Why is "to be honest" as an acronym censored into desu?
Why is "to be honest" as an acronym censored into desu?
lmao. That looks like the teacher from Community.
Same reason "shaking my head" and shorthand family are. Because it's fun.
Waiting for Hiro to censor Kino into Sugoi or something. He'd be my favourite person in the world for that.
Because only faggots use it.
They also did that with f.am. I want the same to happen to idc and ikr.
i think that was from the cuck meme days when 9/10 threads were about another guys semen dripping all over the lips of a women that you supposedly wanted to kiss.
i actually miss craig threads more than these anti-gay normie threads.
anyway a bunch of common r9k spam related phrases got censored because it was funny around that time.
what sort of faggot sjw mods would acc go through with such an idea?
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.
S m h
T b h
F a m
Was a dumb black twitter meme back in 2015 and it got filtered into baka desu senpai when autists kept spamming it
What're you on about?
Original post
Thank you Encyclopedia Aspergia, but that doesn't make my "for fun" answer any less wrong. Fight me IRL.
baka desu senpai rignal
f a m = senpai
t b h = desu
baka = baka
Only allcaps cuck becomes that.
not wrong. cuck in all caps was censored at the same time.
black slang was in parallel and part of the cuck meme shit, but that was what defined r9k at the time. if you weren't looking at a pair of lips with hot male jizz on them, then you were likely just on another board.
baka = baka
desu I have no idea
I forgot to separate the letters s m h
baka desu senpai nigger kike
This, I remember entire threads with nothing but 't b h s m h f a m'
That shit was annoying
s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m
cuck senpai desu baka oooooooooof
oof lmao
lemme try
to be honest cuck senpai desu
Can we start spamming "kino", "idc", and "ikr" so we can get those censored as well? Those have some potential.