Tfw no yandere gf

tfw no psycho yandere gf who breaks my window at night and stealthily sucks my dick

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Can you guys post more like the thread pic? I love psycho girls.

Have you ever dated one? You might be able to find one in a mental hospital.

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I wish, so I'm thinking about it

I wonder how other robots feel about being used in a proxy war of /lgbt/ against Jow Forums

personally I find it kind of amusing but still, if trannies wouldnt spam here then they wouldnt have attracted Jow Forums to begin with

why do you post this kind of shit user? Leave us alone please

but this isn't trap posting

I've dated one before, it's not nice and I can not recommend it.

why user?


>tfw no psycho boyfriend who breaks into my house and stealthily injects me with estrogen every night
>until one day he kidnaps me and takes me to his basement where I'm chained and brainwashed into a sissy

It might seem nice at first but the mental illness really is nothing positive. You're gonna have to cope with it every single day. It gets tiring.

I think it's retarded. Pol is wasting their time and the trannies here won't leave, they'll just wait for this to blow over and resume posting boipussi.

Give us the juicy deets. Spill the tea. We want to know EVERYTHING about your relationship.

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you're not in /lgbt/ user, relax you're making us look bad

It's really nothing interesting. I just ended up having to talk to her about the same problems she was having every single day. I mean it's fine if you have something you want to talk about, but I don't see the point if I'm just gonna talk about the same thing all over again the next day. There also wasn't anything fun about it in a sexual way, like in
these pics. It got tiring fast, and I wasn't getting anything out of the relationship in return.

There is literally nothing wrong with faggotry.

Honestly, I think Jow Forums's shitposting is gonna result in a marriage of ideas between nazis and gays and soon the board will be overrun with graphic images of gay nazis pozzing each other's negholes, if you know what I mean.

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theres absolutely nothing wrong or rule breaking with posting gay shit on r9k as long as you dont spam

How long did you date and what was her mental illness?

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Its cute at first, but the super clingy, can't do anything without you aspect gets exhausting after awhile. Its like spending time with a child, you just want to tell them to do things for/by themselves.

Kept it up for about half a year.
Pretty sure it was BPD but I never really asked.

take it back to /lgbt/ lads
You're not really welcome here and you're doing more damage than good by pushing it
I mean we just figured out there is a psyop trying to pozz our minds
Kind of hard to go back from that

no thanks, this isn't /straight/ board, it's a board to share perspective from all walks of life. get used to it.

Aren't you a salty one! Sounds like someone needs his neghole pozzed by a cute yandere boy... ;)

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Too bad fags are a literal mental disorder and not normal at all. Fuck off defect.

get used to having your gay psyop BTFO in every thread

you're in /r9pol/ now queers

Really though, the more you protest, the more gayposting will happen. That's just how it works. People will post dicks just to bother those who get their panties in a knot over it.

I guess it's a good way for a closeted gay to see more dicks though. Reverse psychology and all that.

I don't care about your opinion, no one's going away

that has basically always been the case

You're literally in a thread about mental illness, you failed abortion.

I just want a girl to stab me to death in a violent, jealous rage. Is that so much to ask for?

But user-kun, wouldn't it hurt?

in a board full of mental illness im not suprised about all the gays. What up dudes? Question: Wouldnt yandere dudes just be straight up typical abusive douchers?

And another thread derailed. Great work faggots.

Yanderes can be dominant or submissive, gender has nothing to do with it.

im talking about the doms dude

it was cancer to begin with you idiot

has to hurt less than dying alone, plus i'll get to be in the news

I wish Jow Forums would fuck off, and have /r9gay/ perma banned, and stuck on /lgbt/.

Then they could be abusive douches, I guess. Or they could play it smart and get their partner to do what they want without being obviously douchey.

>Wouldnt yandere dudes just be straight up typical abusive douchers?
I met one and he was just sweet, naggy, manipulative and got angry and pretended to be a victim when things didn't go his way. He was very obsessive though and had fantasies. Not towards me.

>>being this attached to what a board used to be
Things change, man. Jow Forums is ever shifting. It will never again be what it once was. r9gay is just a short phase in the long life of this board, soon some other form of autism will take its place.

Manipulating a yandere through gaslighting would be cool.

Makes sense. Seems like the typical sociopath behavior.

Why didn't you make him yours??

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>>another normie throwing around the word sociopathy where it doesn't belong



yes they are. Its like a prime detail

Manipulation takes many forms and using others does not imply total lack of empathy or conscience.

But it does imply some lack of empathy and conscience

I have low self-esteem and I couldn't carry the weight of being someone's whole life when I am incapable of even taking care of myself.

normies can block those all the time by telling themselves versions of the story where they are the good guy. It's an acquired skill.

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Everyone is the hero in their own story man. Some people just rather be the victim instead.

Oh cool another one of these shitty role playing threads. Here I thought they died when people realised it was nothing but a shitty attempt for virgin losers to find a "kawaii yandie girlfriend XDDDD"

I've said this before and I'll say it again. The only people who want a """"yandere girlfriend"""" are guys who have never had an actual violent and psychotic stalker girlfriend, let alone an actual girlfriend at that. Get over yourselves, delusional idiots

Indeed even when one recognizes themselves as a villain they see themselves as tragic villain.

