Bunch of brain dead fags and anime posters. What happened?
Where is my old /r9k
I'm trans but i'm a proper robot.
>no job
>no education
>no hobbies
>21+ years old
>no irl friends
>only talk to mother and weed dealer every week
>rarely if ever clean myself
>an absolute sperg socially, can't rant on about autistic topics endlessly
Either it'll die down by the end of the week or Jow Forums will stay here forever.
What do you want people to post about?
Can u pls go to /lgbt/??
try necking yourself, you have nothing to live for
try being a little nicer
We got gfs. At least that's what happened to me.
I still lurk here on occasion though like I'm doing right now, especially with what's going down.
I hope they leave soon. They are more annoying than the trapposters.
>anime posting is new
what did he mean by this?
Sorry I was just trying to say that we can be robots too and at least I periodically post here.
Haven't been around lately cause of all this autistic drama.
Jow Forums has been here for years, maybe you just didn't notice it if it didn't concern you?
we could be friends if we weren't trans lel
Jow Forums doesn't give a shit about the tranny drama. I seen one thread with 2 posts
There is always /lgbt/ for you and once the faggots have been eradicated we'll have our typical content back.
I will wish for the comfy to come back with all my heart, user.
im too numb to post but im here
we're mostly in the 25+ threads
I want the fucking trap posting to be gone you autist. Use you're eyes and read
MtF's deserve Jow Forums more than you failed normies.
Wow, what an awful life. Have you considered offing yourself? That way you won't be a burden on anyone else, including yourself.
Nice pepe, can I save it desu senpai :3
My life isn't that awful, i'm just a robot living with what i've been privileged enough to have.
Why are you attacking me for being a robot though?
You never thought that perhaps the reason why we all left was because the robots in Jow Forums have been replaced by normies who thinks we're being funny and not serious.
Jow Forums was literally never good.
Look listen guy, you're not going to get any potty out of me. So are you going to shoot yourself or not? Because now you're starting waste my time.
Anime posters? On an anime site? Woooow.
Thinks a frog meme is enough to deem someone a normie. THIS IS WHY I CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS
You forgot to greentext my friend.
I'm glad I left this shithole years ago when I noticed all the prison gay weebs.
yeah my bad, i just assumed that that user had irl friends, a job or even an education which would make them a failed normie at worst.
I guess i'm wrong
Permavirgins took over. It started with cum on face threads and blox blox and such.
Now they think it's always been the virgin hideout.
>I'm trans
Stopped reading or caring there. Make like the dodo m8.
Jow Forums ins't trying to stop the traps, only to take the good robots to a way of self-improvment
My hatred towards mentally ill people like this is immeasurable
>tripfags sharing opinions