L hate Jow Forums so much

l hate Jow Forums so much

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pol will never stop loving you though

So do I, but I still prefer Jow Forums to /lgbt/.

>tfw Jow Forums has brought me home

Yeah, stop lying, you don't. I expect you've barely been to either of those

I don't need to; they come here.

They really don't, /lgbt/ is a blue board and would never come here, I don't think they even know what Jow Forums is about.

Back to /Igbt/ with you.

Only when you go back to Jow Forums, I promise I'll go back to /gbtl/

Jow Forums is the only board I browse on this site and I can smell all your forigen post

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It is very strange that Jow Forums saved us from the cancer

But Jow Forums loves you and the thousand year alliance shall not be broken. xo xo

I love Jow Forums so much

Literally /r9gay/ exists because trannies chased CIS gays off /lgbt/

No its not. Youre just too dumb to filter pol correctly and fall for normie repelant threads and larp.youre welcome.

Same they're literally the same exact thing as trannies. They go everywhere trying to infect people with the /redpill/ the same way the trannies did with the pink pill thing/.

The pink pill is chopping off your dick and going on hrt. One of these sounds more harmful than the other

the /redpill/ is wanting to gass everyone

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Faggot spotted

one wants to subvert you into being gay or mutilating yourself, the other says to not do that.
somehow the same. ok

Yes theres only these two choices. Either go full 88 or chop your dick. You`re too obvious, faggot.

> saved
cant believe how easy that was

traps and Jow Forums should fuck off

>waaaaaaah I can't win my phony arguments so I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jow Forums is and always has been the best board on this site

Not the comfiest, or the most enjoyable, but our pride and joy nonetheless

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Nah Jow Forums exposed the faggots in first place, theyre ok, fuck your feelings

what a sad and pathetic board r9k ist