what happened to Reiko? did you guys get his dox? what happened to the raid?
What happened to Reiko? did you guys get his dox? what happened to the raid?
He got away with it
really? care to give details man
his dox weren't revealed? seems like we made him shit his pants though. I don't see any more trap threads
bumping cause I want to know
Great job, guys! So you can leave now, right?
hahahh loll
Why are there people trying to stop those who oppose him from posting or acting like they're the ones shitting up this place with spam? He's pushing kids into this, too, and admitted to causing Shuaiby's suicide.
Are you just another of his cronies trying to shame people into stopping so you can get back to trap posting?
maybe you should leave phoneposter
Because if you don't give him any fucking attention, he'll go away eventually. You're participating in some kind of meme war or witch hunt. Fucking do it on /b/ where that shit belongs, why shit up this place?
Blow me, I was here first.
why? are you one of his discord buddies? eat a dick fag
Oh look boring metokur shilling on Jow Forums and using Jow Forums info as his own, how does anyone like him
>Blow me, I was here first.
spoken like a 2016 newfag
>I was here first.
In this thread, maybe.
Just what the fuck is wrong with you dumbass? How in the nine hells would that work?
>gay people make me uncomfortable
Found the manbaby.
Legit metokur is a shill and his content is literally stealing from Jow Forums stalker boards the guy is too pussy to show his fatass on camera.
>Because if you don't give him any fucking attention, he'll go away eventually. You're participating in some kind of meme war or witch hunt. Fucking do it on /b/ where that shit belongs, why shit up this place?
you're the one shitting it up you trannie enabling faggot. if we don't get him locked up he might start spamming again. is that too complicated for your dumbass to understand? go back to /b/ underage
>they're still terrified
it's not over
yeah because showing your face on camera on the internet has only worked well for people
Mods are deleting all threads now
it's trap posting child molesting faggots that bother me actually
I have the face of Reiko.
Well gosh, here's the thing. This is done to get a reaction out of someone. He's here because you are reacting to him by flying completely off the handle and pulling a failure of a doxx attempt (amateur by the way). So he's here because you're here, and if you shut up and fuck off, he'll do the same. Piss in someone else's pool, nobody wants you here.
>bawwwww the internet was not designed for my comfort
So leave.
where did you get that pic? I just wanna know if it's legit
>a shitskin
Every. Single. Time.
how can you blackmail someone into taking hrt ?
hrt isn't pepsi, you don't buy it at wallmart
Fucking tineye or Google, faggot.
no thanks. I think I'll stay right here. if you have a problem with me than you can leave
>Because if you don't give him any fucking attention, he'll go away eventually
No, asshole. That's not how this works. Fringe groups thrive from obscurity so that people who don't know anything about them can get sucked in inadvertently. That's how Jow Forums was shitted up by stormfags who tricked thousands of isolated teens into a garbage ideology.
"Trap" absolutely has a double meaning here. They give people false security and guidance, then blackmail them into things they never wanted. Depressed 14 year old boys are being manipulated into this, then doxxed and told they'll have their parents notified if they don't send sexual pictures and take hormones.
>You're participating in some kind of meme war or witch hunt.
Because this shit needs to be called out and decried. That way, everyone knows who these people are, what they do, and will know to avoid them.
You really are new aren't you?
>This pizza lacks oregano
>he's here because you are reacting to him
Untrue, he's here to try to get pictures of sissy boys posing. Nice deflection. You sound like a crony
>bawwww the internet was not designed for my comfort
>bawwww there are people trying to doxxx one of my cronies
>bawwww this makes me uncomfortable
Since its in the US.
Its easy theres a giant blackmarket for it and doctors in the plastic country of freedom hand it out like smarties.
>I'm here because I'm so autistic and repulsive that I've been kicked out of everywhere else
>this is my last place on the internet, please, please...
Excellent source...idiot
It could be anyone,how do we know you're not a lying shit
I know reiko purchased clothing from dakooters as they are friends
Dunno. I hope he's dead.
Secondary faggot astolfo-spammers that dont actually watch Fate/ should fucking burn. IMO that was his greatest sin against this board, and im glad he's gone
Semiramis is good shit user, please continue.
I'm gonna make 10 threads talking about this just so I can piss off faggots like you
dios mio!
la lux extingido
have a lot saved
The forced HRT would be hot since that's my fetish, but if it involved the guy go offed himself that makes me feel horrible.
>Excellent source...idiot
>It could be anyone,how do we know you're not a lying shit
I mean you should use Google or tineye to find the source of the image, newfriend. It's a t-shirt ad.
Read the above and tell me what value you think you're adding here. You're a bunch of imbeciles and newfags. You're only here because there's nobody here to make you leave. How does it feel?
are you quoting me with that greentext or are you just a newfag who doesn't know what greentext is for?
>Nervous sweating
>How does it feel
Pretty good t b h because it gets people like you all twisted and bent out of shape that you draft dissertations to try and dissuade people to leave.
We're never leaving though
You're out of ammo buddy. Only dreams now.
>no reply to either of these posts
It was a trapfag all along
It's not over, and the doxxing did already produce some leads. Just wait a bit and you just might get a tranny doxxed.
