'Expert' warns the rise of realistic dolls may 'take meaning out of our lives''

Like it or not, once these become sufficiently life-like more and more men will start to buy them.
For women a male sexbot may be useful for sex, but useless for the primary reason women want men: Resources.
But sexbots will actually save men money, compared to having a wife / gf or worse a divorce.
Is it dangerous for society? Yes.
But it's extremely dangerous for women...
but regardless of that, why should it be dangerous for women? it would solve lots of problems for humanity.
it will make women even more human with them not being able to use sex for nothing other than reproduction.
it'll reduce sex slavery and millions of children will not be raped.

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Couldn't care less what experts think, what realistic dolls are.

I already have no meaning of life, walking corpse waiting for salvation.

>Is it dangerous for society?
What's dangerous is all the things that brought us to this point. Sex dolls are the result, not the cause.
Women have become "sexually liberated" entitled cunts, and all interactions coming from men that go beyond sex are a losing game.

the fact is, they want you to not have it.
salvation or at least a chance for it.
should it get advanced enough you'll be able to buy a 100% loyal gf/wife/servant, it'll give you a meaning to live again and try again.
but they don't want that since they deem you unworthy of anything for just existing and being you.
yet they can't stop a bussiness so in the end they will never be capable of stopping your chance at happiness, unless they ban them for real and so millions of men will migrate to the east where they can have it and ultimately force the government to allow sexdolls and sexbots or they'll die out.

>dolls may 'take meaning out of our lives' by making sex 'too easy'
>too easy
Is hisnidiot implying that my life will not have meaning if I am not desperatly chasing around whores? The o ly group of people who will lose and losr big because of sex dolls are women. Women will lose their mealtickets, their "easy way out". Maybe in my lifetime I will see true equality for the sexes actually happen and I will get to see them beg for things to go back to the way they were, to regain their seat at the rop of society. I'm alao sick of every fucking article bringing up sex robots for pedos. Pedos should be allowed sexbots like anyone else. Once the human suffering is taken out of pedophelia it's a harmless fetish.

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I think its time to move forwards.
women became too defective and useless to work with anymore.
maybe the next step of human evolution will be eugenics and mechanic infusion.

>Maybe in my lifetime I will see true equality for the sexes actually happen and I will get to see them beg for things to go back to the way they were, to regain their seat at the rop of society.
they had a chance to stop it in 1998, instead the doubled down and crossed to point of no return...it'll be downright impossible to go back, it is over and that's it, everyone can sense it in some way or form.
>I'm also sick of every fucking article bringing up sex robots for pedos.
they want to demonize it by bringing mentally ill people into this, for some reason they don't mention women who abuse boys or girl into this, only men...strange isn't it?
>Pedos should be allowed sexbots like anyone else.
they will user, it is for the best.
>Once the human suffering is taken out of pedophelia it's a harmless fetish.
exactly, I rather have a pedo doing naughty things to a doll rather than a damn real human being.
it'll help to keep lots of pedos away from children and making pedophiles more harmless.
in fact, these things will solve lots of problems.

>'We're just doing all this stuff with machines because we can and not really thinking how this could change humanity completely. Some people have suggested that sex robots create an attitude of "too easy" sex which is always available. This could take meaning out of our lives and turn us into zombies,' Sharkey said.
This part just echos inevitable female concern of losing their monopoly on sex. They are legit scared of losing their only bargaining chip when it comes to engaging with men.

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I dont have a meaning in life because I have no one to love or he loved by.

One Joi-tie sexbots become available I'll finally find a reason to live

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>They are legit scared of losing their only bargaining chip when it comes to engaging with men.

If that happens they might have to actually be pleasant and loyal or even, god forbid, get a personality!

>wanting Joi for sex
Absolutely disgusting.

sounds like those "experts" have never had sex before. how could a algorithmically programmed probably not even remotely passable humanoid give you a anything in the ballpark of a real sexual experience? For those who sex has only ever meant as much as what it looks like then this might partially scratch their itch, but these things will have no bearing on men's interest in partaking in sex with another soul.

>implying I had any to begin with
youtube.com/watch?v=oCEZC9w5cMc I already know they just want more people to be good goys for their divorce firms, funny thing is I don't even want one. Seeing them lose their shit brings more joy than current dolls ever could.

I said joi-like
And I'd also make the robot my wife not just a sex toy

>these things will have no bearing on men's interest in partaking in sex with another soul.

men have been partaking in sex with soulless creatures for millions of years

>ban robowaifus before they're even real
For what pvrpose?

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Hasn't mass migration done that already? I don't mean to go full Jow Forums though I wouldn't doubt that many feel almost replaced by migrants and their identities extinguished like a candle placed under a waterfall.

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>sex with another soul
Retard alert! Women don't have souls idiot.

so they don't lose the one thing that they actually are good at.
also this is all about control user.
they don't want you to get laid but still be a damn orbiter or a walking atm.
they literally want a race of slaves that serve them and the alphas.

indeed it had.
before that, we used to have traditions and a indentity but that changed with multicultiral sjw shit.
in fact, shit went wrong when liberals went mad with power and money.

>but these things will have no bearing on men's interest in partaking in sex with another soul.
like a woman for example?
at least we know thse things will not divorce our sorry ass and remain loyal.

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I am seriously considering 3-D printing a sexdoll model and photoshop myself with it just so I can watch everyone losing their shit over it.
hell I may call some chads and pay them to dye their hair and act loveydovey with sexdolls just to piss off everyone.

