Neutral Thread

i honestly think that each side of this war should speak their minds and try to compromise on a win-win solution

pic related

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>compromise with the gay trap cult who's stated purpose is to blackmail the Jow Forums male population into going on hormones

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I thin r9gay should stay and the trap threads need to go /out/

just ride it out and ignore everything
if they kill the board it deserved to die anyways

Wrong. Take sides or go away. Tranny purge today!

ok yes those people need to go
but people can still like traps and being gay
i dont think we should have a mob mentality on everyone whos gay/trans

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I honestly can't think what's worse.

The trap posters shitting up threads or the Jow Forums psyops trying to recruit people here. Let's just hope that both groups will gone soon.

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yeah that would be a good comprise

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both sides are pretty shitty

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That's not how this kind of conflict works.
This "trap war" is mostly one side attacking the other, it's an assault onto Reiko and his server, it's not a two sided battle.
The attackers aren't going to settle down until they get what they want, which is to remove the trap and tranny threads completely, which is what Reiko doesn't want to do.
The controversy isn't with gays here, it's with Reiko, although some confuse the two for the same thing.
And that's another problem, this battle is too unorganised to be won, no one is leading this assault, making it sporadic and unorganised.
I doubt the Government will get invovled with this with the blackmailing and all, maybe a bit of local police, but not much else.
Also, Reiko's side is a lot more organised, but they also failed because they weren't organised enough, so that's a thing too.

Neither side will give, because it won't solve anything.
Either Reiko will stop posting out of fear, or the the attacking side will eventually dwindle down until it's barely existant, meaning the opposing force will just dissapate.

you would be right except one of the top threads is gay/trans hate and get rid of /r9gay/
although reiko started it hes taking all the gay threads down with him whether they are with him or not

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Neutral means cucked in this day and age.

Stop being a tranny faggot

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Sverige? Vill du vara min pojkvan?

it means i dont want to join with you pol nor do i want to join with the trans. that doesnt mean cucked at all

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Get off r9k if you won't accept a GF when I offer one to you, fucking normalfag.



Any solution that doesn't stop the tranny raid is a loss for robots.
Raids from pol are disruptive too but at least they end eventually. These trannies were never going to stop their spam.

Can't tell if you're joking but I unironically agree.

you dont have to join Jow Forums to reject trannies that are trying to brainwash you m8

yeah but at what cost?
people are going to get doxxed and mods might start restricting what we can post
im not joking

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It's a day like today I'm glad I'm vigilant with my filters.

Neither posting their shit is the only acceptable outcome.

the win-win is having all fags and incels kill themselves to clean up the gene pool

I say we go nuclear, lock the board for a week, wipe it in the mean time.
They won't come back, that would take dedication they don't have

Fuck you faggot you're one of them you belong in the gass chamber kike

yeah but thats impossible
noone has to die and i though you pol guys thought that being gay is a choice?
honestly maby but the mods arnt doing anything

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This whole fucking "war" is so embarrassing, it reeks of post-gamergate newfaggotry.
Maybe I should finally leave, at least for the time being, the only worthwhile things here now are the /comfy/ threads and a few other similar type things

>yeah but thats impossible
Mutually assured destruction it is then.

I'll try to compromise
I'd be ok with traps staying on this board and won't complain about the if they do a single thing in return stop fucking posting gay shit here forever

Men helvete. Idioter e dom alla.

>complaining about gamergate
I see we are now into the "backup" of gays and trannies and basically anyone that hates Jow Forums

this isnt even about any of that retard
how people are surprised that there is a backlash after people found out they are the target of a gay discord group wanting to turn them into traps is perplexing

All my points still stands.
There is no leading force for those threads.
They're incredibly disorganised.
Neither side is willing to give up.
Neither side is willing to compromise.

The problem with those threads is that nothing comes from them, they basically divulge into a safe space where people can complain about traps, while nothing else happens.
Jow Forums isn't a site where you can easily cordinate something, that's why people use stuff like Discord for that instead.
But, Discord won't work in this situation, since there is no real solution to this problem.
Mods aren't intervening, so neither side will go down.

came to this thread pretty clueless as to what the whole war was about. Thanks for summarizing it user, the entire situation makes me chuckle.

>>complaining about gamergate
Jesus, you're a fucking moron, and the irony of calling me a retard lmao
I'm not complaining or even talking about gamergate you dumb cunt, I'm referencing that point in time. post gamergate the site saw a huge influx of posters who in many cases have a distinct mentality from the majority of the people who were here before. It's not any different from how before that people would talk about post chanology newfags, years after that whole thing was mostly forgotten about. do you get it now user, do you fucking understand?
good, now piss off and die

Sometimes you need to make compromises if you want to win.

