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Other urls found in this thread:

It's not like I'm cute enough to do it anyways.
but god, I wish I fucking was.

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The devil's temptation. Don't let yourself fall into Satan's traps.
Just make other anons aware
Repeat your revelations

I transitioned and I'm happier than ever. Just do what makes (You) happy, if you wanna look like a girl and grow tits then go for it

Same. If I was cute enough I would probably go all the way. As it is, I would probably just look like a freak of nature.


Transitioning > Repressing
But this is only if you are sincerely suffering from gender dysphoria

I'm just saying it makes some people happier, it definitely did for me because I hated absolutely everything about being a man

This desu. Idk why you'd transition if you could live as a cis guy without dysphoria that'd be fucking stupid

Oh yeah, I would absolutely go all the way; No questions asked.
This life is suffering.

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I said don't transition if you're not suffering from gender dysphoria?
What's wrong with transitioning if you've got a legitimate reason to?

Ive transitioned, its hard but Im much better than I was before

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user, i've been this way for 3-4 years at this point. ever since traps became mainstream in 2015 or so.

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You get reassignment surgery? How was that?

It's a growing trend here. We need to stop turning men into sissys

fucking kek this image

Not yet, holding off on that until I get money and even then, I dont know yet, I dont want an axe wound

originally fixed that for you

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A smart tranny. Wow. Yeah why invert a normal feminine penis when it works just fine. You probably like it in the ass anyways.

I mean yeah, its what I got so I put it to use. After a while you do eventually learn to enjoy it. This reiko thing is fucked up tho.

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I fucking wish I was in a discord. Just not that one.

Man, you got some low fuckin' barrier for your goals, dawg.

Am i cute robot?

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There will come a day when a fully transitioned trans woman is functionally indistinct from a natural born woman; what will you say then?

I have low standards becuase then I have the slightest chance to actually achieve them.

Yeah the same day Africa will be best Import and Export Continent

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They are gonna find a way to completely change ones bone structure and chromosomes? Kek

I just cope by ERP'ing as anime girls

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Can't argue with that, like the fuckin Robot Al Bundy.

Changing bone structure is not as far fetched as you think
Chromosomes will not matter when all the effects of genes can be reversed

Tfw I cope by erping with those anime girls.

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The hips and skull are pretty far fetched.

Hips aren't that far away, there's some experimental Korean surgery for hips already but skull is gonna be far fetched

For the internal pelvis? I doubt it. Thank you for admitting that trannies will always be freaks and never be women.

Traps arent mainstream.

You faggots are always putting these fucking anime pictures which try to glorify being a trap. In reality youre just a sick disgusting fuck who will never get laid since your not a woman and no dude wants to stick their dick into some mutilated hole.

Becoming a trap wont solve all of your problems, you wont be happy. Its a lie, and youll end up hanging from the ceiling in a few years if you decide to swallow the bluepill.

>uhhh no you're wrong

Oh my how very rude

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origami original origin

>missing the joke this hardd

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Yes for the internal pelvis, medicine advances pretty quickly so in another 50-100 years it's definitely possible you could have enough surgery to look like the other gender

fixed that for you my duddini friend

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Damn, your a fucking loser. cant wait to see you on liveleak you absolute degenerate fuck.

If you think cutting your dick off will solve all of your problems, it doesnt, it will make you even more mentally ill than you already are. See a decent phsycologist who will help you accept your body. Dont fall for the lies and deception.

There's plenty of men that like traps and trannies, they're called chasers for a reason.
I've had a lot more dating success since I started my transition

Psychologists tell people suffering from gender dysphoria to transition my dude, you can just "accept yourself" and wish dysphoria away

are you fucking kidding me

Ah yes just ignore all medical science because you disagree with what they say. The user I applied to literally said to see a decent psychologist retard

Life is not about vile and meaningless pleasure. Don't go for it, robots!

I dont think you realize the fact that Ive been trying that for years and it hasnt helped. I transitioned because I felt like a woman more than a man and Im for more happier this way than I was before.

It's not a joke, Reiko is a menace to all robots.

This exactly. Its not hurting anyone else. The people who say it corrupts innocent young men wouldnt care about those young men anyway.

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Yes it is possible to spend thousands of dollars to effectively dress up as the opposite sex.

>getting bait this hard

I agree the message in general but most (actually trans) peoples lives improve after transition, knowing from experience

I don't think its morally sound to convince manlets to ruin themselves with cross sex hormones because "being a woman is easier lol", even if you don't end up a gross hon being a woman has its own set of issues and difficulties, plus dealing with tranner shit

The govt shouldn't have to pay for it considering the rate at which transitioning *doesn't* help.

Yet they would be right. Look, I don't care about others too much except people I know, but pushing mental illness is obnoxious and should not be done. It's easy to dismiss shit like this now, but look at thailand. Fucking femboys and shit everywhere. Disgusting.

International disease code (ICD-9)

>implying it doesn't help if it's done right

Psychologists don't have scientific base. See btw.

My dude I live in America, I pay for that stuff with my own money
I totally agree, if people push it, its obnoxious. Irl I try to hide the fact I am and only two people I know in person know Im trans. Its their choice to make, just dont be an attention whore cuz of it.

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The government should not pay for it, people can do whatever non acutely life-threatening surgery they like out of their pocket, coercion through threats of suicide should not be humored at all, let them do it either. I refuse to pay for taxes for this.
Identity disorders like this are induced by upbringing.

Or you can forego your sexuality in order to ascend past the carnal impulses of man.
>b-but muh zionist mongrel propaganda
If the Aryan race is one worth saving then do so, otherwise you should devote yourself purly towards self-improvement in order to spite (actually hunt down and prosecute) degenerates.

