Obscure feels

Obscure feels
>tfw no Chocotaco
>tfw no sand between my toes
>tfw no medium sized dog to pet
>tfw no funny hats to wear
>tfw no private place to shout at the top of my lungs for pure catharsis
>tfw no gross flavored jelly beans to try out with non-existent friends
>tfw not ambidextrous
>tfw right eye dominant
>tfw you want to see the wide smile of a girl with chubby cheeks

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This gave me good feelings to think about, thank you OP.

We are the feel makers
And we are the feelers of the feels

>tfw I'm back at this board after leaving for 7 years
>tfw came back because some weird trap scandal was brought to the attention of a board that will remain nameless
>tfw threads like these are why I used to come here
>tfw coming back here made me reflect on how much my life changed in the last 7 years
Sorry for the blogpost, I'll head back to my containment board.

>tfw no apocalyptic world
>tfw no super powers
>tfw no cyberpunk world
>tfw it's not 2006

I know it's not really a robot feel, but
>with first gf for 4 years now
>basically told by everyone we should probably marry
>she's outgoing, has lots of friends, knows loads of people from stuff she does
>I have literally zero friends and I'm estranged from all but my immediate family due to relocation when we were younger
>gathered from her parents that they'd pay for a big wedding because that's what their family likes
>have no one but my parents and a sibling to invite
What the fuck do I do?

Well enjoy our damaged board while you're here again, we'll see better days.

>tfw no funny hats to wear

I think the world really would be a slightly better place if funny hats were more common

>tfw no post-apocalyptic world to explore
>tfw no old world tech to scavenge
>tfw no motorcycle to soar through the wastes of what was with
>tfw no makeshift shotgun
>tfw no German Shepard to accompany me and help fend off the mutants, bandits and beasts
>tfw no child to teach to be human in a destroyed world
>tfw no songs by the campfire to keep morale up

>tfw no post-apocalyptic world to explore
>tfw no old world tech to scavenge
Fuck right in the feels

>tfw opening up a pack of new cards or a new video game and giving it a whiff
>tfw going through a museum and creating different stories in your head for each painting
>tfw pinching school glue
>tfw stapling papers and enjoying the sensation
>tfw looking at a red sky during sunset

I might be able to provide ze wide chubby girls smile. Give me a (You) and I'll see what I can find

That would be nice, anonymous.

Wide enough? Not the best cam quality on this one

God damn pic didn't post

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It warms the cockles of my heart, yes.

>tfw no Chocotaco
Just eat a klondike bar

It isn't the same and it never will be.

This is verging on weird, but do you have another pic? It felt really nice seeing this.

Let me look. I'll report beck in a few boys.

These threads make me feel as if I was reading haiku.

>tfw no girl to be cozy with
>tfw when no one to walk around in the night with
>tfw you're so insecure about your skinny arms that you keep them tucked in your pockets at all times
>tfw you are all alone and you
I feel safe in my room but damnit I feel on the verge of ending it all when I walk into places such as school

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Please don't remind me. It's the closest I can get.

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Gotcha friendo

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ayy user delivers.

>tfw can't afford hrt
>tfw wanted to transition since childhood way before the trap meme
>tfw doctors don't prescribe Ritalin to curb dysphoria


Friend zoned once again user, damn.

>tfw find out im semi-ambidextrous from a 6year old medical report that had nothing to do with my hands somehow
>tfw cant draw straight with a drawing tablet
>tfw take a detour on a walk and regret it, but too much pride to turn around
>tfw we live in cyberpunk world, but without all the cool parts about cyberpunk.
>tfw super bored when i play this one mmo, but cant stop logging in

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>tfw we live in cyberpunk world, but without all the cool parts about cyberpunk
>tfw never knew how to put this feel into words until this post


>tfw feel myself aging and can no longer eat like shit because I crash a few hours after eating junk now

>wake up late because no reasons to wake up early
>only shower when there's no one around to see me leave my room in my pajamas
>afraid to be seen eating between "normal" meal times which is compounded by waking up long after anyone would have lunch
>may have two meals a day but usually only have one, that being dinner with parents (which, ironically, I usually make)

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>tfw not ambidextrous

Just keep using your left hand more and more and eventually it'll be nearly as strong and coordinated as your right. Just takes time (like 1-2 years).

Makes me happy, thanks user.

Like 30 minutes of writing a day with the left hand?

>tfw it's not 2006
i feel this feel

>tfw memories older than a few years slowly slip away from you
>tfw thousands of hours spent in your favourite vidya with your friends feel like they've been lost because you can't remember anything about them
>tfw can't be sure if the past even happened anymore

as someone who unironically wears a BOS jacket to class every day....... this one is a little too close to home annon.

Well thought out post, OP.

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>9gag watermark
literally off yourself laddy