Why is it that people do that? Do we as humans have an inherent need to place the blame elsewhere?

Some people see themselves as a speck of dust in the universe and are okay with that.

holy shit are you listening to yourselves...

Maybe it's just survival instincts, like when someone does atrocities and comes up with excuses so their reality doesn't break apart. When someone readily accepts the blame for something petty, I always feel like they have an underlying tone of virtue as well.

I'd say they are solitary heroes of their own story, but that's a bit too far into pseudo psychology.

open your eyes bro, not everything is what it seems... you'd be surprised. You might find a penny.

I think the real question is why do people only see themselves as tragic villains instead of categorizing everyone that way? Most people have no problem demonizing others.

lately ive been feeling clingy for no reason. it must feel nice to be wanted and to want someone, but i dont have a boyfriend so im not sure why this is happening.

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Not really and even if it did, it wouldn't make someone a sociopath. Just sayin'.

Selfishness? "im bad but not that bad." Maybe people can never TRULY understand how someone else feels.

4got imagee

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people who don't question their sanity to begin with confuse me

For organisms everything is barter when it comes to survival. Everyone is biased towards themselves, and when they aren't they appear as wrong to society, or everyone doubts their real motives. With good reason in most cases. Or they just use you and forget about it.

How would you gaslight a yandere?

Well for one they are already unstable as shit. Tell them they said something a while ago that kind of hurt your feelings. When they ask about it just tell them you don't want to talk about it anymore.

Then they would obsess over finding out what they said and how to make up for it. But then what?

Keep at it that you've forgiven them and it means nothing anymore. You don't want to talk about. Tell them if they really do love you they will just not bring it up as to not upset you.

Then they'd have an emotional meltdown over not being able to figure it out and you'd have to calm them down somehow.

Or maybe they'd walk on eggshells and try hard to obey your wishes. I guess there are many ways this could go, depending on the girl's personality.

If they are submissive to you most likely the latter and not the former. Man that would be cool. Constantly in the back of their mind "what did i do to upset him" but only seeking resolve through constant self examination in order not to cause it again. It'd be an interesting social experiment nonetheless. See how far you could make them seem like they could lose you at any second. To the point of imminent mental breakdown.

It would be easy to test. Submissive people looking for a savior are a dime a dozen. If you find a pretty slave girl make sure to post all about your experiments here, mmkay? I'm curious to see how it would go.

I had a childhood friend who always wanted to taste my blood because it was "sweet like haribo" and sometimes even asked me to drink hers to see if it meant something. Was that yan or just general craziness?

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Please sell vials of your blood on etsy. All blood that I've tasted was reminiscent of copper tubes, not sugar.

I bet on childhood crush + weird kid stuff

I definitely would. I'm sure this place would provide many social experiment ideas. Introduction of a female friend? "old" picture of some forgotten girl? A "misunderstanding" that could be set up? Endless possibilities. It's fucked up how im kind of excited to try this.

Fun fact if someone eats a lot of salt their blood will taste salty

get in here fgt

let's talk about brains and girls and social experiments

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If i eat a lot of ass what will it taste like?

It depends who's ass you've been eating.

Dr Pepper most likely

Dead server, dont bother with this

okay why not.

Lets bring back to life. I have a lot of ideas.

Then post a better one, loser.

>Lets bring back to life. I have a lot of ideas.

Not possible. There are too many guys in there.

There are no other servers. Dont be butthurt about your dead server at least.

I bet your blood is really salty.

Boo. Either way, where would be a good place to find truly sub/damaged girls. Bars are too full of overconfident vapid girls with too many friends. I'm sure once i get through a girls walls that they put up it would be pretty easy to start messing with them. Trust could be easily gained if the sex topic as a whole is avoided.

I dont think my bloods that valuable and the process just seems like a hassle

That could be it, though it has stretched even to adulthood last time I saw her

Im sure there are plenty of those around Tumblr.

>acts saltier than the dead sea when their server is called shit


I think it would be much easier in person. Having a physical person you could, see, touch, feel and hear would be much better than an internet friend.

I suggest fetish circles or nerdy places like tumblr. Then just target ugly girls with low self esteem.

I think you've got hypernatremia, you should drink some water.

People tend to hide their murderous tendencies or whatnot IRL so you'll have more trouble finding someone. Its better to go to some fetish sites or Tumblr for this sort of thing.

That was the best you could come up with? lame

Hmm never really used tumblr at all. Guess i'll have to make an account and start some blog posting and shit. How would i begin to look there though? Just start commenting on some random sluts stuff? im sure they have their orbiters as well.

Not as lame as having high blood pressure thanks to all that sodium you've been consuming. Lay off the chips, gurl.

Add meh.ffff on Skype.

I've long since removed skype. Nasty piece of bloatware.

Then shoot an email to [email protected], he'll help you out with your plan.

Can i get some context into who this is at least? Or why i should be talking to this person at all? Ahhh fuckit.