you know if you guys need community and validation you don't have to turn yourselves in to trannies
there are plenty of right-wing forums and websites that would embrace you just the way you are
you know if you guys need community and validation you don't have to turn yourselves in to trannies
there are plenty of right-wing forums and websites that would embrace you just the way you are
Other urls found in this thread:
Jow Forums doing gods work.
I don't like trannys or nazis
fuck off we're not babies
right-wing != nazis
Nice damagecontrol
They should visit the self improvement general on Jow Forums
I'm a centrist and ignostic. I'm probably worse for your agenda than the fucking gays because I don't have any agenda other than to call out bullshit on both sides.
Its definitely a better option and possibly outcome As long as you kill all jews next time.
the picture has a swastica on it lol
based Jow Forums saving the robots
>I don't have any agenda other than to call out bullshit on both sides.
You're already one of us user.
Just because some Jow Forumstard thinks we should all turn to National Socialism, doesn't mean that there aren't proper right-wing movements and forums.
Its dead, when it comes up there are like 3 different people replying (always an australian) and dies after a while
Thanks chad, originally of course.
he didn't even say pic related tho??
99% of what this kid needs to do is just eat
But I'm not right wing. I'm just a robot. Which is why I'm on Jow Forums, you dumb cunt.
its a LARP.
Most of us are Reactionaries or Right-Wing libertarians. Although we shitpost about killing Jews a lot we dont in reality, we just want them to fuck off and stop meddling in our business
Fit right in . Cmon over BrahAnon .
Over 9000 hours in Microsoft Paint.
>we hate jews
>but we just want them to fuck off
Nigger how you gonna get them to fuck off?
Come join the team, don't be a degenerate, traps ARE gay!
You don't know how much I wish I had a friend that cares enough about me to whip my 30 pound underweight ass into shape.
Come to Jow Forums, where Robots become men
pol wants to prevent more robots from coming into existence which is good but I doubt they'd have much patience or understanding with robots who are already too far gone.
We are going to ask them nicely.
Start out small, do body wight training, get out and walk for a half hour a day, try to cut down on the masturbation, don't let the degenerate fucks on this board turn you into a tranny.
Are you fucking serious, that is all you are known for on the fucking internet, that is the image that you have created for yourself
By making people aware of them you can decrease their influence.
Name the jew . We've got experience with this .
Is there no copy paste in this shithole ?
I'm not against trans people in general. I am one actually. I'm against people jumping on the trend without talking to an actual proffesional. I spents years in therapy befodw I made the jump. Yet there are people who will do it because they like anime or some dumb shit.
For the fags among you this ones great
discord gg/uYrCnRB
No. Fuck off forever, please. :^)
I look forward to you joining the ranks of the 41 percent of trannys who kill themselves.
Jewish people have their own homeland where they are obliged to be the overwhelming majority that allows for Jewish culture, faith and tradition to live on. We want the same for all people around the World - For Nigerians to bee Nigerians, Germans to be German, Japanese to be Japanese and so on. We all have our ethnic homeland which we should protect and develop.
tl;dr Every country in the world should be like Israel to keep true diversity in the world
pic related has been around since the dawn of Jow Forums and certainly applies
" muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was too low in content " . WHAT kinda shit hole is this ?
>I'm not against trans people in general. I am one actually.
Why do you not accept your body that was given to you and go from there. Why does your mentally ill community insist on changing nature - which in the end is always impossible
Fuck off. Your autism is even worse than ours.
Good thing it's fucking stupid to integrate a fucking imageboard as part of your identity. Like imagine being that dumb.
There are only 2 genders
stop being a freak and sort yourself out
fren plz no rudepost this nice thread
Unless you're black or gay or a woman, then you can just fuck right off
I won't Becuase I live a happy and healthy life.
>this nice thread
Not anymore hunbun
I was born with a weird genetic disorder where my balls don't develops and my body doesn't create any male hormones. It is medical suggested I become a female.
plz fren can we have middle ground
I almost had this, but my parents were able to give me the surgery to save my balls. Thank God.
I wonder what life would've been like had they failed?
They cut my dick, either way, and I'm a dicklet, so I might as well have been given the treatment.
This is a rude board. I only nicepost in /s4s/
this comes of as a shill thread larping as Jow Forums
that or its nu/pol/
>This nazi propaganda makes me feel cool, so it'll surely make other people think I'm cool too xD
Jow Forums as much as your sperging helped get the mods off their lazy ass so they would do their fucking job I still hate you, you guys are annoying as fuck - not as bad as trap spammers, but still fucking awful. This is a board for beta virgin NEETs who jack it to anime porn, your epic authoritarian governments would have us all executed in a heartbeat. Take your Chad Nationalism and morafaggotry and kindly get the fuck off my board, thank you.
>It is medical suggested I become a female.
You don't 'become' female, you cut off your dick and dress in skirts.
You cannot change biology as much as buzzfeed thinks you can.
Also, there are alternatives to hormonal imbalance and Gender dysphoria such as taking male hormones and looking for ways to naturally increase testosterone production. Protip - sitting on a chair in front of the screen all day doesnt help in a single way
Well MAYBE thats acceptable then . Why dont you suggest to the medical that you stay a man and get some male hormones instead ?
