Which one are you, Jow Forums?

Which one are you, Jow Forums?

Which one do you want to be?

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g want to stay g, lost a lot of weight by watching everything i ate, by removing one the last things i enjoy i fell into a deep malaise and felt like topping myself daily, stopped doing this and went back to g

A1 original

looks like i'm B1

F or E but fatter

I look similar to F, the 2 in the middle. I think D would be a nice body to have

>how do graphs work

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g1 ok, went to c1 for a bit

H3, slowly working my way toward F3

im like 4 D an would love to be 8 F

A1, B2 looks nice

You guys should work out. It's makes you feel good. And it's better to be a ripped loser than just a loser. And it's something to distract you from the inevitable death and general pointlessness of life.

e-4 tier

I'm like g1 or g2 but with flabbier pecs
I want to do something about it but probably never will

In between a1 and a2, used to be a bit anorexic and I lost a lot of weight recently.. Slowly putting it back on. I hope to be a2 by the end of summer and a3 by the summer of 19

Somewhere between B1 and A1 reporting in, in a perfect world I think I'd like to be F8 but it's completely unrealistic for me. I don't have the money or time to make it happen.

D7, I want to look like D8

C1, used to be A1 or B1 but put on some weight cuz cribbling debression

I'm d4 aimimg for a6

What's the difference between the Is? Regardless, I'm one of those.

Between E2 and F2 (more towards E2)
I actually love running. When I actually start running it feels great. But I can't do it much because of schoolwork and my shitty stamina. The worst feel ever is when you just want to run forever but your condition is utter shit so your spleen and everything else starts hurting. God I fucking hate my body, if I could I'd just run forever

E5 Currently...need to start swimming and cut down on the binge drinking.

Aiming for 4D/4C next year maybe.

>tfw E4

I'd like to be B5 or better.

B3 but working to get to a4

D1 senpai

In between F1 and E1 somewhere

D6 endomorph hoping for C9
>tfw haven't worked out in weeks

im between b3 and b4, working towards either c9 or b8

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I'm C1
C5 would be nice...

I am in the middle of h and g

D-F1 they all look the same to me. B1 since I don't really want to be a total skeleton


I'm trying to lose some weight

I was G1, now I'm on F4. I don't know if I should get to F6 or lose more weight to achieve something like D2. I was D2-ish on my teens.

>Which one are you

>Which one do you want to be?

D6 You fags even diet?

E3 or D1-2.

Skinnyfat but I feel like I have a great frame and would look amazing if I put on some muscle. Just always had a hard time sticking to a gym schedule and regulating my diet.

D4 I think.

A solid g4

>Which one are you
>Which one do you want to be?
C2, but without the weird nipples

I am D.

What a faggot, right?

I'm D3, but I'd like to be D7 or any lower letter 6-7ish.

Right now I'm like an I3 or H3. Been going to the gym tho hoping to one day get to be a E3 or 4. That's enough for me.

>Which one are you

>Which one do you want to be

I do think this chart is a little flawed though, because some of the higher fats look better than the lower fats at the same muscle level.

I'm between F1 and G1, however summer stars in 2 weeks so when exams are over I'm gonna start the self improvement game and try to get to C2.

I'm at C7 at the moment. Got a few months until summer really hits up here so it's all good though.

I have B1 and I would like to have B3 but being 6'5 and not having a lot of money for food, it gets a bit tough for me. I gotta have meat for every meal but all my muscle is in my thighs/legs. Eventually I'll get there I guess.

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Literally none of them.
I'm skin and bones compared to every single fat fuck and meat head on that grid. A literal skeleton. I can't even find one on the grid which I closely resemble.

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D4, C9 is perfect.

How is it even physically possible to be worse than A1? Post pics, I don't believe you.

g5. wanna be f7.

I completely skipped over that one. I'm closest to A1, yes, but I'm still skinnier. Each individual rib is not noticeable, but my ribcage does protrude slightly from the rest of my body. My biceps are actually larger than his though, but overall it appears I still have less body fat than him, especially in the gut.

G5 actually looks like me. Of course I want to at least be D or C.

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Something like H4, I'm a fat fuck, and I'd like to be builtfat but nothing there comes close to that, F8 I guess.
I hate that only gays are into bearmode guys, I really like the aesthetics of it.

>Which one are you, Jow Forums?
>Which one do you want to be?
Anything really. I don't bother with weight or exercises.

Same. It looks real nice. No homo. Would want to be like that.

