you do realize that every asian girl you see at college or on the street is drooling over your white cock, right?
You do realize that every asian girl you see at college or on the street is drooling over your white cock, right?
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Hnnngh, how can asians be so cute and sexy at the same time?
They aren't cause there are better white guys around when asian girls are around me. They can't be lusting after everyone around them, especially not a robot like me.
>that 80 hour flight to Japan
>those two goons sharing fantasies about how awesome it's going to be to fuck all the Japanese women who will surely be lining up to suck their cocks the second they left the airport and to be worshiped as living gods just for walking down the street
>then they step into the daylight, eager to grace the pavement with their confident stride and receive all of their racially deserved welcome
>only to be met with a bunch of people who took the day off just to call them farm animals and suggest they go right the fuck back to where they came from.
Ah, the deep sting of that wasp named reality!
>be mulatto
>go to campus gym
>started incorporating more complex high intensity
>move from free weight area cable machine
>some asian girl from that area follows me and starts using one of the machines next to me
>suddenly notice she's checking me out as I work out.
>just ignore and keep working out because it would be awkward to try and talk to girls in general at the gym.
>also noticed there are a lot of them in the gym
Koakuma kunny
I want to go to japan just to fuck sexpats and embarrass them in front of Japanese women.
any suggestions?
Wow, a believable greentext.
dont go to japan, its expensive as shit and youll just sperg out 24/7 like you currently do
>bunch of asians in my city
>tower over all of them
>even get mired sometimes
>doesnt matter either way because I'm an absolute failure and all the asians are rich/uni students
Who cares if they find me attractive, when they find out that I'm a neet loser with no life they'll be disgusted
Sorry to destroy your illusion, but if you have no value, women will despite you regardless of their race.
I think most of the Asian femanons on here have white fever
Notice I said most
If you're an Asian female who reads this and it doesn't apply to you that doesn't invalidate my statement
based non-generalization poster
I'll just leave this here.
Theres a hateful white tumblr but theres not black creepy guys tumblr
Those guys were being pretty respectful considering they were talking to sex objects.
Are you actually high?
A western educated attractive asian girl could go back home and acquire a bf with pic related bank account. She will probably pump a few white cocks on her road to getting said bank acc but she has better options lmao
or she will just get a salary man husband who is working 24/7 and still be poor as shit because rich asian guys will already have model gf's
That's okay
I'd take being a live-in boyfriend for her while she's married
Only 160k euro?
While I was cooking in one of the student kitchens I noticed a korean looking girl staring at me through the door window, she smirked and ran off when I caught her. Also my ex gf at the time introduced me to her chinese friend and she kept smirking, giggling and feeling her hair while we talked
EUR 477,996,723
Asians girls that are actually attractive like the ones in the webm don't want just any white guy. They don't want a spergy poor manlet like me, they want a handsome 6'4" blonde white Chad
>tfw you're mixed
That's not true user
I always thought I'd get cuck'd, then I found a hot girl who wanted to fuck me.
Then it turned out she had a bf
Fat pig, balding in a terrible way
I tried to steal her away and she was like listen the sex is good but you're not ambitious enough for me
I am now jealous of a literal cuck
forgot to mention he was rich
Me and my friend want to Japan last year it was fun but the only thing I hated was that everytime me want out girls would always go up to him to start a conversation with him he got about 50 numbers from all these cute japanese girls and i only got 3 numbers :( i almost forgot to mention hes about 6'2 and hes also a fucking spic
if you want to meet girls don't hang around with guys who are noticeably taller and better looking than you because you will get ignored
>tfw decent looking but autistic around women
>go to Japan for a month with my neetbux
>suddenly I'm Mr Charisma
I got to cum in 15 girls for free. Every robot needs to go to Japan once or twice because every girl from 19 to 25 is trying to get pregnant with a white guy. Just don't tell them that you're from America, say you're from Canada.
Wrong. Asians stick to their own. If their peers find out they dirtied themselves with white filth, they're shunned and ostracized. Why do you think you always see Asians in groups far away from everyone else?
>every asian girl you see at college
They're all chinks that came here with their boyfriends. Used to have tons of them at my dorm last year.
And just how do you expect to find these rare beings that you speak of? i'm fairly confident they aren't real.
I truly want to know this.
>japanese milf
>police costume
No, because I'm not white
haha its no fun doing this by yourselves, is it? run out of fuel to burn that yellow fever, lads?
I'm not a race traitor no thanks
Asian American girls seem to go full thot more than any other race per capita
Rin Nakai
Maybe because rare exceptions are more interesting than common occurances?
So I'm in China right not but I have autism, what do if I want some yellow pussy?
asian "men" don't control their women enough.
>implying this isn't a marketing ploy to get white beta cucks to spend money in South Korea.
tfw im actually from canada