How can traps (aka men) even compete?

how can traps (aka men) even compete?

Attached: gape.webm (1920x1080, 1.79M)

>no dick
Into the trash it goes

Fuck off Raiken

I was eating and actually puked in my mouth, what the fuck
Im not even gay trap loving virgin

Traps cannot fake it nor attack you with child support, reminder.

fuggg thats hot :D

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>Reiko: The Ultrafaggot Himself
Into the trash it goes



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That's a post op tranny

oh my fucking god that surfacing of anal juice

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If I wasn't gay before I am now

>how can traps (aka men) even compete?
By not being vindictive, cold, unappreciative, irrational, moody, and needlessly difficult.

im not reiko, but i am most definitely a faggot

Fuck off. No one's vagina hole looks like that. This is as bad as posting a prolapsed anus and acting like it's normal.
t. someone with a normal small vagina hole

By not having an open wound for a genitalia.

Your gay is showing

I don't think they fish in the same pond

Holy fuck her holes are dripping with lust

In other words, everything faggots are and more

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NoFap streak has ended

I'd say by actually being attainable but even the laziest trap is out of Jow Forumss population of discount Chris-chans.

Why do her holes look so strained?

It peed what a disgusting human being. I'm not into traps but I'd not fuck her she looks like she smells really bad.