Be me

>be me
>live with parents
>diagnosed with sever autism and schizophrenia
>meme country gives me 300 neetbux monthly
>parents get in ma wallet and steal 80 neetbux every week
>go to them
>o-oh user. we just needed extra cash for the family gathering that's about to happen during Easter
>fast forward 5 weeks
>get outside and check my ATM neetb0x
>20 neeties
>get the bank book and check my transactions
>Date: 4/1/2018
>1-1 w-week ago!

>come home
>hit my head on the wall multiple times
>turn pc on
>type this

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Schizophrenia? Sucks to be you


Norge? $300 seems to little desu. And parents dont steal here

It's because you're a burden and a net negative for the household.

Don't worry, it was just a prank!

eastern europoor
yeah. sure. But whenever they need their PC's fixed, the come running to me. AND WHAT DO I DO? I DO THE JOB FOR FREE!
really unfunny prank

You live in their home, eat their food, and enjoy the same benefits that tax payers have to pay for. It's the least you can do.

Have you tried explaining to them u dont like them taking your money and that they should ask your permission beforehand?
Explain it to them calmly

>live in their home
>eat their food
No. I actually eat outside most of the time, that or the useful ramen cup noodles .
The only benefit i enjoy is free internet. that's it

if i were to do that they would say exactly this

not them, but i do
it feels like being on fire
burning alive

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YES! originanol

>he lets people access his bank account

lmao you deserved it you retard

do you know how much that costs you literal autist? go and pay rent and internet, electricity, gas with your 300 failure dollars and try to complain you retard, jesus are you all really entitled pieces of shit even though your parents put up with all your childish behavior? fuck off get a job and lose weight or something you worthless excuse of a human


you have autism. your brain doesn't function normally. hilarious

You know everything in 2nd and 3rd world countries is 100x cheaper right? some guy i know in russia eats meals for 50 cents

Confront them and see what happens then come back and post here.

OP seems too retarded to live frugally like that.

My parents stole a car from me, my hat with a weed leaf on it, my weed multiple times, mom literally stole all my friends phone numbers out of my drawer with the excuse you don't call them anyway. That has to be the most fucked up shit in existence! Shits so harsh still dwell on that shit over a decade later.

>My parents stole a car from me
my mother did this to me for over four years until i could take legal action
she also stole over a hundred dollars, and other shit

this confirms that op is a fucking faggot, times like these require measure... drastic changes measure.

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Sorry you have a piece of shit mother

I pay like 5$ a month for internet in romania and it isn't much worse anywhere in easter yuro so your point doesn't make much sense.

You live in their house for free. Consider it rent. I'm schizophrenic and I've lived alone for years so don't use that as an excuse.

Yikes, type that up during your lunch break? Sounds like you're having a rough week, and it's only Monday!

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How did your parents have access to your bank account, unless you are underage that is

Yea, you shouldn't have them on your bank account. Close that one down and get a new one with just you on it.