So we all know society is becoming increasingly feminine and teaching guys that "nice guys" is what women want when they actually don't. My question is, if women don't want men like that, then why are they doing this to society?
So we all know society is becoming increasingly feminine and teaching guys that "nice guys" is what women want when...
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nobody has any thought on it?
So that Stacy can ride the cock carousel(Chads). When she's a used up roastie, she needs a "nice" beta provider.
they're not, and you're wrong.
if they're trying to feminize society and create "nice guys" aren't they going to get rid of any potential chads eventually, assuming they're successful? come on now.
The jews are perverting and corrupting the goyim.
poltard please go.
No idiot. Chads are born, not made. The average joes like us are in between and depend on a lot from the surrouding. Their plans dont mean shit to chads, the whole point is to make betas even more submissive and stupid
This lie again. Chads are made, not born. Nobody is born a Chad. Becoming Chad takes work and is not given to anyone for free.
please don't try to lump me in with people like you.
Because they truly dont know what they want.
They teach children to be nice to girls because being nice to them makes them feel good but not aroused.
They arent as smart as you think they are, never believe a single word from their mouths.
It's a huge shit-test and women are cognitively dissonant.
Just be masculine and disregard everything else.
They are destructive, even to the detriment of their own interests. Let them, they'll never bloody learn.
they teach people to be nice to each other because if people weren't no part of society would continue to work. but sure, it's because they want to feminize boys, or something.
Kind of this but also it's like the ultimate trick to get guys they don't like to weed themselves out of the dating game. Roasties hate nice and kind men, but by pretending they like them, the nice and kind men will be so and reveal themselves and can be demonized for it. Meanwhile, the Chads won't change their behavior at all and get the girls.
So basically, it's a huge portion of men basically taking the axe to themselves because they believed roastie lies, and narrowing the dating pool. And really, that's what roasties want at the end of the day; if a guy isn't Chad, they'd rather he wasn't in the dating pool at all.
>this is how fascists think they look.
Being a Chad is 99.9% genetics though. No amount of molding will fix your nonexistent jaw or your balding head or your autism. All of that shit is predetermined at birth.
this is a belief born out of desire to not be required to try or work for anything. the reason you believe this is because you want it to be true, as an explanation for your own failure to accomplish what you think is chad-like feats. it's all about explaining away your own lack of initiative and is in no way reflective of how reality works.
Do you really think there is some elaborate conspiracy going on here? It's just a result of biology. Women aren't interested in or capable of pulling something like this off.
This is just your pitiful coping, to try to excuse not trying. You too could become Chad but are too scared.
Or you are just a lazy, feminized sorry excuse of a man and this is all coping.
You dont seem to understand my post. What i meant by "born" is that certain people are just more blessed than others. For example, if you was born a very cute and handsome boy then everyone would instantly wanted to get close to you. Other boys, men and of course women from all ages. He got to practice this from a very young age just because he was born special. All the awkwardness that he had would not be judged at such an age and the amount of practice would eliminate it soon enough. And now lets talk about the joes. Ugly, therefore way fewer ppl or maybe even none wants to talk to them. Rejection from such an young age can permanently destroy a person confidence. And you are shy, so you hide away, combined with the above made you into the beta that you are today. I have never had a single female friend. All i ever got were a bunch of losers just as pathetic as me. Pretty kids thought i was beneath them, just like me who would try to avoid talking to that ugliest girl in school. Yeah shes nice and all, but no one cared, all because of her appearance. Why are you so triggered by my post? What i have to say is so obvious that it is pretty much rule everyone just knows. Maybe you are a normie with a pretty face and doesnt want to admit that his effort is pretty much nothing? I dont really hate normal fag, i understand why they act like that. And the cool kids in my class used to say this all the time: "im pretty so i get to make the rule".
The real question is why do the redpilled masculine men of Jow Forums women really want turn vaginas arid simply by being present? Why are you faggots all a bunch of miserable permavirgins and bullied by Chad? Why is Chad even able to bully you? I thought /pol9k/ was in great physical shape?
thanks for telling me stories and all, but i'd much rather you just kill yourself.
you thinking of yourself as worthless is entirely aside from the question of your birth. it's your fault. it's not anyone else. nobody taught you to believe you're ugly and worthless. you saw what people liked, assumed you didn't have it, and came to the conclusions you came to. please stop trying to pretend that the world is against you when you're just a pathetic child, it's really embarrassing to witness.
No i don't think it's a conspiracy, i just think on a social level women behave differently than on an individual. Socially, women still behave as though they want the nice gentlemen. Individually, a woman just wants Chad to crush her pussy.
Holy shit you got triggered. Genetics will simply have an effect on your starting point. As an adult nothing prevents you from going higher.
Question: why can't you become Chad? Let's see you give an actual non-meme answer and not whiny excuses.
They do want nice guys, however the nice guy also has to look like a Chad. They don't want nice ugly guys.
Because dude Chads are born not made loose said above. we can understand how women and gender dynamics work, but for men your place is decided 100% by your genetics. The men here are betas that refused to be used and play the game.
r9k is not one person.
t. successful with women and have been on and off browsing Jow Forums since 2006.
It must be the work of the Nihon Hikikomori Kyoukai
Why are you wo angry and quick to label everyone such things? Many people dont want to be "bad boys". They are quiet, hard working and goal oriented. They dont like drinking or acting like a nigger. And of course they would not appeal to the standard roastie though. They either have to choose some uglier one or some pretty face roast who just want to settle. My uncle who is pretty much what you mean by a chad: fuck whores, join gang, drunktard, out going,... yet when the wall hit, he decided to marry some dumb,ugly minority bitch who can barely speak. He cant marry a good one. Its all hes got
>why can't you become Chad?