>expecting civilness from people on Jow Forums, let alone Jow Forums or/r9k/
You know it wont work out

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The compromise is that they can continue posting their shit on /lgbt/.

/lgbt/ doesn't want Reiko and his gang.

I am a neutral party, I am not on either side. I think the discord group is cancer but largely bait, and I think the Jow Forums raid is just as cancerous and dumb for biting.
I am a trans user and I have posted here for a long time. It's my home board, not /lgbt/, and in all my time here I have not once made a thread about queer stuff. It sometimes comes up obviously, but I would rather keep it to myself whenever possible.
What worries me is that this culture war meme shit is going to drive a lot of robots in similar positions away from one of the few outlets we have. I just want to comfy post, I just want this cancer raid to stop, I just want these trap bait threads to stop, I just want it all to stop
Can it please stop, please?

Well neither do we.

>I am a neutral party
>I am a trans user
You're smart enough to know you dont have an objective voice in this, right?

Are you a kissless virgin?
Otherwise you should go to a normalfag board.

I have a voice as someone who likes this board and wants to keep posting here. I have a voice in saying that the discord bait is bad, but the Jow Forums raid isn't making the board any better.

You sound like acceptable collateral damage to me.

I wouldn't be surprised if he actually moved on from that place.
Surprisingly enough /lgbt/ doesn't lend itself well for harvesting traps.

Ge mig en sot flickvan (man)!

so bottom line is that Jow Forums needs to stop attacking every homosexual and target reiko/gang specifically
until they fuck off to /lgbt/
that would probably be the best course of action so far

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The best course of action is purging all degenerates

The problem is the fact that they have been using gay threads as part of their psyop so allowing those threads to exist is essentially doing nothing about the psyop except for just talking about it and fuck that sorry user

>they fuck off to /lgbt/
They cannot find traps there.
Just Caitlyn Jenners but without the financial backbone for proper surgery.

>with this

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This is an anonymous-by-default imageboard. View one regularly for a while, and you'll eventually figure out how they work. Then, you can have useful suggestions for problems within them.

>there are nowhere near as many traps as are presented
dont remind me

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as a gaybot i'm glad i'm secure with being attracted to twunks/masc men and not twink tranny trapboy faggots. i hope i speak with the rest of /r9gay/ when we say we are with you other anons to purge this board of this reek fuck and get cleanse this board once and for all

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Wow, that's really inspiring, actually. I knew he was a good man, all along. I told you all it was bait to weed out you weaklings.

I'm just waiting for the futile raid on /lgbt/ to start.

there is no point going to /lgbt/ to rage at them for being /lgbt/

rebuffing their psyop here does it well

hang on a minute, this guy is supposed to be the one I'm... against?
I mean sure his style of writing is pretty coldsteel the hedgehog tier, but I completely agree with the sentiment.

Fuck this discord roleplaying
Both sides should just remove themeselves from this planet

/lgbt/ is a nice sfw board that doesn't do anything to anyone

>agreeing with discord namefags

I wanted to see what raid they would come up with this time, then watch it fail.

Like bombing Dresden on the 15th.

lmao muh precious video game journalism!

just make a trap board and we'd all be good, traps could then fuck off to their own containment board and r9k wouldn't be r9gay. it would be a win win for everyone

obvious fucking newfag or roastie

You have to admit, though, he has Jow Forums's interests at heart, unlike Jow Forums, which believes that we're cultureless retards who'd all convert at the drop of a pin. Robots bait, too. It's not all paid shills.
You normalfags are obsessed with fixing what morals you deem wrong, so seeing this man try to stop you actually warms my heart.

I agree if we kill the blackmailers they win. So its a win-win.

>reported the dsc to the feds, interpol and a few international child exploitation foundations.

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>being a tripfag
>having Jow Forums at heart
So, to save the board from a few trap thread that don't harm anyone, he literally destroy the catalog.

guys lets calm down a bit were getting off topic
lets not resort to murder or doxxing here

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Send them to somewhere else not to literal /out/. /out/ is too good for extreme trap degeneracy.

This war is nothing new. We fought the trap threads off /b/ back in 2007\8 aswell.

That some of these faggots became mentally retarded and started this doxxing spree to force kids into their own degeneracy is nothing new.

I did report it to a contact at interpol that will take it further. If they did half of the rumors they will get publicly humiliated for the degenerates they are.
Way to use the least secure chat options currently mainstream.