Im b2 now after working out for almost a year. Im pretty skinny because Im so fucking tall. Im 6 foot 4.

B6 looks pretty awesome. Like a real fucking man. I want to have a really strong badass body. Not too much where it seems pathological or gross. My face isnt so great so Im hoping my tallness and my physique will compensate someday.

C4 rn. Trying to get to fucking a6. Just need to cut some more and its gg.

Hate to break it to you, but at 6'4, you can't reach more than b3, MAYBE b4, without steroids.

I'm C4 or D4. I don't care to get any more muscular. I just do pushups for health.

D4. Would like to be B4 but don't have the genetics to stay below 10% bodyfat even with intermittent fasting and only chicken, broccoli and brown rice.
Overall it's not bad though. Still in better shape than all but one of my co workers.

I'm inbetween D2 and D3, goal is C3

Can you explain why or point me in the right direction of a source on this? Im tired of being a broomstick.

D3 right now, I want to keep trying to steadily gain muscle mass to something like d6.

Because your muscles are longer on account of your increased height. To increase muscle visibility by 1 inch, since the muscle sheet will more or less grow evenly across the whole length, you thus need to generate significantly more volume, to the point you'll basically have to work out like a madman your entire life to get large muscles at your height.
On the other hand, a 5'3 manlet would have no problem developing highly visible muscles even without using steroids.

>Currently D6
>Slowly getting to D7

B1, would be nice to be B2

>Which one are you, Jow Forums?
>Which one do you want to be?

What he's saying is, at your height, you would have to eat a lot, or use supplements.

How fat are G1 and F1? Somewhere along those lines I think.

t: 90 kg/198 lbs and 180cm/~5'10

Was about to post literally the same thing. However, i'm 6'1 and dont really know what to eat or what exercises to do (at home) for those gains.

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180cm is 5'11 desu senpai

B1, would like to achieve at least B3 and I know if I really stick with the gym I can :)

C2 want B6

Depends on how you round it. Didn't feel like rounding it up since some faggot would come and post something along the lines of "Hahaha manlet lying to make himself seem taller online!"

A6 aiming for A9

Do you really think you can tell the difference between 180 cm and 180.33 cm?

D4 aiming for C9

I have to eat so much its stupid. Every time I go out to eat I just pick whatever has the most calories. Every morning I eat a cup of brown rice, 3-4 eggs, a bunch of corn and broccoli, half tomato, a can of beans refried, and 2 chicken breasts in a huge bowl and I still lose weight constantly. Ill eat a whole pot of fettuccine Alfredo and lose weight. The whole time Ive been working out I have only gained like 6 pounds. The really shitty part is I get migraines really easily and Im intolerant to many foods because of triggers or whatever. I cant have whey because of casein so I cant bulk up with the vast majority of supplements.

F5 wanting to be D4

Working on it right now. Hopefully in less than a year.

g4/g5 i am curretly doing 7,5 km rowing and 20 min elyptical 4 times a week to lose some weight, i am 125 want to get down to 110/115 before i start weight lifting

Lame. Well there goes my plan of being a giant Demi god.

Rowing is really good. Stationary bike as well. The third exercise to recommend is jumping rope. Elliptical isn't very good.

I'm currently an F-3, used to be and H-1. I really want to know what it's like to be underweight at some point (maybe kinda like B-1) but at some point be able to go to be a C-8 which is my goal. It would be interesting to figure out what it's like to be obese to underweight to "fit".

G1 here, kill me

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Half of these guys have weird body shapes.
Closest to me is D2

Wanna know how I know you don't lift?

I am B2 but want to be C5

Because you're projecting really hard and you're a 5'5 manlet.

Currently d4
I want to look like early DBZ Goku, so c9

I'm a D1, wanting to move up to a 3. If I did, my life would be complete.

I look like G4 with flabbier pecs, but in terms of actual muscle- I'm probably along the lines of G2 or G1


>Which one are you, Jow Forums?
none, i have a pot belly and man boobs but pretty normal everywhere else and i don't really see it on the chart
>Which one do you want to be?
g7 daddy

I'm an H3H3

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B2 I Think

I'm d4, I want to be b9 probably

I dunno. If you saw my head along with my body you'd see that I'm very skinny, or at least the big ol' head makes it look worse.

I'm 6' 141 lbs but like 146 here.

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A-5 but less abs and better lats and obliques

I'm interested which one fembots find the the most attracted

where my D2 bretheren at? No doubt slaying pussy as we speak.