Le trap meme war is saving this board :DDDDDDD

Le trap meme war is saving this board :DDDDDDD
Neck yourselves. Pic related are all the most replied to threads and aside from the woman hate thread they are now all fucking trap related. There is nothing interesting here anymore. If anything pol's shitposting made it worse.

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Oh and the fact that only four threads have more than 100 posts and britfeel is not even up shows the amount of spam Jow Forums is bringing.

Cry more reikofag. You've been shitting up this board for over a year with your bullshit and you have the audacity to complain now.

>inb4 some poltard accuses you of being Reiko or a transfag

Cunt are you stupid?
We robots are hating these raid

It's a piss in the Mississippi compared to the tranny spam. People have just had enough of the constant shilling, all day every day.

Yeah I'll take this over the trap posting any day.

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REKT. In b4 nothing.

FUCKING gays need to be gassed

>Pic related are all the most replied to threads and aside from the woman hate thread they are now all fucking trap related. There is nothing interesting here anymore. If anything pol's shitposting made it worse.
Good.Jow Forums's hatred has returned.

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>he would rather be raided for a year by trannies than for a day by pol

>we robots

kys faggot you're transparent as shit

at least 100x better than the nonstop faggot spamming that's invested this board recently.

Genuinely kill yourself

Kill yourself faggot, you're not welcome on this board

if you all weren't fucking faggots no one would get weirded out by the trap threads and respond to them and fuck up the most replied. it's because you are all faggots that you take this bait so easily

just stop fucking replying to them you FUCKS


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Tranny shit wasn't ruining the atmosphere as much as a massive raid by Jow Forums/Youtube/reddit.
Robots can deal with tranny sentiments, as we understand the desire to be loved or feel happy with yourself. The raider spam doesn't offer anything.

Before this the most popular threads were fembot threads and some other failed normie shit threads. Jow Forums has not only fucked the trapfags, they've also fucked the normalfags. Thank you Jow Forums! When pee pee poo poo failed, you were the board that saved pepe.

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Jow Forums tourists think that chimping out and shitting up this board is a win-win for them because they dont actually come here but still want to participate in "le happening xDdd" for their posts on r/Jow Forums
literally all this trap shit could have been taken care of if like 1 fucking mod actually gave a shit about this board. it didnt have to end up like this

>Tranny shit wasn't ruining the atmosphere as much as a massive raid by Jow Forums/Youtube/reddit.
abso-fucking-lutely wrong. Kill yoursef, the reign of your faggotry is over

>tranny shit wasn't ruining the atmosphere for us tranny lovers
>i speak for all robots goy listen to me and take that fucking hrt now

>abso-fucking-lutely wrong. Kill yoursef, the reign of your faggotry is over
You simply don't belong here, raider.


I'm not a tranny lover, but whatever makes you feel smart, invader.

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It was killing the whole place. This is just so insignificant compared to the tranny raid that it practically nothing at all.

>literally all this trap shit could have been taken care of if like 1 fucking mod actually gave a shit about this board. it didnt have to end up like this
that had over a year and did nothing. The trap shit had absolutely no end in sight. Don't try to pretend it wasn't a problem or would just magically sort itself out when it's been spammed NON-STOP for a fucking year now

Except youre forgetting that Reiko and his discord fucks blackmailed Jow Forums users and was the reason that kid an hero'd the other day. This ends when he's arrested.

Fucking kill yourself faggot. The tranny posting ruined this board completely and you're not welcome here either if you support it

Let me guess: You hate anime and your friends at school invited you to two parties at the same time and you couldn't decide which one to go to?

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>Fucking kill yourself faggot. The tranny posting ruined this board completely and you're not welcome here either if you support it
It helped push newfags and normalfaggots away. Now you're back and feeling smug.
This is pretty bad.

I won't deny that it was present, but it was far from infecting EVERY SINGLE THREAD

Wrong on both accounts. Why don't you fuck off and stop trying to pretend to be a robot. Go be gay in the board that was made for you.

The trannies are the invaders. They are by far the worst spammers that have ever been here.
If you're pretending to not have noticed then you could only fool someone who came here recently but out yourself as a tranny-shill to all robots.

