hey how has your day been going
Hey how has your day been going
My brother randomly got me a bacon, egg & cheese so that was pretty sweet.
He wants the buccy
your brother sounds like a nice person, user. hope you enjoyed the food
Wasn't going very well but I feel better after seeing Rowlet
It's been okay, traveled back home after my Grandfather's funeral. Just listening to music and slacking off doing any work
Rowlet is the cutest.
i bought 30 cadbury cream eggs for only 9$, so I'd say my day is going pretty well
pretty good. had scrambled eggs for breakfast and a handyman came over and fixed my house's plumbing. debating skipping class today
Terrible, it's my birthday and I'm broke so I can't even be comfy and enjoy the day. I wish I could curl up with some candy or junk food for once but I can't. It sucks. Cute Rowlet though.
goig pretty bad to be honest, oneitis just got back together with my best friend. wish i could just remove them both from my life and live as a hermit.
Happy Birthday user, I hope your day and situation gets better, no one deserves to feel sad on their birthday.
The day was miserable. The month was abysmal. I feel like things are slowing regressing. I haven't been back to this board in a very long time now. I'll still keep on going, keep on trying.
Hello, how are you?
Sorry to hear that.
I'm pretty good, had subway with my brother and seeing an old friend later.
Just trying to be positive on here so maybe I can make someone feel better.
meh just woke up and found out that they didnt get a lead on reiko or his buddys
now Im sad trap posting isnt okay AND that this piece of shit is going to continue blackmailing people into mutilating their bodys and grooming children
least I still have a few donuts left
Happy birthday user. I hope everything gets better for you, being sad on your birthday is awful. Good luck pal
I've been laying in bed waiting for the handyman downstairs to finish working so I can get something to eat, I'm so fucking hungry
gave in and broke nofap a bit by stroking my dick for a bit and almost cumming, just like a couple minutes though so not too bad and i dont consider my streak broken
but it still sucks and i am not my usual productive self today because of it. my balls now ache and my head is aching too and i cant think of anything else besides cumming
Would someone give me a birthday present if I posted my paypal? I just want to have fun for once, I cannot remember the last good birthday I had. I can show proof it's my birthday if anyone doesn't believe me.
no. happy birthday but fuck off
Alright that's fair, I'm sorry for begging.
I'm farting too much, my farts smell like rotten egg.
There is too much fucking wind here and my internet signal sucks.
Its 12 PM and I'm just shitposting and lurking on other threads before i go to school. (No, i'm not underage)
Also there is no fricking open store in the area and i can't buy a damn pack of cigarettes.
Happy birthday dawg.
Really hope that life gets better for you
We used to do that on here, quite a long time ago, being positive in the hopes of making others feel better. It works as a feedback loop and runs both ways so be careful, just try your best to actually be empathetic instead of blank words. It is good that you are putting yourself in the position of having face to face contact, that is important.
Keep on fighting to remain positive.
It's not going very well, I'm afraid. I slept too little, and now I want to eat so bad my stomach hurts. But I have to sit through a math lecture, because our nasty lecturer yesterday told us that we will have to come today in the evening, because he'll be absent someday in the future. And our cafeteria doesn't work since noon. /Unicuck reporting in