When did you realize you hated women?
When did you realize you hated women?
Back to r9k nigger
I-is she ok?
When I noticed that they had bigger dicks than me.
Lol, based red shorts
Playing dead so not to lose face. Should of jumped on her fucking head afterwards. fat cunt
And people want these psychotic cat lady teachers to carry guns.
In capitalist America teacher shoots you
I wouldn’t hate them if the entire world didn’t revolve around them.
dead or just a typical overreacting female?
I don't hate them. They're just not very useful in our final timeline.
I don’t hate women and I don’t hate spics or kikes either
It’s silly to hate inferiors for being inferiors
It’s like hating a dog
A woman is a man's best friend.
If she isn't mental, if you aren't a psycho and if you treat her right.
However, most women and men are demented prickniggers, so we hate each other.
RIP the floor.
Anyone got that video of some bitch hitting a chad repeatedly and he ignores her until he decks her once and knocks her out. and all her friends start freaking out
No they have sex with you then shoot you
Like a black widow. Beautiful in a horrifying way.
she shouldnt have put her hands on him
She just fell to the ground and now she's unconscious? Overreacting bitch
i dont hate women.
i just think giving them voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing the human race did in the last 2,000 years.
It took women barely 60 years to destroy the world via democracy and voting.
I unironically believe ALL democratic countries are doomed, ALL of them.
Monarchy is the best system, currently.
In a couple thousand years democracy MAY HAVE a tiny chance of being useful, but right now its the democracy is literally the destroyer of civilizations.
He killed that cow.
Grow up with an older sister, bitchiest bitch in the World,has everything delivered to her in a focken golden plate,great education but still entitled as fuck
Lol mans best friend.
Back in the 90's my sister ripped up my holographic Raichu card just to spite the fact that I enjoyed it. I realized there was no rhyme or reason to their thinking and that they are emotionless psychopaths. I never messed with Pokemon after gold and silver came out, but at the time it was a major redpill for me where I realized that the people closest to you are the people who are your worst enemies in life.
typical female
manipulative as shit
when I was 7
even a dog wouldnt vote to import untold millions of niggers because of the delicate doggo feelings about poor, suffering niggers.
This. I'm convinced mothers try to sabotage their sons' lives. At least here anyway
Yeah, but you cant ever realize it because of how shallow and lifeless you are.
I wouldn't mind.
Just some good ol' cow tipping.
Did she dieded?
>man's best friend
But dogs can't divorce you and take half your assets
my sister damaged an antique music box of mine (long out of production) just to be destructive.
she knew i liked it and it was irreplaceable, so she destroyed it.
just for the sake of destroying it.
Dunno why but lost it at this post
true and very insightful.
Actually it is a state, that gives your assets to women.
I take that back actually Men will bully you for no reason. Pretty shit tier behaviour on both sides
Why did that boar try to eat him? He was in the defensive posture in the first of the video when the boar charged and was thrown to the ground using its own mass.
i don't hate them, i just think that they don't have to offer anything of merit but children
Go back to giving blowjobs. Women are amazing you mongrel.
14 words
This is now a woman getting rekct thread.
actually they want you to serve them forever, they're like some kind of fungus that roots in your will. Especially in mediterranean countries where it's common to live with your parents until your late 20s. Very often jealous of other females who could be your potential mates out of fear you may be removed from her sphere of influence.
You sound like a young retard spouting this naive armchair bullshit. Definitely not as sagacious as you think.
She failed to prove that gender is a social construct.
All he did was a basic aikido/judo toss and she got knocked out. It's like fighting a level 1 monster in a rpg.
they dont care about your life.
they're just trying to secure a source to leach off.
This is now a homosexual circle jerk
Yeah there's something about the cold-hearted nature that was surprising to me as a kid. I knew that if any male friend or enemy I had would have done something to damage my possessions, there would be some rhyme or reason but I noticed that women do something out of pure concentrated evil and carelessness for the outcome. It's not even that they want you to suffer, it's that they don't care what the outcome of their actions will be on anyone else at all.