Roastie genocide is coming boys. Our suffering will end

sorry, what? thanks expert, but i can't remember the last time i felt like my life had meaning other than simply existing or slaving away

is the expert a woman perchance? or some male feminist twat? seems likely. only retards like that would genuinely believe that the meaning in a mans life comes from chasing down and trying to appeal to women to get sex. they just want to maintain the status quo and the current way society operates
fuck em

the roasties will switch places and papers with us user and unlike them, we will be more of a good person than they ever will be, because we don't and never will lucrate from others suffering.
they want to mantain something that is impossible to mantain user.
they will find out the hard way that evolution, progress and technology is unstoppable, we will always go forwards, with or without them.

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>Is it dangerous for society?
if a piece of plastic is able to destroy the society it should be destroyed

Don't be silly user, sex is just what it looks like.
Maybe you didn't ever had sex before, I had sex a lot of times, there's no magic in sex

that's the thing that will always make my brain hurt, what's the big deal with these things.
we men didn't gave a shit when women in the 90's were marching on the streets calling the dildos and hitachi our replacement.
they found out the hard way that only men can provide for them with resources and not he other way around.

What happened in 1998? Originally of course

just going to leave this here


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the point where feminism and faggotry could have ended by women deciding it was not worth it and it will destroy them in the end.
by simply saying that men lives are precious and should be taken care of properly in order to go torwards a better future.
that instead of starting fucking 3rd wave feminism they could have simply drop it and live peacefully with men.
the last chance for genders to be united and work together without pressure or problems.
they decided that being a pretty pink princess was more important than their future and happiness.

that was one of the most accurate facts on the world works today.
mgtow truly is strong compared to others.

all you beta fags getting dolls and not fucking real women is the superior outcome because it keeps you out of the gene pool and eventually you losers will die out

but everyone dies, user

let me ask you this...did the cars people created during the 1900's stayed the same?
regardless of your answer, do you truly believe these sexdolls and sexbots are the final step?
don't you think that sexdolls, sexbots and vr are not the final step but the first step?
big things always have small beginnings my friend

you kinda reminded me of this
>pic related

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Smells like clickbait. Nobody with actual expertise cares about low men going for dolls desu, only manhating feminists that want to prevent any chance for happiness for them sometimes cry about it.

exactly just like there are no more gay people today

>Nobody with actual expertise cares about low men going for dolls desu
that's true but who said only low men went after sexdolls?
women actually lost orbiters and friendzoned fellas that paid for their shit thanks to these things

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>sex dolls are released
>they are expensive
>all the loser nobodies start working hard to make enough money
>economy thrives
>depression and suicide goes down
>mass shootings go down because everyone's getting robo puss on the regular
>women lose market value and getting a gf becomes easier
>roastie culture slowly fades
>world peace achieved

Except that with men pulling out their support from under your shitty little society it will cause it to crumble. All of a sudden there are not enough "dedicated men" who are "working hard" for the hopes a woman will accept them. Without women all of a sudden men just need the minimum. There's no reason to work yourself to death for roasties anymore my friends, rejoyce!

Meaning was already lost.

My life is already meaningless. Unloading my spunk in a bot wont hurt anyone.

it hurt the ladies feefees and deny them the attention they 'deserve' user, so you better start orbiting some used up whore.

I wish this was true. I wish I was born when this is the case, where women, worried about being replaced, actually treat men with respect

>I wish this was true. I wish I was born when this is the case, where women, worried about being replaced, actually treat men with respect
their pride will be far too great for them to acknowledge it when it matters.
it'll be far too late when they start treating men with respect because by that time, the robots and VR waifus will be 'far more genuine and real' than women could ever hope to be.
it will not matter when they start to treat men with actual respect because men wouldn't want the respect coming from them nor involve themselves with anything related to women.
women will be on the background forever and put them on survival camps so they can live there.

in the kind of future we are heading, having boyfriend for a girl would be something pretty much out of this world.
can you imagine it? that the concept of having male friend or a boyfriend is something that is just unthinkable? just unreal.
women will have lots of serious mental and emotional problems mixed with lots of pressure.
I mean, how women can compete against a machine who can do everything she can do and better?
imagine living under the constant threat of inmediate replacement? she commits one small mistake and her ass is out of there.
she will do things right and will always be pressured to give her best every single day until she can't due to old age and get replaced by a younger robotic version of herself.
such is the fate of women in the future.

People think that if sex is made accessible it'd take away the meaning of life.
The absolute state of humanity...

the cognitive dissonance and the stupidity will always make me blink with wondering if this is the twilight zone or something worse.
the state of humanity has never been so corrupted.

Bumping for more
I want to add some dank to my collection

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One of the most Redpilled post i seen ages

>even when he wins hes angry

Yet you normie fucks have the audcaity to call us defective

>we'll rebuild the sisterhood and the bond between every woman
what sisterhood?.
and what bond are they talking about? women don't bond, it goes against their very DNA to bond.

He means boipucci user

that's the alternative lifestyle user.

>it keeps you out of the gene pool and eventually you losers will die out
the antinatalist fucking dream

>all you beta fags getting dolls and not fucking real women is the superior outcome because it keeps you out of the gene pool and eventually you losers will die out
you first soyboy

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When will we see $200 realistic sex dolls Jow Forums? I am sick of waiting.

>robots will make sex too easy and people will stop trying for sex
>robots will encourage pedophiles to act out and fuck a real kid

Pick an argument and stick with it, damn.

>the meaning of our lifes is so negligeble that it can be taken over by robots

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It's not their only bargain chip, it's the one they always fall back on due to the path of least resistance.
They could try being nice, developing a personality and a set of skills.
Which I think they will be forced to do in the future, so fuckdolls is win win for everyone

They will never be that cheap
Get a job and start saving