>Tranny posting pushed newfags away
you just revealed yourself to be the newfag. You probably came here because of the trap posting your disgusting fucking faggot

Oh, so you made it to both parties, after all. Good for you, normalfaggot. Follow your own link out of here.

It wasn't every thread but it went on 24/7 for months or over a year. It was extremely much more significant than this very brief pol thing.

former r9k here. that board is fucking trash since 2015. not that it was good back then but it was alright, a home.

why the fuck are you still on that board? just come to pol and be a nazi already, we ban trap thread on sight and we'll gas them anyway if we ever take power

Are you just dumb, or are you baiting me? The hide feature exists and, for the most part, discussion was had for most of the day without interference. If you can't stop looking at dick, maybe you ought to give in to your sick urges and stop fighting what you hate so much.

>I won't deny that it was present, but it was far from infecting EVERY SINGLE THREAD
look at it like this
we have just found out that there is a group of people dedicated to trying to make us gay
thats grounds for discussion surely
why are you so assblasted about it? granted theres a lot of threads but just ignore them man

>just hide all the trap threads being spammed 24/7 non-stop taking up the entire board bro it's not even a problem

>It wasn't every thread but it went on 24/7 for months or over a year. It was extremely much more significant than this very brief pol thing.
Like a drip of water in a bucket of feels. There was room to take such spam. The board has been rendered neigh unusable at this point due to the influx of normalfaggots. Not a greentext to be found.

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I had to leave pol when they started showing country flags. With my flag the content of the post was ignored in favor of the flag. Anyone who didn't have an argument would ignore the discussion and talk about my flag instead.
Even though I'm nationalist, it was always just >Sweden yes and never any counter arguments.

>look at it like this
>we have just found out that there is a group of people dedicated to trying to make us gay
>thats grounds for discussion surely
>why are you so assblasted about it? granted theres a lot of threads but just ignore them man
There's a difference between discussion and spam. The tranny converters weren't nearly as bad as this Youtuber raid. DISCUSSION WAS HAPPENING. Now all we can do is discuss the raid. This sucks. You and your friends have ruined my board for the day, while the trannies never could.
Stop looking at dicks all day, user, you're turning gay.

mods not doing shit doesnt equate to there not being any solution. for fucks sake, it was like 2 or 3 people at first just spamming extremely obvious, identifiable threads a couple times a day. just make a new rule for that kind of shit and then move it over to /trash/. its not that hard.

>nothing interesting here anymore
It's been literally 4 hours you mongrel. Neck yourself you tranny.

its almost only amerifat who do that and theyre more tame than they used to because of the 56% memes. if you really cant handle it pick a memeflag

>The tranny converters weren't nearly as bad as this Youtuber raid
Wrong, and you're quite simply out-voted on this. Everyone here hates you faggots and will do literally anything to get rid of you.

>Wrong, and you're quite simply out-voted on this. Everyone here hates you faggots and will do literally anything to get rid of you.
This isn't Reddit, invader. You can't downvote me away. I will keep telling you you're wrong for coming here.

>just make a new rule for that kind of shit and then move it over to /trash/. its not that hard.
it's been over a year and nothing was done. This is the solution now, because the mods weren't going to do shit.

>it's been over a year and nothing was done. This is the solution now, because the mods weren't going to do shit.
How's that solution coming out for ya? Oh, you've ruined the board. Lovely.
I'd take 3 trap threads a day over a constant Jow Forums-Youtube-Reddit invasion any day.

I don't need to downvote you away, we're taking our board back and you'll have to go be a faggot back on your own containment board, Every reply you post just pumps this thread and puts the trap spamming even further down so I welcome it.

>our board
There's that phrase. So funny how you come and claim what isn't even yours. You belong here less than the people who you come here to hate.

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the board is unironically better than it's been in years.