No, it doesn't.
302.5 disease

>I've had a lot more dating success since I started my transition
fucking kek

>Psychologists tell people suffering from gender dysphoria to transition

That's why I said get a decent phsycologist, one who doesn't lie and say ''yeah you will be so happy when you're done'' because statistically you have a very high probability of being depressed or even killing yourself after transitioning. Curing gender dysphoria isn't destroying your genitals beyond repair, throwing a dress on and pretending to be a woman, it's about accepting the body that you were born with, user. You will never be a true woman, transitioning will cause you to become even more of an outcast and disgrace to society than you already are, since you will never be accepted by either gender (ie. everyone). Sure, there's a couple of autistic degenerate faggots out there but they are few and very far between.

You'd have to be a delusional retard to fall for that.

The govt doesn't pay for anything in 'murica.

Okay do you have a single peer reviewed study that shows gender dysphoria can be cured by simply accepting the body that you were born with?


Nice quints btw

Beautiful image 10/10 would laugh again

holy shit autism

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My sides have left the atmosphere

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britbong here and I go privet because our bureaucracy is slow as fuck

Also I need to see a study me dudeo

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You are right, user.
Let's raid /r9gay/
>Let's raid /r9gay/
Let's raid /r9gay/
>Let's raid /r9gay/
Let's raid /r9gay/
>Let's raid /r9gay/
>Let's raid /r9gay/
Let's raid /r9gay/

quints of truth

he's fucking right too

Almost everything before ICD-10.

fucking THIS
you stupid faggots used to bitch and moan daily about fucking trap threads and now that this reiko horseshit is going down I see faggot apologists saying
Where did your balls go, Jow Forums?

Have you got any better ideas than a sick system which results in 40% of people who transition attempting suicide and many more being highly depressed? In fact, there are more studies which suggest that transitioning isn't a reliable way to cure gender dysphoria, so it doesn't make sense to go through with it.

repression works for some but not for most, I know people who use to repress and then broke down and transitioned in there 30s-40s

also when the whole world is against you for something you cant control your going to want to die.

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*their, god damn therereres

Reiko. I know you are reading this or somebody in your "trap harem" is and will show it to you. I want to ask you, where do you see your life going?

You are living in the moment, Reiko. You can't deny that you have very little forethought, very little appreciation for how the trajectory of the past continues into the future. I have seen too much of your playstyle on Civ to think otherwise. And the past always keeps moving on. The history of your life now includes the things you've been doing just this past couple of weeks.

Look at what has happened, Reiko. The big dogs have come to their senses and abandoned you. The admins on Civ have even made a mod post distancing themselves from you (and with very good reason). Even though you may claim that it's all just disinfo and you are helping the trans community, if you really were helping the trans community, I would have thought that you would have posted some actual evidence to improve your image. Instead of the insidious over-cute propaganda of anime traps. If you really do have that evidence, I genuinely beg you to post it and lighten the dark clouds that are, right now, surrounding your name.

If you don't, the blame for things like that man's suicide will be yours; even in the case you didn't do it, you will not be able to claim it isn't fact. And as you continue to shill HRT, bending the path of the present further, you change the future. It's like accelerating your car when you can see a wall coming up. You don't want to admit that these things which bring you please in the moment - the memes, the "harem" of traps, the attention, disgust or whatever of those who have heard of what you've done.


Can I see a single recent study? If there's more studies saying it's not a good way to treat gender dysphoria then you must have read a lot or them I'm sure

What if the effects, which really will carry unstoppably into the future, of the HRT that you so wantonly promote is the final thing that drives people on this board to suicide? And don't say they were going to kill themselves anyway. You just can't claim that. This board's regulars get better or they get deader, true, but making people who aren't genuinely transgender, but simply depressed, confused about themselves, separated from social contact and grasping at straws, take HRT and attempt to transition to something they just aren't, is much more likely to make them deader than make them better. There are much more important things for your wellbeing than being around other people's genitalia, but you take advantage of the fact that r9k users are so deluded that they can't accept that, and see a sexual relationship, of any form, as a magic cure to their mental issues.


If you keep doing this, Reiko and your conspirators (however many of them haven't seen that it's gone too far and left by now), you will be responsible for great suffering. Not only for people on this board but their families too. Please. If any of the things people say about you aren't just disinformation, please stop now and try to fix the damage you've already caused. Words and pictures on the internet are more dangerous than just that, because you direct them at the very people who are most vulnerable to them. Think about what you are doing to your own psyche as well. It can't be healthy to revel in this harem, to develop the mindset that lets you take advantage of other people for your own pleasure. You will never be able to find meaning in the real world if you think like that. And if you never find meaning in the real world, you will keep causing drama online for your own satisfaction, keep being the Big Bad who doesn't care for or about other people. You may think that sounds fucking stupid, cheesy and overdramatic. Maybe it is. But if you wake up one day in the future as a fifty-year-old shitposter and realise you have wasted your life hurting people over a computer screen, you will realise just how sad it is to be the badly-written anime villian.

And yes, this is a blogpost and faggily written, but maybe that will make it a little clearer to you that I'm not memeing, I'm not shitposting, and you really are in danger of becoming something you can never come back from.

So if you really, truly don't care about the people you manipulate, then stop it for your own sake. Destroy the future that will destroy you.

>mentally ill robot complaining about internet bantz

I don't use this board I just heard about the Reiko drama and wanted to express my concern.

It's not real drama it's just r9k being autistic again

I erp as anime girls pretty often, but I don't have any desire to transition, be a girl, suck a dick or whatever. It just gets me off the best for some reason, probably severe porn addiction.

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