Jow Forums would really work better as a blue board

Jow Forums would really work better as a blue board

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people still spam nsfw shit on blue boards, look at /v/ and /tv/

that's dumb and you are gay
try "filters with votes"

This needs to happen, there's no reason for it not to be

Yes definitely.
Also restrict the topic to solely be about being a loser/failure/social outcast.

that's wc

this is a good idea

back in the day people didn't really post porn on Jow Forums but maybe this is the modern solution

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No fuck you. We're sick of hearing all of your blogs. Trans women incels I don't want to hear your fucking life story, it sucks, take it to Jow Forums or walk it off. Stop encouraging victimhood.

You are a liar and a douchebag. Back in the day, there were porn dumps of every variety, because YOU COULDN'T DUMP THE SAME STUFF TWICE.


I think there should be more mods. At least a couple to fill in the hours that the current ones disappear. The janitors also seem to disappear around that time.

No, trapposter. I am not a liar.

Go back to your discord :D

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Ok so you automatically assumed I was MtF because I wanted Jow Forums to be for robots?
I mean you aren't wrong but doesn't that show who really cares about Jow Forums and robots? Guess MtF's are the real robots.
What do you want to post about here if not being pathetic and a complete and utter failure?

The idea has been there for years now, I think the last few days really should make it clear how beneficial it would be.
Right now it may only be a dream, but a dream we can manifest into reality if we try hard enough

I only come here to look at cute naked girls while shitposting

You sir, are a double liar. Kill yourself for suggesting that anyone ever touch Disco.

Why do you want to mix your porn with your shitposting, you're just cucking yourself

being a robot used to mean some1 who posts oc, it was only when the incels and trannies came in that it changed

incels and trannies can still be robots but making robot = incel/tranny is wrong

Yes but that gets them B& nigger

>Ok so you automatically assumed I was MtF because I wanted Jow Forums to be for robots?
No? Retard
>Guess MtF's are the real robots
They're women so they can't be. They can take their pronouns with them as they fuck off.

is this what you trannies called discord to try sound cute? :D

nigger gtfo :D

Switch /lgbt/and Jow Forums.

It auto-corrected since I never use it, unlike you, you girlyman.

Oh shit did it really?
I just assumed that robot == non normie but I did come here around the time of egg man so perhaps i'm just wrong.

Used to have daily photoshop threads. "Here is a template. Let's post photos of ourselves in funny hats and monocles and call ourselves gentlemen."
Different times.

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Jow Forums was /b/ with oc, that was the only reason it was made, people used to pride themselves on being original

the only reason /soc/ and Jow Forums was created was because of people ending up posting about having relationship troubles or how to get a girlfriend, it was a slow board so it makes sense that people would try post it here to get more serious answers rather than /b/

lol that sounds fun.
Has Jow Forums been like that recently?
God i'm an idiot then, sorry.
Do any of you OG robots still stick around? I'd imagine your original memes would just get archives quickly.

Cuz qt grills are cute

The answer is no. Lots of nice people left when the Elliot Rodger worshipers came in around 2015 and started posting frogs everywhere.

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>edit 255 255 255 pixel to be 254 255 255
Much like the text robot still doesn't accomplish anything itself, the image robot didn't either.

>Much like the text robot still doesn't accomplish anything itself
l agree.

It's not hard to write a better hasher. Instead of hashing the image directly, you create a normalized region map and hash the boundaries and contents of that map instead.
Mods just don't do this because they're p u s s i e s

So draw some squiggles or whatever on it. Automatic enforcement of originality can never work, because the minimum of unique shit needed can and will get added, to make original what ultimately isn't. The image robot from before was enough to trip up a given user once or twice until they got used to it, and that's the best potential the concept had. (which was not worthwhile)

>draw some squiggles or whatever
Don't mind if I do!

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Just delete this stupid fucking board. You'll save all the robots who are stuck on here forever, screw up the plans of those tranny psyop faggots and probably do the site as a whole some good.
Jow Forums is a fucking disease nowadays. It's the opposite of an original content generator. Same posts with the same replies every day, it's like /b/'s retarded emo brother nowadays.
Do it, mods. Gas this shit, burn it all down.

Yes. This poll was from a thread yesterday, and Yes is overwhelming.
Let's give this thread more visibility

Mods don't do it because it's not their role. They are not related to coding whatsoever.
And adding random noise would be an equally easy counter to your proposition.

>real robots
>they're WOMEN
reddit fuck off

No random noise can defeat a normalized map. Suck it.

normie detected. someday you might go gay too


Both sides, trap and anti-trap are in agreement that this board being made blue would be a reasonable end to this conflict. Please mods. Do it.

>r9k as blue board
>someone posts a cropped reaction image face from a porno

If Jow Forums was a blueboard we wouldn't see lizard man kill a lizard over gets.
I miss lizard man....