>roommate is walking around in panties again
Roommate is walking around in panties again
I walk around in my panties too. Fuck my roommate I pay fucking bills and rent I'll walk around however the fuck I want.
I hope that one day he'll bend you over and fuck you mercilessly for being a tease. I know I'm too much of a pussy to do it.
Start walking around in panties too then
He's a cowed fucking bitch, he can't even look me in the face. If he ever went nuts all I'd have to do is scream and the woman that lives beside us will be on the phone instantly because she worries a lot about me being alone with him. She is my apartment mom.
ur mean stop bein mean
>needing an apartment mom
I'm really not shocked you're mentally a child
Fuck off Reiko. Your days are numbered
I'm not, stop being a faggot please.
I don't NEED an apartment mom she is just a nice old lady who worried about me. She needs an apartment daughter though to help her with her TV problems and carry stuff up the stairs for her.
>I'm not, stop being a faggot please.
ur mean n nobody will ever love you for what you are, witch.
Most people love me I'm fucking awesome.
>relying on other people to defend her from violence
Makes me lmao every time feminists say women are strong
Reminder that incel is not, nor has it ever been, synymous with robot. Stop shitting up the board.
>come to Jow Forums
>im awesome
sure u are, u probably only pretend to be nice to manipulate those around u if only they knew how you truly acted u mean mean witch
>Most people love me I'm fucking awesome.
Do you do anal? If yes I'll think you are awesome too
i agree with u here he is a mean man and shouldleave you alone
It's a moot point since he's too big of a bitch to lay a hand on me anyways.
Yeah but I'm really good at it so on a practical level I am awesome.
Yeah sometimes.
>Yeah sometimes.
Ok then you're pretty cool i guess
I'd like to say for the record that whenever I come here it's like listening to some unholy tumult of wailing retards. It never ceases to make me feel good about myself. Stay dumb arcanines.
Is he cute OP-kun?
Sorry but, Christ the things you say sound extremely egoistical. Nice of you to help the old lady though user.
I am curious though, how long have you been in an apartment with this guy, and just how bad is he?
I am egotistic sure but I'm still nice too.
It's been like 2 years almost. I guess it depends on what you mean by bad? He's beta as fuck and all he does is work and play vidya and I only really see him when he sits in the kitchen and waits for food deliveries. He at least has a job and showers daily though so better than the average robot but still a weirdo creep.
Come be my roommate
I'm starting to think Islam isn't such a bad idea
why don't you join?
Calling the police won't un-rape you.