about to go down

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>white cops shoot everyone
Nah just black people

Your room just had its property value increased by like $8,000, you ungrateful nigger.

You know there's a reason why places in the dark one's neighborhoods are cheaper right?

ITT: mad af gay white bois

follow the example of your King Nigger: rent a hotel room and suck his dick.

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I don't carry myself like hood niggers. More of a Malcolm. X type of nigger.

Fling shit at him

Niggers are animals and belong with their kind but gays are sinners and deserve death no matter the skincolor.

White faggot nigger, whites pillaged Native Americans and made them americuckins. They than brought a lot of black slaves. And please dont start with "le other ethnic groups were in le slavery." Lets focus on niggers you cuntglob. White Republicans are not racist, but can not connect with niggers. Thus they don't do shit for country. Dems our cucking us black folk also.

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You should throw ur massive swinging nigger cock right into that guys ass

I have a small dick you stereotyping faggot. I bet you type next to a stereo system you racist cuck

What's it like being a nigger with a small penis? I bet all the woman are extremely disappointed

>'le bait."
>"le other ethnic groups were in le slavery."
Did you get this website confused with 9gag, or reddit? I just can't tell anymore.

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>Call everything reddit
>OP is a redditfag haha I'm so edgy
Nice meme insult faggot

>White cops shoot everyone.
and somehow you non people find ways to be even worse

white cops literally shoot whites more
get off you nonexistent high horse

Heard this on repeated on Jow Forums 100000 times

Well then he'll admire you just as much. If he's gay you know he's a lib and will be "inspired" by you. Best bet is to move away from him.

go kys nigger

Why do white people on Jow Forums always try to racebait other white people.
What the point. Trying to start a race war? (You's)?

Cotton picking nigggerrrrr

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Stop appropriating our meme culture, faggot. And you're much more likely to catch a bullet from your fellow negro down the street than a police officer.