Chill, we don't crosspost nearly as much as we did back in the day, and even if we do its usually newfags from r/the_donald thinking that the whole of Jow Forums is 'le baste kekistani'.
The only times you will see actual Jow Forums stuff is in a political thread on this board which is quite rare so don't worry
>mfw based Jow Forums saves r9k from degeneracy
Sure we can Fren .
>and even if we do its usually newfags from r/the_donald thinking that the whole of Jow Forums is 'le baste kekistani'
Jow Forums had this kind of attitude long before the presidential election but you're right, you've managed to become even more obnoxious since then. now fuck off, go worship women and talk about dying for your race or whatever the fuck you do elsewhere.
Range ban test post
Why do you put a space before punctuation
>sperging helped get the mods off their lazy ass so they would do their fucking job
Your welcome .
I posted a swastika , Im obviously a spastic .
Idk I was always raised as a female. It is what the doctors recommend with this disorder. Probably because it is cheaper on the parents.
>your epic authoritarian governments would have us all executed in a heartbeat
I mean thanks for the heads up?
Neither does being addicted to anime porn
>nice larp
kys shill faggots
>raised as a female
Might be hard to break that conditioning , but might be easy as being male is natural for you and a lot of your mental problems may stem from resisting the natural flow .
Okay, you have fun with Reiko because the mods sure as hell wont do anything.
Make sure to put "pinkpill" and "girlpill" into the filter.
As the guy above said you don't need anyone, you can start off doing push ups and static holds.
Eat every meal ,get a routine going ,go to sleep at the same hours and wake up at the same hours too.
Getting into sports is one of the greatest you could do ,not only will you get healthier and more attractive but most importantly It will give you a shit load of confidence and self worth plus the discipline.
come to Jow Forums or heck even go to the fucking subreddit for bodyweight fitness It's okay for starters.
You can do It user ,reject degeneracy and embrace manliness !
>I'm a dicklet
I had a chick tell me I had a little dick once - felt bad - But then I thought its MY toy to play with and I like it so fuck her . Now Im fine with it .
>why are people turning away from the left? Just cut off your dick white man.
Must be nice to be normal. You're not playing until you're playing nightmare mode, kiddo.
pol cares user .
Haha, most girls are grossed-out by my appearance and avoid me. At least one of us is a normal person, though. Proud of you, user.
Nazis hated neets and autists
They're not our friends
Fuck off stormfag shill
I would be to "degenerate" for your views.
they will accept you into their community so they can help you.
Do you honestly want to be a robot forever?
There are no real nazis now - only LARPers . Half the "nazis" on pol ARE neets and autists trying to un-become neets and autists . So they're better friends than your actual "friends" by trying to help y'all up your game . Good luck user .
So some are not - Get in there for the win !!!
I don't want to stop jacking it to anime titties and I don't want to marry some white whore """trad""" wife and work some shit wageslave job to provide for her, fuck off
Dude I am not a Robot, I am a horsefucker that is quite content. So what do you have to offer ?
That is what the therapy was about. I've over simplifying things. I was supposed to be raised in a gender neutral way,but my dad is kinda a puss and my mom is very domineering. From 13 to 15 I went to therapy to see which gender I on a psychological level identify as. It was female.
Stop trying to "help" potential recruits and just do you and user will do himself You can do whatever you like with the pedofags but we don't want to be fucking Jow Forums or christian larpers.
True I used to post a lot here but Jow Forums was better for me. Turned me into a better person
Just browse Jow Forums and read a few threads xx
>say no to degeneracy
Don't respond to trannie posters
if you believe your life is fine, then you're not really a robot.
How old were you when you had your first sexual experience?
You mean few threads made by autistic faggots and mutts who read a few infographs and think they're the experts of world politics? Those threads? Jow Forums is the board with lowest average iq on this site
There would be no robots in the first place. And not for the reasons you think
>people would call them out on autistic behaviour
Oh yeah because I'd really support a system that encourages high school tier bullying and conformity pressure into adult life right?
your wording suggests you come from Jow Forums, I suppose?
not them and its not like I fit in on Jow Forums any more than you probably do, but it's just sad when people get upset about the fact that it even exists. wahh they talk bad about my cummies and my "identity" make them go away.
I think I'm gonna start browsing Jow Forums more often. It seems to be better for me
I browse Jow Forums only when I want to laugh at dumb retarded mutts.
I'm not upset that it exists. I'm upset that it's garbage spills to other threads. You can't discuss WW2 video games on /v/ for example without some faggot screaming about how holocaust never happened and hitler dindu nuffin.
*other boards
Around 18 - 19. My mare. Had known her and cared for her already two years. She a qt.
I suppose I am like degenerate nigga trash to you or some shit. I honestly don't give a dam.
go away, nobody wants you here
>some faggot screaming about how holocaust never happened and hitler dindu nuffin.
Welcome to the internet where people meme
I can't believe I'm saying this but Jow Forums literally improved my life in certain aspects.
I'm now much more interested in reading great works of literature and I also earned quite a lot about geopolitics while reading their threads.
Jow Forums has a significant amount of wise posters who are able to find patterns on anything about society and behavior. This certainly helped me to see things more clearly.
I still browse r9k for 'dem feels' but the future seems a little bit brighter now, all thanks to Jow Forums...
I don't want people beating me in the streets for being part of a cult of brainlet larpers, thanks