>how does it feel
feels like you're kind enough to keep bumping my thread so it doesn't die. also
>imbeciles and newfags
[insert random insult here] [insert random insult here] hello r*ddit
More like sick
>have your own board that you get kicked out of for co opting/namefagging the same goddamn bullshit
>get kicked off literal board for robots and social failures
What about /trash/? It's all the same shit you guys like whats the problem
> it gets people like you all twisted and bent out of shape
You tried (and failed) to doxx some faggot on another discord and came here to crow about it. But it was only when someone said that you might actually be the faggot that you totally blew the fuck up. Don't you see that autists like you have been providing this website with content for almost a generation? You're all charged up! Now you want to make 10 anti-trap threads. Not only are you a part of this community, you're generating content for it, just like him. This board would be literally nothing without you faggots :)
I hope we do. it's the only way to combat this cancer. I bet Reiko and his boys are shilling not doxxing them anymore like mad because they're scared shitless. if you tell people to stop talking about this you're a Reiko trap cult shill. never let this board forget anons. we need their personal info. Reiko needs to rot in prison for what he did
>This is done to get a reaction out of someone.
Nope. It was done to take advantage of mentally ill teenage boys and push them into transgenderism in order to fulfill a kink.
If you don't find that shit nefarious and worth calling out, you might as well be one of them.
You could tell by their reactions that some anons were definitely closing in. Let's hope they keep at it.
>tried (and failed)
This typing smells like someone who was afraid of how doxxers were approaching him and now tries to pretend there never was anything.
why did people stop making threads? is Reiko spamming so hard that we don't see them or something?
Doxxing threads and anything related got removed. So it will have to continue lowkey for a while.
>If you don't find that shit nefarious and worth calling out, you might as well be one of them.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said nobody cares, I should have been more precise and said nobody /here/ cares.
This typing smells like a guy trying to craft a victory out of an embarrassing defeat.
This. Ignore anybody who makes this an issue of "feeding the trolls" or "spamming muh board". This is much more fucked up than that, and the person(s) involved are the direct cause of at least one teenager's suicide.
They need to be reported to the authorities, and publicly exposed as pedophiles. Don't let up for even a second.
You're about to be gassed, jew. This is equivalent of 1938 with anschluss of Austria, soon we'll start putting you into funcamps.
nice try shill. your goose is coocked. in prison you're gonna be the sissy Reiko. I will not let this board forget
I could say the same about you. Anyone could. You're all trying to claim how the other person is feeling, and that's your argument. It's a waste of time. Who cares if like 50 people kill themselves? They were trannies. They're most likely going to kill themselves eventually anyway. Sure, not transitioning would be a million times better for their mental health, and greatly reduce the chance of them killing themselves in the first place, as would not doxxing them, but so what? It's 50 people. I hope he releases the doxxes, it becomes mainstream news, JUST to set an example. Perhaps then people won't make the same mistake in the future.
I don't even care whether or not Reikai or whatever gets doxxed, who gives a shit. There's always going to be someone doing awful shit on the internet. The key is to not get caught up in the awful shit.
>You're about to be gassed, jew.
You're God damn right about that, boombadoop! And it all starts when I get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus...
>I should have been more precise and said nobody /here/ cares.
You're clearly in the minority, and don't speak for anyone /here/. Hide the thread if you don't like it, faggot.
Oh, wait, you won't, because you're not just any old bored robot passing by. You're a shill that's here to feign dissent.
Hope you get v&, you pathetic, transparent fuck.
we will not forget!!
That's not Reiko
Trust me
Hi Reiko!
Hope we find you soon!
That ain't Reiko, this is him.
Of course they fucking do, I feel like I'm going to contract some deadly disease every time I smell one of those bubonic butt blasters.
I hope you send us a postcard from prison when we catch you Reiko
No it is Reiko
I'm friends with dakooters and reiko i know the truth
>Twice the character count for the post he's replying to
Literally proving me right. Thanks for coming you loon
I'm outta the loop what's going on and what is the evidence vs speculation
No it's not, this is reiko
Is there somewhere we can go if this thread gets pruned/deleted? I saved all the caps from the last thread, but there's no sense in dumping them if people won't see them in time, anyway.
He flat out denies any involvement, what an absolute loser.
he's the guy who's been spamming trap threads and blackmailing young men into taking HRT and posting porn of themselves. I'm gonna post all the stuff I downloaded from those threads. someone should compile everything into a folder and put it on dropbox
This is bigger than just Reiko.
make a board on 8ch like every other conspiracy theorist
originally posting this one
Make a discord server and post them all in there. Then we will arrange how to wage war on them
Why don't you? Apparently you're angry enough to compile a dossier on a random faggot. Do you lack the initiative?
>tfw daddy Reiko will never dress you up and fuck your feminine bussy
>conspiracy theorist
No offense, but it can't be a "conspiracy theory" when it's literally been proven and admitted to.
originally posting another one desu
I wanna see them.
Also you.csn decentralized them
Fuck off, you aren't fooling anyone with this "I-It's just a random guy and you're all mad hehe". We know what you're doing, and meme pictures won't make you less obvious.
I lack all the dirt we have on him. if the kind anons who dug it up would be so kind as to post it all ITT I would be more than happy to
Where is this image from? Originally of course
did his discord get deleted yet
This is degenerate but it's just a fantasy. Is there proof. He did anytbing