"excuse us mister, we got lost and can't find our mom, will you help us?"
"excuse us mister, we got lost and can't find our mom, will you help us?"
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why do I always think about shadman when I see pics like this?
because he would draw this if he saw it
fucking pedos everywhere, begone fiend your kind is not welcomed here
am I on /tv/?
t. 2016 election newfag
because you have shit taste
It's a shame to see girls being sexualised like this at such an early age.
Can't remember it being this prominent just 10 years ago
no your kind is no welcome here go back to pol
>tfw little girls are always scared of you
nope i am oldfag but as much as i can tolerate that loli bullshit anyone using real childrens should get necked period
to bad nigger but Jow Forums is a pol colony
>siding with pedos in any capacity
Tfw scared of children
>I don't speak english
i like little girls but for some reason i think those two are ugly
blame ((( HOLLYWOOD ))) and the certain people that run it
same, something seems off. I would still fuck then tho.
Pedo posting isnt what we're here for. Our job is to get rid of the tranny menace and destroy their server. The day that robots ask for help for the pedo posts, then we will assist, but for now, what do you think the age of consent should be?
that one is cuter,yeah i guess i would still dick them, little girls are always good
Nigger the world is as prude as its ever been
Age of consent is a very recent thing if you consider all of human history lol
In most places of the world having so much of a naked child in a movie is borderline unacceptable
/reddit9k/ has shit taste in little girls.
The one in the back is better.
>what do you think the age of consent should be
probably 15-16 at the lowest
>Our job is to get rid of the tranny menace and destroy their server.
easier said than done, some mods are on board with the tranny
what happened to Reiko? did you guys get him?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, /tv/ is 2 blocks down.
We may need to ask you outside help on this. I saw that this caught the attention of Metokur, maybe cow board will deal with them better than we will. But for now, keep bumping non tranny related threads.
Your dumb. Age of consent is dumb. Puberty tells us when they are ready to mate.
let's get those tranny user we must help those sexually frustrated confused robots
Puberty is related to body fat percentage and not a good indicator of sexual maturity. Birthing hip size and breast growth is better. Most girls don't become matured until around 13, 14. I think that's a good age to start discussion with.
Don't most girls lose their virginities around 11-14 anyway?
i take into account mental maturation as such i think 13-15 yo girls should only have sex with 13-15yo boys and not some 16-99 yo predator, but then again that's not what happen in real life
Who told you that? I remember reading somewhere that most girls lose it their senior year of HS or the first semester of college.
The only people i will ever help are going to be adults.
NEVER EVER get near someone's kid unless there are cameras and at least 10 eyewitnesses because there's a high chance of them telling their mom about how "A nice mister helped us find you, Mom!". Then their crazy momma is going to think that you molested her kids because she's a retard and the next thing you'll see will be a squad of policemen arresting you on suspicion of pedophilia.
Like kids?
idiot. that's why you have a van. they come to you!
I remember being in middle school and some girl got pregnant at 12 by some 27 year old guy. The other kids thought it was kinda weird, but not how we view sexual predators when we get older. I thought that the guy was a loser for having to get 7th graders and didn't actually think that he was a monster. I think kids this age are mature enough to handle older people desu. The real danger is that the people who search out kids this age are usually guys with a fucked up mentality and not some normal guy that wants a gf I guess is what I'm saying.
Yup, I totally agree. Even just the ACCUSATION of being a pedo is enough to destroy you whether they find you guilty or not. This is really important if you LOOK like a pedo. Some guys just do, I'm a guy and I see it. I would avoid children or places with children entirely if you look like a pedo. Also, if you do look like a pedo do something about it guy, come on.
So this place is infested with kiddy Diddlers too, you've just become targets of pol.
yea i had some similar storie in my old school too but the thing is a 27 man is way more intelligent, manipulative than a 12 year old girl also adding the fact that he probably seeked the girl to be specificaly underage show that this dude was probably some twisted fucker, if i had been the father of that girl i owuld have murdered the 27y guy without second thoughts
"Yes. But I need your help with something first. Just follow me back to my house. Don't worry, it will be fun."
There was an "accident" on russian boards when a bunch of elite haXXXors were strolling through random e-mails and stumbled upon exchange between teen girls and 20yo something guys which also implied sex.
And this is the answer how they lose virginity around puberty. They just cling to guys until they get literally fucked.
Post more pictures damnit!!!
I would probably do the same if I was being honest with you, but at what age would it be ok men use the advantages they have over a woman they want to get them. At what age is it ok to manipulate a woman into loving you? I say 13.
>hnnnnnn I wish that pizza was my 3 inch penis
Fucking hell this board...
Uhhhh are you this poster?
"I'm willing to move on with my day and I'd prefer to move on with my life so i'll post OC while continuing to flush out pedophile shill filth"
Because if so, this is your idea of flushing out????
i love that word
Idk but I fucked a 15 yo and it was very good.
Legally in a different country of course.
No it wasn't paid for. We met on /b/
Fucking based. The reason that I'm ok with the age of 13 isn't because I would bang a girl this age, but if a friend of my ever did, I don't think I would think they were a monster, just stupid for endangering themselves legally for pussy. 15 seems around the age that I would, maybe 14. Did you go to France?
>7yo niece is the only family member who likes me
>gave her a tootsie pop when I saw her on Christmas
>later my sister-in-law cornered me in the kitchen and said "stay away from her"
what the fuck did I even do
You're considered the creepy uncle of the family.
fuck your sister in law, start creeping on your niece,always inside what is legal, that will teach her
How old are you? They're losing it in middle school these days.
Of course I will, as soon as I'm done pushing OP into the oven along with Skippy.
20. I think you're wrong here dude. Maybe the cool kids and pretty girls lose it in middle school, but most girls, who are mostly frumpy, lose it when they turn 18.
My post was a bit fudged.
Are you serious? In the 19th century those kids would be married off.
You don't need to believe me, I'm just telling the game how I've seen it.
usa pizza is garbage
You are retarded. Marriage in youth was common but it was never acceptable to fuck literal children.
"Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" is wishful thinking. Delivering babies devastates a growing female's body. Childbirth complications skyrocket. There is no biological or ethical excuse for pedo derangement.
The one in Comet Ping Pong is top notch though.
Some people just give off a pedo aura. Try shaving your pencil mustache.
>Delivering babies devastates a growing female's body. Childbirth complications skyrocket.
No one fucking cared. Just shit out more children and you are good to go.
So am I. Most girls are too insecure to have sex with some guy. They always need an excuse, Prom and their first frat party is usually where they whore out.
fucking disgusting thots admired by fucking disgusting pedos
leave this board
You're outta the game already so tou remember what you've seen. I'm telling you how it is where I am.
You're right, we need a 24/7 thot patrol for these young roasties.