>I'd take 3 trap threads a day
>implying it wasn't 15 trap threads at any given time
and that's why this board got ruined in the first place, kill yourself faggot

not really, they just ruined it for you guys that were shitting it up to begin with
despite the noise there are normal threads up and running
you guys are just annoyed you cant spam tranny threads with impunity now

try more like entire pages backed up with trap threads on some of the worst days with no end in sight.
trap threads were only ever a forced meme that everyone rolled with because mods suck. now is our chance to tell you to fuck off.

dude pol never raided that shithole fucking kek there's probably 20 board we would think of raiding before coming here. we never raid other boards except /po/ occasionally
who the fuck thinks traps chase newfag away? youre clearly a discord shill. what a fucking pathetic loser you must be to have discord with tons of fags and traps trying to convert a bunch of virgins.
>gay not mentally ill btw
>its natural btw animals are gay too!
worthless vermins

>the board is unironically better than it's been in years.
That's because you brought over all of your friends. Robots aren't around to share their content. We're waiting for you to give up and leave after you declare yourself victorious.
Just like with the blacked spam on your board, there's no stopping spam. It'll always come back, you dumb newfaggot.

>is so new he actually thinks the trap posting was the norm for this board
>thinks I'm the odd one out

not just a newfag, but an actual faggot. How surprising

People just can't accept that traps have become a part of r9k board culture, so much so that r9gay has become its nickname. Trying to purge traps is like going to /a/ and trying to purge waifu threads.

I can't believe it myself, I always thought it was just a phase.

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>3 trap threads a day

retard its not only Jow Forums that is sick of the tranny spam and to find out that is part of an elaborate raid aiming to fuck with my head? get fucked

>we're waiting for you to stop spamming and leave
>there's no stopping spam. It'll always come back, so just keep letting us spam traps

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you're honestly suggesting that robots are trap posters that do nothing but post trap spam? holy fuck the delusion of /lgbt/

Idk how to tell you this but raids are in season rn. The boards have come together to purge your degenerate filth back to your containment board at .

>People just can't accept that traps have become a part of r9k board culture
You mean spammed 24/7 non-stop and absolutely despised by everyone else except the people doing the raid?

You'll never be welcome here

If you think it's about "can't handle it" then you didn't understand my post or are too stupid to comprehend it. If I just wanted to shitpost or something else that's fun then it would have been different but there's no point in trying to have political discussions if no one is willing to discuss anything.
Also picking meme flags also makes people stop thinking about arguments if they disagree and just complain about the meme flag instead.

>unironically can't handle banter
typical swede-cuck

Yeah, 5 samefags EVERY fucking thread, spamming nonstop anime pics, nice

Like it or not, traps have become a part of this boards culture.

dude im canadian i get much more shit than youll ever get. anyway you sound like a cuck so stay here

>Maybe if we out-spam the spammers we can get them to go away
>What could possibly go wrong?

Like it or not, spamming this board with trap-hate 24/7 to drown out the faggots and make them feel unwelcome has become part of this boards culture

The quality of Jow Forums is near gone. Turns out, social outcasts come here not to converse with your types. It'll come back when you give up, which will probably be around the time you head to work/highschool, huh?
kys namefag. Filtered.
We only had bait threads, not a normalfag problem. Actual normalfaggots like you never really came here unless you were just stealing our stories to share on your subreddit or just coming for a quick fap to the tranny porn. Too much publicity is making this place unusable. I can't wait for you to leave again.
I have grown to accept bait as bait. One day, after many years of using Jow Forums, you might, as well.
They never got replies, only a few would stick.
How about you DON'T transition if you don't want to? Wow, it's not hard. Have some agency, you're supposed to be an adult.
It's not severe spam and most of it goes without a reply. Regulars hardly even notice it.
Trap posters aren't necessarily spammers. They can be robots, though.
Fuck off, namefaggot.

>he has to reply to this many posters because everyone is against him telling him he's unwelcome
>unironically thinks this is his board.

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No shit, most robots are just ignoring you raiders. I'm at least humoring you.

>the fact that everyone hates me and disagrees with me ayyhckshully just means I'm right!

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could they have forseen the creation of /r9pol/? Could they have known that it would reinvigorate an internet hate machine? Whoops

Guess this angle isn't working out for you huh?

Hey, I'm with it, this is exciting. It just seems counter productive because all it does is cause a shitstorm that makes the board quality even worse, only for things to go back to the way they were in a day or 2.

I've had actual robots agree with me. It tends to be "long-time on/off cross-posters XD" who disagree with me.

