The whole thing is just sad when you think about it, really

The whole thing is just sad when you think about it, really.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also why mutilate the body when VR will probably develop over the next 30 years?

Completely true. Hope the blackmailer gets caugh and this kind of stuff stays on lgbt. There's a board exclusively for this stuff

>tfw i waited for oculus rift to plug me into the matrix and it turn out to be shit

because they're retarded NEETs that are incapable of taking care of themselves

This poster makes a great point, people with high functioning autism are expected to integrate with society despite their natural inclinations, while people with gender dysphoria and urges to mutilate their genitals are given a free pass to crazyville. Then they're praised for being "so brave".
Like, gee, maybe they should try to be normal people as well.

>stopping unlikeable faggots from irreversibly ruining themselves and then killing themselves

Lmao why? I wish nothing more than for them to die, I have no sympathy for them as I do other robots.

Some people want their legs cut off and doctors don't do that for them

Reminder the 40% statistic is misused and misquoted.

why hasn't this thread been deleted yet origami

>There's a board exclusively for this stuff
All this happened because they are unwelcome there too. Who'd have thought people do not want to associate with criminal pedophile cultists.

All the info on the disgusting monsters that are turning young boys into disfigured animals is up there^

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Janny only deletes pro-trap thread

what do you mean why would be delte?

mods are deleting a bunch of threads because of the doxxing
I don't think they'll delete this one though I didn't see any personal info

Nothing concrete was doxxed, just a few possible leads.

Yeah but it's still enough to break the rules so the mods deleted the threads.

Wait, bathing after pooping is a sign of autism? Fuck. I knew it.

Lesbian gay bi TRANS
If they didnt tripfag they'd fit right in

It must be so confusing to be a kid struggling with their body today. Cosmetic surgery has of course existed for a while now, but I don't know of a time in history when there was a very loud group out there telling kids that they should get it and that anyone who says they shouldn't, including their own family, is an evil bigot that is out to get them. At the same time this is happening we have another loud voice saying that magazines modifying images of women and men is horrible because kids shouldn't feel bad for their natural appearance not stacking up to an idealized, man-made fabrication.
Which is something I totally agree with. How can it be possible for someone's body to be "wrong?" If you're a man that likes wearing dresses and high heels and stuff I see that as 100% fine and I wouldn't respect someone less for doing that. But you are what you are. There's no problem about it.

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do I really have to use a website called "library of hate"

Not sure if pro trans or not. I don't think crossdressing should be accepted or normalized.

100% agreed and it's baffling how no gender "therapists" have come forward and mentioned this, I guess mental illness is just a big joke on us

Yes, all the doctors in the world are wrong, but a self-confessed autist from Jow Forums who's given it 5 minutes of thought must be in the right about how to deal with gender dysphoria.

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Well if you make people repress too much you get shit like this so just pick gays or trannies. You can't make everybody straight and it's pretty gay to want to.

>wouldnt respect a man less if he dresses up like a pretty princess and sucks a dozen cocks over the weekend

Whatever you're doing isn't working or helping anybody. Just because they lie and say otherwise doesn't mean that only a horribly depressed and rotten person could be capable of organizing a fucking psyop because they are so insecure.

It might have been a poor choice of words on their part but you should respect their right to wear the clothes they want and have a real personality instead of a fake macho one if that's who they are.

line our pockets with tranny gender reassignment and several body modifications to be a true woman and then commit suicide when things don't work out.
-Professional Doctor

also if we say tranny's are mentally ill the LGBTQ+ will boycott our shit and we'll lose our license for discrimination

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nice picture, is that to illustrate a post op tranny?

it's not. but having to follow routines is.

A mental illness is a mental illness. No matter how hard you try to normalise it.
Seek help and get well soon.

>Not sure if pro trans or not.
Are you asking me if I'm pro trans or are you stating that you're not sure of your own stance yet? In case it wasn't clear I'm anti trans.
I don't think it's bad for a man to be girly or like girly things. I think that just makes them a man who likes girly things, not a "woman trapped in man's body."

I'm not a tranny, I just think it's just dumb when people suggest getting help for their mental illness - nigga, transition IS the recommended help

The "think happy thoughts" thing has been tried and failed, and there used to be a time when trannies were given anti-psychotics (particularly pimozide), but you can't give people who aren't psychotic anti-psychotics, because it has awful long-term consequences

It's the (((recommended))) help because it's more profitable for the doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery rather than actually help them with their mental illness. Trannies have astronomically high suicide rates for a reason, it's because we enable their delusions and let them make horrible irreversible decisions like mutilating their genitals so they are neither male nor female, but something in-between.
The male who desires to be female will NEVER be a female. The female who desires to be male will NEVER be a male.
They can play pretend all they want but at the end of the day, reality is reality.

