ITT: Post real women / anime women to ungay this board

ITT: Post real women / anime women to ungay this board

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Real women? Get out.
2d for laifu.

Would you a frog? I'd a frog.

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fags fags fags fags fags fags fags fags.

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I'd also this THICC hotness

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Stop posting this filthy shit anime is for manchildren and we're trying to fix the board


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BANZAI!!!! yosh

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definitely doesn't have a penis

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>anime is for manchildren
Epic meme my man.

ungay r9k

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Incoming boyos.

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I don't have a lot because I usually don't find 2D attractive

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I love girls with mommy fat post more

yall mind if i post some BIG 2d bitch's?

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a little more from the same show

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Fucking man children you need to be gassed

Contributing to the holy cause.

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>Dat waist to hip ratio.
GOD DAMNIT just how?

eradicate the fags fellas

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I like TENTACLES in my 2D shit

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you are not helping

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This disappoints the Fuhrer

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>tfw no 8 foot tall gf to treat me like her child and fuck me violently
i want off the ride

but the fuhrer would love anime if he was still alive

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Hitler loved Japanese people so he'd approve

For straightness and glory!

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>no one's posted MILFs

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Back to lgbt fags originalio

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Kogeki! Dai fagotto ga shinu!

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2b coming through

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i prefer gentle love making but you do you user

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Pls convert me

Teikoku ga man-nen ikite hoshidesu!

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Watashi wa senri-hin o motte ikimasu.

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hot bitches alert

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another one


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Wareware wa watashitachi no mono o torimodosudeshou! 1Tsu no robotto wa furuemasen!

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Japan wasn't full of degenerate filth like Anime back in the 30's and 40's

You really think if Japan had of never entered the war, kept the emperor in charge, that this shit would have ever come to be?

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either way, women who are taller than me are what make the penis the big penis

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oh, and motherly. forgot about that

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Actually hentai is quite old, you even had depiction that go back way before the west had any influence on japan. But its rather crude and probably not so attractive in comparison with modern anime.

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Now that's the good old r9k

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That's not what this board is for

it's also not for posting man ass but i don't see you complaining about that

4 Chen o sebu shite kudasai!

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Faggots BTFO

HRT is cancer, don't take the bait.

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Right. Well who cares, mods don't exist anyway.

Watashi o nagutta!

Attached: 8bcd83b1d26b03c1c8662157c0af783ba0743387984380758304a85d53a57321.jpg (750x1050, 85K)

exactly. so shut the fuck up and enjoy the anime tiddies

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God I haven't seen anything straight in months. I feel so alive right now.

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why not contribute to this shit storm
my fav pic shes so cute

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Ooohohhhh, megumin wa totemo kawaidesu!

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wowie, always gets me

Same here originallyo

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Ty for all the posts

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i prefer large tits but meugmin is my exception

Attached: 283956 - Kono_Subarashii_Sekai_ni_Shukufuku_wo! Megumin.png (1286x1639, 1.18M)

please commit seppaku, senpai

Here's an idea, anons who got the hentai for it can post here and other anons could open their own thread for real women. Just a suggestion. The more heterosexual threads the better.

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Chodo Monika.

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why haven't i seen more chocolate women

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i'm glad we could help you feel better

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Senran Kagura wa sutekide iseiaishadesu.

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Have not seen Jow Forums band together on something this hard in a long time. Good work lads.

do not




lewd my waifu



If you mean with chocolate just anime girls with brown skin, go ahead. Just no Teamshittery.

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i don't go for dark bitch's irl......but 2d on the other hand

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God I feel great. The lack of masculine chins, the lack of broad shoulders, the feminine hip to waist ratio.
Fuck I feel so refreshed, it's like I'm washing my eyes, I can see the light much more clearly.

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But user, its POV so that means you're getting a titfuck from Monika while you sit in the classroom. That's good.

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yes, i meant dark women senpai

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nothing like a little 2d brown sugar

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'kay! Great!

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My original contribution, because this board is filled with too many faggots.

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Watashitachiha orokamono no kyoi o oiharaudeshou!

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You guys should learn to appreciate elegant women like kate middleton

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m'lady kate part 2

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classy ladies = best ladies part 3

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A, Doitsu! Subarashi tabemono to utsukushi on'nanoko mo!

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tfw literally gay

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women are beautiful gifts of god

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Don't worry we're winning!

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I love big fucking tits and soft, tight VAGINAS god damn

>trying to fix the board
>by shunning manchildren

want to know how I know you're a normie?

Why press shit back into a tube when you can have something clean and shiny!

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Oppai wa hontoni subarashi.

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are spider tits allowed?

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Monstergirls? Sure.

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this is an original comment

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Would user stick his penis in a tigervagina I wonder?

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orignul same.

don't let this fucking thread die fags

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i tell my self that one day i will have a pretty gf that i can make love with. but we all tell ourselves lies

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this comment is original

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Hobo soko ni, sugu ni watashitachiha kono bodo o kaiho shimashita!

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it is still gay if you only fap to non-trap 2d anime boys? they're so adorable.

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>monster girls
now we are cooking with fire

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I'm only here to help.

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B-But I'm gay....

probably. a dude with a vagina is still a dude