Im so cold! feel my hand user

> Im so cold! feel my hand user

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>it's another push her thread

End of thread. No further replies necessary.

Once a girl touched my cheek to show how cold her hands are.
It was amazing

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What the fuck, did you make this just so I see it in the catalog and want to push her off....THIS IS PSYOPS

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got a tongue-in-cheek-smile out of me

my oneitis does this loads during winter, she grabs my arm and says she is warming up her hands.

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Yes, they are very cold

"user, you can let go now"

Yes, very cold

"user, let go please"

Cold, very, very

I too crave for the touch of a qt. I one worked with this 9/10 qt dietician and she she was really giddy one day for unknown reasons and as we were walking down the hall, she started to blow air into her hands and started to rub them together for warmth. I asked if they were cold and she giggled as she suddenly cupped by face with her small hands. See? She said with heartwarming smile on her face. Its frigid I said. Then we went about our day as usual. As a KV, that mundane exchange was forever seared into my brain - a taste of how good things can be, and a reminder of what I cant have.

I can almost feel it. Girl's hands can get so cold.
It feels good when your warmer hand meets her cold hand. God I miss this feeling.

> ywn press her hand between your own and absorb the chills from her slender hand as your fingers interlink. cells.

*pushes her off the railing*

you're making me feel things I thought I forgot

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A real human bean!!!!!
> cue drive ending song

i want to hug her so much

> not wanting to clasp her fingers in your palm and pull her in close.
> not wanting to gaze into her eyes, face inch apart
> not wanting to feel her parted lips against your own and taste her tongue

I'm too self-conscious for any of that. Even if she was into it I'd be worried that I look weird the whole time and that she's suddenly going to stop.

So long virgins

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Uh, they're warm... do you have a fever or something?

underrated post originaIIy desu

I kind of want to push her off.

Nooooooooo! Take ur stinking hands away from my girlfriend??!!! Reeeeeseeeeeeeeeeew

I kek'd user have your (you).

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W-whats it feel like to hold a girls hand?


>pushes her off

>laughs minaically

silly thot.

feels pretty cold user

I deadass nearly decked a bitch for putting her cold hands on my face

Shit threw me off

That cant be it! It must feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside and you no longer feel sad and have ur chest hurt cuz ur so lonely!!


get your fat greasy hands off my wife

I don't even remember how it felt when i last touched a girl

oh user..... original