Whew, everything's back to semi-normal, for now...
How long until everyone stops blaming gay people in general?
Whew, everything's back to semi-normal, for now
Other urls found in this thread:
Never because all homosexuals are satanic pedophiles. Accept Jesus or burn in Hell.
Be gay quietly and get a personality and people won't assume your entire personality is "gay agenda"
Go to /lgbt/ you fucking degenerate.
Acceptance of gay shit is what opens the door for all this crap to begin with.
This was caused by mentally ill gay retards, supernigger.
Every single time trannyposting was at its height, /r9gay/ was also highly active
you have a whole board for you and yet you still come here
sage and ignore
I wish gay people had a containment board. Oh yeah they don't use it because they can't post their dicks and assholes because it's a blue board, degenerates.
well considering the fact that the discord fiasco is relatively fresh and people generally dont like being the target of psyops to make them gay, who knows user
In the meantime, you have /lgbt/ now dont you?
You can never escape it, flee to this server it's your only chance.
discord gg/uYrCnRB
Seriously Jow Forums is filled to the brim with homophobic normie scum, why bother?
Good advice.
Better advice.
>comaining about "normie scum"
wew lad
I have no friends irl, no job experience, no education past high school and a virgin at 26.
Explain how I'm a normie.
Well, you use Discord.
Explain how normies are homophobic when there has been a dedicated push to normalise homosexuality for the past decade to the point where people that are "homophobic" are being rejected socially and are seen as bigots
you actively ruin Jow Forums by shilling your discord
My discord?
It's not mine, it's (((his)))
Nobody should blame the gays because they aren't even responsible
This 100%.
It never stops.
They'll never be allowed back GAS ALL OF THEM SAGE SAGE SAGE