I find this entertaining in a comical appreciation and thus would like to express enjoyment via


>all it does is cause a shitstorm that makes the board quality even worse
You're wrong. It's not worse than the tranny posting. Literally ANYTHING is better than the non-stop tranny spam

If you could at least try to present a counter argument in the posts too it wouldn't matter but what's the point of a political discussion without even an attempt at making an argument?

>arguing 1vsan entire thread of people telling him to get the fuck out
>I'm the REAL robot guiiiisee
we're taking it back

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I want Rodge9k back

We're talking about Jow Forums, they don't know what an argument is.

You've already declared you're raiding my board. Of course I know how to trigger you little thin-skinned reddit invaders, but I'd rather calmly explain why you're wrong so that robots just waking up or checking in today can understand what's happening. It's a convenience for others. Don't think I care about your life.

im from pol and i think its a fucking hilarious idea to mess with you losers into making you take pills. I bet 1-2 robot killed himself when he saw he became some fucking gross abomination instead of the cute anime pic he was aiming for. I fully endorse that discord

>im from pol and i think its a fucking hilarious idea to mess with you losers into making you take pills. I bet 1-2 robot killed himself when he saw he became some fucking gross abomination instead of the cute anime pic he was aiming for. I fully endorse that discord
I'm glad at least one of you barbarians gets it. It doesn't harm people who actually contribute. It only harms newfag /soc/-tier tranny posters.

>I'm just explaining to you why you're wrong
>you're wrong because I'm a huge faggot and love invading your board to enjoy looking at dicks and spamming trannies 24/7

So typical of homosexuals to walk into a place they don't belong and declare it theirs and start making demands like they own it

Are you getting scared, faggot? Burn in hellfire.

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you are so obviously a newfag its insane

if you actually were a robot you would know what is happening
a discord was discovered that was planning and executing raids on Jow Forums nonstop for years trying to get as many robots to turn into trannies, traps and fags as possible

You have allies literally declaring you're not from Jow Forums. Any robot knows which side I represent, and it's not that of a foreign body.

>if you disagree with me you're not a robot
>the only "real robots tm" are the people who agree with me
>oh hey look, all the "real tobots tm" agree with me

kek maybe you and the .01% of this board who are "real robots tm" should fuck off where you faggots came from?

I can't believe you've never baited someone into trying to transition before. You must lack all creative talent or wit. If you were from around here, you'd understand that robots participate in those activities, as well, as we're a sick lot of evil outcasts in our core. If you come to Jow Forums for morals, you'll be sorely disappointed, raider.

Which board or website did you come from?
I didn't come from anywhere. I've been here.
Even if I don't have the full support of ALL robots, no one ever has the full backing of an entire people. I do speak for robots when it comes to our culture, though. We can deal with tranny posting, but sliding all of our threads out of the catalog with your /b/-tier shitposting is intolerable and will only make bitter enemies out of robots on the fence.

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>I have the support of all robots
>except for this entire robot board calling me a faggot and telling me how unwanted I am and complaining about my faggot spam for the last year

absolutely LAUGHING at the state of your delusion. Keep it up faggot, reality is going to hurt when it sets in. I hope for your sake you can keep up the delusion.

>absolutely LAUGHING at the state of your delusion. Keep it up faggot, reality is going to hurt when it sets in. I hope for your sake you can keep up the delusion.
You don't even know how long spam has been going on here. You're just reading other people's posts, aren't you? Unlike you, I have already swayed the hearts of my countrymen. We can put up with severe anxiety to function, somewhat, we can put up with some spam. When a board becomes unusable, it'll be the invaders that get the blame, not the small group of spammers who weeded out the weak and the new.

He is either deluded, retarded or simply baiting.
There's no point replying to that fag.

I've been on Jow Forums since the day it was created by our holy progenitor m00tykins and I welcome the Jow Forumssaders with open arms to purge the fagacen menace.

Anything is preferable to fagposting imo.

keep in mind, threads being so filled with other like-minded Jow Forums tourists that you actually feel at home is not indicative that you actually belong here. this same shit happens on other boards when you electionfags get bored and start infesting other boards. you are fucking parasites no matter how many there are, who refuse to lurk more and act like they own the place like fucking immigrants.