I want to kill my sex drive (MGTOW) will Zoloft work?

I want to kill my sex drive (MGTOW) will Zoloft work?

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turn your sex drive into being on a treadmill

Yeah, Zoloft works pretty well for it. You'll find it harder to stay erect, and you won't feel any pleasure from masturbating. After a while your sex drive winds down to nil.

I tried Zoloft. Didn't feel shit until it wote off then headaches and no energy. Fuck going to sleep at 6 pm. Might work diffetent for you though

Fuck yeah. I also have slight anxiety but I actually want it more so woman won't have power over me.

YES, ruined mine instantly

it makes it really hard to cum. also makes psychedelics not work.

>being normie enough to have access to psychedelics

you can literally order them online you tard, MUH NORMALFAGS

absolutely! it destroyed mine and this was almost ten years ago, all these years on it still hasn't recovered.

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Yes but it will make you fat too, also taking ssri when not depressed can turn you paradoxically ocd and aggressive.

how though? original brainlet here.

to add to this. I might be a 24 year old virgin because Zoloft toke away my motivation for sex and relationships. I've never even tried to get laid or get a girlfriend, I never even cared for them.

Maybe, maybe not. I tried to fap while on a low-dose and the most it did is prevent me from climaxing.

Meanwhile had originally taken it for anxiety it didn't change a fucking thing.

I'm on the highest dose and I still have a sex drive, so no

That just means you're gay. Your brain is wired differently and your hormones are out of whack.

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Naw Zoloft just makes it harder to cum. The biggest killer of sex drive is depression.

No. I'm on 50mg and everything is fine. That doesn't happen to everyone and you'd have to be on a high dose.

i started running and my sex drive only went up, not a good idea

I ate regually zoloft with LSD, only MDMA won't work.

Protip: Never insufflate zoloft, It's the worst pain in world wich lasts about 1 hour.

Not without serious risk
Most people have dealers, which you need to be a normie to neet

A bullet is just as effective