Tfw my fetish is so specific I have to photoshop existing pics to satisfy my needs

>tfw my fetish is so specific I have to photoshop existing pics to satisfy my needs
pic related, working progress, I'm not too good at this shit sadly, but I can trick my dick if I'm horny enough

Attached: file.png (1090x1094, 1.27M)

Your fetish is to be spit roasted by futas ? That isn't specific at all, it's a fairly common fetish

look at the sizes

>doesn't increase the stomach bulge size

maybe you should petition for a NSFW /lgbt/ board so you can post this shit with like minded people as opposed to shoving it down everyones throats purely because some people were offended at being targeted for gay brainwashing

Im actually legit not part of this trap vs antitrap nonsense, I dont give a shit, I posted this completely not relevant to that, I promise

Your fetish is not knowing how to properly add layers in GIMP?

So your fetish is to be spit roasted by two tall and big futas with big dicks ? Have you ever been to /d/ ? This shit is still common

its not finished yet

>Mfw my gf is a whole feet taller than me and does this on the reg
>Mfw she is probably just in it for the money but she won't get any

Attached: 1485253639912.jpg (640x1136, 130K)

>Mfw she is probably just in it for the money
what the fuck am I reading? explain

Pretty fucking obvious. He's wealthy or can expect to receive a big inheritence.

so its not really a gf then, just a golddigger whore orbitting

I'm a manlet compensating by managing a international business meaning I'm loaded, which means I can attract all sort of chicks (or at least they pretend to be attracted which is enough for fetisch sex purposes).

And hes quite aware of it. So no harm done.
He jsut gotta be careful.

why would you call a whore like that your gf

see oregano lemme post

Why can't they have vaginas and still femdom? Is this shopped you gay nigger?

how do you get spitroasted by 2 girsl with vaginas?
also how are futas gay, they are women, these dont exist in real life you idiot

>how is taking several dicks at once gay

but they are girls
gay = attracted to the same sex, in this case, men, men = XY chromosomes, they have XX, how is it gay?