>If she isn't mental,
>Back in the 90's my sister ripped up my holographic Raichu card just to spite the fact that I enjoyed it. I realized there was no rhyme or reason to their thinking and that they are emotionless psychopaths. I never messed with Pokemon after gold and silver came out, but at the time it was a major redpill for me
Jow Forums retards in a nutshell.
Men (at least the men in your own group) will bully you to make you stronger, so that the group becomes stronger.
Men of other groups will try and cow you to weaken your group, yes, but that's just an inversion of the above.
Women will weaken and castrate you so that you never leave them. It's the basis of the "devouring mother" archetype present in western literature
you should have avenged that raichu with blood
Women are like kids. I don't hate them I just dont think they should be let loose to run around recklessly.
I do however hate beta whiteknight faggots.
Jewwwwwwwwwww fuck , you threw whites against the enemy of israel, islam, now you want to play white men against white women
and its everywhere.
women are way worse than men.
single moms are way worse than single dads.
I'm currently sat in a library listening to two slags talk utter nonsense about asking the baby's permission before massaging it, what benefits they'll be entitled to as unemployed single soon to be mothers and personal debt restructuring. One of them just Brafferton that if she really needs it her parents will bail her out. Who the fuck thought universal suffrage was a good idea?
HAHAHA oh my God look at how she pretends to be KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS.
Fucking this. Kek
Truly the niggers of the sexes.
That kid fucked that stupid bitch up. What a stupid fucking bitch
Kek. But I thought womyn were just as strong as men and gender is a social construct?
>1exp and 1gp drop from this roastie
And 100% she won with exactly that. paid leave, kid gets in a lot of shit etc.
But I hope the video helped the kid, you can clearly see hes just grabbing for his backpack and she tries to assault him.
i wanna see dis
Fucking auto correct.
That's not a woman it's sjw fat trash.
No it was at high school or college or a bar or something, it was recorded on someones phone. The girl was hitting the the guy and he was just brushing it off but then he turns around and punches her in the face and she falls to the ground
Shit tier tai otoshi. It is probably my favorite take down but he didn't even extend his tripping leg or point the knee to the ground.
someone post that whore on the train with massive milkers
Oi, you got a license for that celly ringer m8?
I don't hate them in general, but my state isn't full of feminist bullshit so that could be a big factor
o kurwa!! what happened to her hahahahahaha
>they don't care what the outcome of their actions will be
When has a woman been held responsible for anything? Have you ever heard a woman say: "I got into a car accident but it was my fault"?
Hell, have you ever heard a woman say "it was my fault?" Of course not.
My mother shot and killed my father when I was 9 months old. She killed him in cold fucking blood. She did 6 years in prison and immediately got custody of my older sister and myself when she got out. What followed was 5 years of physical and sexual abuse by whoever was her "boyfriend" that week. Finally a teacher intervened and we were sent to live with grandparents. She never got in trouble and to this day denies ever doing anything wrong, including the murder.
I don't because I'm not some MGTOW faggot or beta NEET.
Stale meme, faggot
definitely dead
This /thread is why people think and justifiably so think /pol has a lot of fucking virgin neck beard pussies in it. It takes a king to rule a queen and you faggots are just meat shields for chads or janitors.
Arab girls in the back like "absolutely haram" lol.
she fell on her back and can't turn around like a turtle
She is in a better place now, where rivers flow with honey and icecream.
The way she grits her teeth as she attacks him and then goes limp to maximize her victimhood...
Are you talking about the video where Snooki gets decked?
In school, teachers. Nasty lying bitches.
>one of them just Brafferton
D-did she fart bigly user?
Overreacting. Women like to do this thing where they get physical with a guy in an attempt to goad him into hitting them, and when the guy finally gets tired and lightly pushes them back, they make like a soccer athlete and hit the ground like a dead fish in the hopes that someone else saw only her falling and will rush over to fight the guy she was attacking.
why did she just black out???? she fell gently as fuck?
I want women out of Academia as a whole. The only decent teachers I ever had were men.
black belt
There are regularly whole threads of that on /gif/
Hate is too strong a word.
I find them unlovable.
No it was rated perfectly
to bad its not realistically possible for 100% of men to be kings while 100% of women act like queens