Well I personally wouldn't see them as being very dignified but besides the risk of spreading STDs I don't see how that person is negatively effecting other people. Maybe if you think that kind of behavior is bad for the mental well-being of society but I don't.

>They can play pretend all they want but at the end of the day, reality is reality.
That's pretty much the point though. The best treatment for gender dysphoria is transition with the ultimate goal of living your life and being recognised and treated as a woman.

transition is literally giving in and reinforcing someones schizophrenic delusions.
It's literally the same as saying
>Oh well you think you're a dog? That's awesome, go fetch awwww good boy
>Well I guess you should live as a dog full time, this is totally sane and normal behavior...
Nobody ever would do this.

You will never be female, you will never be a dog, you will always be a abomination.

Again find help.

So let's say one day I decide that I'm actually a black midget, despite being tall and white. Like, I genuinely believe this with 100% unwavering conviction and get offended if you try to tell me otherwise. Are you saying the best treatment option for me would be to undergo a number of surgeries to shorten my limbs and then tattoo my entire body brown?
Or would you do me the favor of telling me that I'm being fucking crazy and that I need to snap out of it before I irreversibly change my body and decide it's actually not for me once it's too late?

Rather than ridiculous examples you can just use the recent transablism stuff where people try to fucking cripple or blind themselves.

lol I like the over the top examples though, it's just as ridiculous as trying to change your gender

Yea right? Thought the same.

Actual examples are better user. It helps that they're both "body dysmorphia" too.

>leth shiddy jeans in th' wurl
>more syphilis for me MMM MMM THAT'S GOOOOOOOOD EATIN
why are fascists such faggots
laughing my ass off to be honest

Why is this such a popular topic. Let them do to their bodies whatever they want. Or are you against suicide too, user? If so you're on the wrong board, I'm afraid.
Also, I love how a bunch of anons think they know it better than skilled doctors who have researched this matter for soon 100 years. As if they haven't tried the "psychotherapy it away". Also OP, the guy you quote there is 100% a stupid fk and retard. Comparing OCD with shet like this is the dumbest thing I ever heard.

>So let's say one day I decide that I'm actually a black midget, despite being tall and white. Like, I genuinely believe this with 100% unwavering conviction and get offended if you try to tell me otherwise
why give an example of something that doesn't happen - and it's not even about "getting offended", it's about being disgusted with your body to the point where you want to self-harm it

i cannot understand why people have such strong opinions on things they know so little about

>Again find help.
I've already told you I'm not a tranny though, and I've already told you that transition is the help.

I didn't expect to be doing circles within 2 posts, but there it is, I guess.

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then look at similar issues

The modern West's cultural insistence that gender is tied to biological sex is to blame. If people weren't made to feel like they wont be accepted as a certain gender without having the correct "parts" (tits and ass,etc) then this literally wouldn't be a problem.

Tying gender to biological sex is illogical and damaging.

Oh dear god.... the autist is right....

Who here remembers Abominable Alien before he got the major surgery?

It makes perfect sense now, the way he said he couldn't describe wanting to look different every time he looks in the mirror.

He would say it with such confusion and fear and anger over his face and tone. Like he wished that he didn't feel that way.

Idiots like this always say you can cure gender dysphoria with psychotherapy but that's never actually worked. They're essentially advocating for conversation therapy

Just let people do what makes them happy

Someone who has a mental illness would have a better understanding of why someone else has a mental illness. The conclusion is pretty believable. I usually don't trust autistic people on a side note.

Something tells me this auti is right though.

pseudy online gender theorycrafting is illogical and damaging
enabling mental cases is illogical and damaging
patronizing reddit effortposts are damaging to this website
shut up and fuck off mate

>transition is the help

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Explain why only a biological female should have the societal right to claim womanhood? Why is it so wrong for a male to also be a woman?

Trannies wouldn't need sex reassignment surgery if society would simply accept them for their chosen gender.

Example: native american berdaches, samoan fa'fafines.

Again, you're retarded when you think reinforcing schizophrenic delusions is "help".
Get well soon.

doctors also still regularly practice circumcision too, your point? a lot of clinical psychology is definitely for profit in canada for example. don't force regular soyboys into gatekeeping positions. for every 1 person that would be genuinely helped by doctors doing gender dysphoria therapy there are 10000 soyboys who just need to shut the fuck up and stop appeasing their autistic gynephilic fixation to "solve" their problems.

