I'm going to have a /comfy/ thread, with no meta shitters. This /comfy/ thread will be about what we've achieved so far today.
Today I left my house for the first time this week and walked 5 minutes to the beach for a swim for the first time this month. Going outside felt nice, and I got to have another warm shower when I got back. That was nice.
What did you do today user?

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I have an interview in 7 hours but I still want to kill myself.

I worked out for the first time in months! Following this to get me started as I'm a skelly as of now.

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It'll all be fine, user. I'll be honest, I've had thoughts like this about my dad before, especially since he had a heart attack two years ago, but it always turns out to be me just being paranoid.

you can do it! eat a lot, and write every workout down . make it heavier and heavier. im already up 20 lbs from skelly

havent masturbated in about a week now, ive channeled my sexual energy into lifting heavy and it feels better than masturbation. it is a full body sensation that lasts for hours

I did about 200 pushups, didn't drink, smoked less weed than normal, got a lot of homework done.
overall a pretty good day.

>and I got to have another warm shower when I got back.

Enjoy it.

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>im already up 20 lbs from skelly
nice job. I bet it feels great

I slept at night for the first time in weeks.

This is such a nice change of pace after all the trap/reiko/pol/ shit. OP is not a faggot for once.

It'll be ok. What's the interview for?

I keep meaning to get to the gym, I have a membership and a routine and everything. I'm just too pussy to head in, I'm afraid of being judged since I'm skelly. pls2halp

i love the positivity on this board now, the negative feedback loop has been overcome. the tranny curse has been lifted

i've always wanted to live somewhere where i can swim in the ocean.

i've just woke up and moped all day. now i'm gonna take some drugs

>I'm afraid of being judged since I'm skelly. pls2halp
people in gyms are the least judgmental about your physical state. if you're in the gym, you're trying to improve yourself, and gym bros are pro-self improvement. dont worry too much about what other people think when it comes to your personality, interests, or body anyways

Kys nigger. Positivity is for deluded normies. Reality sucks

The beginning of the end is here anons.

Reiko shills detected

>Reality sucks
nihilism is no good for anybody, as long as we all have the potential for success then there is hope for it

Thanks, I'm with my family for Easter break, but I'll give it a go this thursday.


I woke up early today instead of 3 pm Feelsgood

right on

Went to the gym


morning is beautiful isn't it? i went so long without seeing it i forgot how special the sunrise, and the dew, and the fog can be, and how blue the sky is, and how clean and fresh the air is

is this stuff you have to be at a gym for? I really want to workout but I don't want to pay for a gym.

the greeks did their training all natty with big ass rocks and logs if you're really frugal about it but your only other alternatives are shelling out a good amount of money for a home gym, or paying for a monthly gym membership

I woke up at 7am today but I couldn't get myself out of bed for a morning walk. It sucks, I'd really love to but I'm so damn tired

I bought dumbells from walmart. That's kinda what ive been going off of but I dont use them as much as i'd like. Still use them occasionally though so itsa start i guess,

keep it up, you're still adjusting. there was a time where i woke up at 6am on the money every day without an alarm

look up calisthenics

Finally broke my dry spell and hooked up with a tinder girl. She was pretty average and not worth a call back but at least im getting some progress back in the dating world.

Progress is progress my dude

heyyy this is good. thanks user

Just keep going, I believe in you.
We're all going to make it.

This morning i read another chapter, and now i want to play table tennis but don't have any friends to play with

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Good work on the reading

Long story short I'm suffering from a physical illness and my life sort of hangs in the balance day in and day out
I was doing really well and my health was improving but suddenly it's hit me again
I have enough money to survive for maybe the next 4 or 5 months or so and I have health insurance so I'll be covered there
Problem is if I have a bad enough flare up I could be dead within just a few minutes and it's starting to become really heart breaking
I live alone and I wouldn't be able to make it to a hospital if I needed help
The stress of it has been really weighing on my mind and I've been trying to come to terms with death and dying
The truth is I'm not ready to die; I want to lead a full life and see the world
I want to have a family with my gf and I want to be successful and stable
I can't handle dying yet
I can't handle coming to the sunset of my life
I've seen a lot and I've done a lot
I've seen a lot of good and a lot of ugliness
I've been the one to look on into the lives of others and give my perspective and in that way I've been valuable
I feel like I've been so in tune with the energies of the universe earlier in my life and now that it might be ending I feel like I can't feel it at all
Completely disconnected from the universe and from the energies and synchronicities in it
If I'm going to die I don't want to die so disconnected
I'm trying to find my spirit to find the beauty of life just for a short time
I feel like it's just going to be wasted without it
All the while I can't help but feel like this is all just punishment for my kharma
I don't want to die
I'm afraid of dying
The hardest part is having no one to care for me
I just sit alone in my silence

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can you help me? I'm skelly, my brother has one of these in pic related and some dumb bells and said I could use it. For the past week I've just been using them for about an hour every day and not really sure if I am doing it right (I can't ask him about it either). What exactly should I be doing, and also should I be eating more or less or anything in particular?

this is the picture sorry

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eat more and eat healthy
meats and vegatables
if you need help on how to lift use youtube there' is plenty of great how-to
use a mirror to practice proper form
no longer a skeleton

this is a nice board now

That's a bench. Just search for bench press. Can use dumbells or a barbell. Or you can go to Jow Forums for help