Transitioning helps them be more stable though user

>inb4 b-but the evidence doesn't agree with what I think it must be the JEWS!!

treatment for schizophrenia is not only unhelpful for trannies, it is detrimental to their well-being

it has been tried

doesn't matter
wear a dress, file a name change, who gives a fuck
who gives
a fuck
maybe move out of the rust belt if "conservative" faggots are a problem for you
i am sick of hearing about it

>Get well soon.
I keep telling you, I'm not a tranny user, just a med student.

Sometimes there is no real good treatment, you just have to do your best to minimise harm. It could be that the best methods of treating gender dysphoria haven't been found yet, but it's been proven time over that it's far more effective than repression and using anti-psychotic medication like so many people on this board seem to think.

>med student
Ah yes you're letting (((them))) teach you

>Explain why only a biological female should have the societal right to claim womanhood?

Because only females are females. Why is that so hard to understand?

Because Moores law is over and we're literally at the end of computing power, this is it. VR is never going to be real.
The best bet they have is advancements in genetic engineering.

>stats from white nationalist groups

Can I still wear pretty dresses and get fucked in me bum ?

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I don't care if some individual is unhappy or suicidal, if the only way to stop them from being that way is to accept transgender ideology. It would be better to just put them down. Not even being edgy or memeing, transgender ideology is objectively wrong and only works when built on a denial of biology and the reinforcement if gender constructs. We should kill these psychotic subhumans, not capitulate to them.

Until we start making processors out of graphene instead of silicon. Then we just shrink down further and increase power.

That's edgy as fuck user. Someone should be killed because they're born with a mental disorder?

You've probably all seen so many trannies in your life that pass well enough you don't even notice, the people that just function.
Then there's the crowd that's fucking loud and full of faggotry that all the anti-trans people see.
Confirmation bias.

In 100 years people will probably laugh at us with the way we treat trans people today. They should indeed go seek mental help, but instead society supports their mental issues

How much of a retard are you? They go as far as putting underaged children on hormone blockers if some jewish doctor "suspects" dysphoria.

>Just let people do what makes them happy

lol this guy thinks trannies are happy after transitioning
Must be why those suicide rates are so low, oh wait the tranny suicide rate is sky high.
People with any type of body or gender dysphoria need to be protected from themselves.

Or lucid dreaming

AAs are reversible though, that's why that's allowed.

They almost never pass user.

>Trannies wouldn't need sex reassignment surgery if society would simply accept them for their chosen gender.
So you're saying if they take hormones and they pass and people don't know they are male, those people are ok? So it's really all about passing?

>reality is reality
umm user reality has a well known racist/sexist bias

>so its all about passing

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>Appeal to authority is an argument
No it's not

The actual quote is "reality has a liberal bias", which is pretty evident if you read this thread and see how many people are anti-science when it comes to things they don't like

I think there's a few issues with the whole trans thing. First is that people with actual gender dysphoria are exceedingly rare, second is that the whole trans-movement are mostly m-to-f trannies and the third is that some people try to make it about being 'trans' itself, hence the gender pronouns. 30 years ago there were no non-binary transfags, there were only people with GD and that was that.
I think most of the cases today are just young men that can't handle being men because modern society vilifies men.

your ignorance is not equal to other people's experience and education, user

it's poor logic to agree with doctors and trust general medical consensus, but only until they say things you don't like

It's better than appealing to fucking nothing
Cancer isn't real, just use homeopathic medicine, what do the doctors know, you wouldn't want to appeal to authority

they are reversible in the same way children who are abused can recover from the effects

>ridiculous examples
it's literally the same fucking shit, except you cut your dick off instead of your legs and you flood your face with makeup and your tits with plastic instead of tattooing your body black

Except it has been found to not be neurologically similar, so its irrelevant to this

yeah the body map region (yeah that really exists) in their brains is oversensitive so they get the urge to chop that part of their body off because it feels alien

Yeah, and that is not what has been found in tranny brainscans

>Yeah, and that is not what has been found in tranny brainscans
Do they even have brains after a mouth full of buckshot?

Someone should be killed for forcing their mental illness onto others

We've been stuck on 14nm since 2014,We're about to reach 7nm this year, they promised like 5GHz CPU and 40% less energy consumption.
Give it time

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What is quantum computing?
Also what is to stop us from just making massive computers instead of smaller ones?

I am a tranny but I dont force it upon anyone and I do my best to hide the fact that I am when around normies. A good 90 percent of people I know arent aware and im fine with that.

Forcing it upon someone though? Gas.

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