Small penis
Inability to socialize
Lack of aggressive and alpha in-born traits
Asymmetrical skull shape with weak jaw.
Women do want nice guys. They want guys who are nice, rich, and muscular. Women's preferences really are not that mysterious. Really, the only difference is that women tend to put more weight on money in their mates and men tend to put more weight on looks.
You are my least favorite kind of person. Like if I had to slowly torture a person to death it would be you.
Why are you lying? You don't understand how women and gender dynamics work at all. If you did, you would be swimming in pussy instead of being a kissless virgin.
Moving goalposts? Nobody is talking about becoming a bad boy, just Chad.
>unless micro doesn't matter
>you're less likely to be a violent criminal
>wtf does this have to do with anything?
You just literally admitted you could easily become Chad. You just choose not to.
Spoiler: girls don't actually like muscular guys. Only gays like you do.
Are you dumb or smt? Chad = bad boy
He's actually fucking right though. Unless you are a far outlier in a fairly negative way, you can still be, to some extent a chad. And what the fuck is a chad anyway? Some claim he's a guy so great that you'll pretty much always like him once you get to know him. Some claim he's an asshole that girls just fucking love. Some claim he's both. Some claim you have to have specific stats to be a chad, and if you lack these you aren't. It's so hard to tell who can and cannot become chad when no one even knows what they really mean with chad.
>hurr it's all genetics
Isn't this board full of Jow Forums dicksuckers? If your genes go extinct then you were inferior and deserve to die alone.
Dude it's Chad THUNDERCOCK. A big dick is a requirement. Practice doesn't matter, I've been practicing for years my brain cannot understand.
Women love violent criminals, not being one is a negative for sex.
It's an elaborate way of saying I'm ugly due to my bone structure dude. I wish I could be a Chad
Spoiler: women usually won't tell you what they want to your face in fear of seeming shallow
If you think women don't want men in good physical shape over bad physical shape, you are delusional or coping.
>indoctrinate and neuter white men
>encourage and promote mass immigration
>blame and hate white men
Just look at what's happening. Modern day feminism attacks white men for standing up to pee and sitting with their legs spread but won't say two words about the massive rape rates of non-whites and how rap denigrates women or how muslims treat women. It's pure white male hatred. There is no other reason, the sole purpose of the modern day left is to destroy whiteness and white people. That's their goal everywhere.
That's the most retarded thing I have ever read. Chad does not equal bad boy, not in the slightest. You're living in fantasy land.
There is a difference and big gray areas between being a Chad meathead gorilla and a fun hating autist. A lot of self proclaimed betas do not make any attempt to find that balance and people can tell that they are emotionally resigned and fragile minded.
No I understand and the knowledge of how gender dynamics work is why I know why I have no chance of ever swimming in pussy
I don't agree with Jow Forums. But yes my genes are inferior and I will be bred out
>the bone structure guy again
You need help, seriously. If you can't get mental help in your eastern European shithole, seek it in western Europe.
t. Chad from reddit
You are the angry ones user, you keep insulting me with the words over and over. I am not a loser. I study hard and got good grade, have a few friends that are very nice towards me. All im saying is that im just inferior compared to chad. I got mock and insult just by taking a selfie with a friend of mine. Im not pretty in anyway whatsoever so i know i have to try in other things to get further. Telling loners to just kill yourself means a lot user, i feel a deep sadness right now, totally remember why norman dont like me in the first place
Nobody said women like men in bad shape. They just don't like the roided gym rats with excessive muscle. Only gay guys like those.
Why come to Jow Forums then? To laugh at robots or do you like getting virtually yelled at?
Okay, so why aren't you swimming in pussy right now?
Oh boy, another "I chose to be inferior" loser.
I live in the east coast US dude. Bone structure makes you ugly I don't know how you can doubt that. My eyes are sloppy and uneven looking and my jaw juts to one side, with barely any chin.
The trick is to become chad but keep your inner beta intact, you fucking sperg
But I don't like muscular guys. I like skinny femboys with big buts. Muscles are not sexy to me at all.
Inferior genes. I don't have the brain to be an aggressive selfish alpha male and I lack the in-built attractive features a man needs to be swimming in pussy
This place still stands a chance of not being /b/ tier awful so I stick around for the few times funny content is posted. Not them btw but not everybody comes here to blogpost.
Women want everyone who isn't Chad to be the "nice guy" because nice guys are betas. Beta bucks alpha fucks simple as that. They want men to support them, while they go out and fuck Chad, even if they have to share.
even babies like attractive faces more, user. It's no wizardry that average people have less success in general because attractiveness plays a huge part in how people will treat you
Because not everyone is punched in the face everyday at school. Most of the time its just people talk shit behind my back just loud enough to make me notice and laugh at me when i do literally anything. You couldnt punch them. Yeah you could insult them back everytime but they outnumbered you so it didnt really matter. Loud and fast = victory.
>aggressive selfish alpha male
These kinds of guys do not swim in pussy. Clearly you were lying earlier when you said you understand women and dating dynamics.
That is women's biology. They want strong men who can care for them and protect them. Not johnny faggot who is a borderline trap. Their way of finding out what every guy is is hardwired I to their genetic biological behavior. Try to trick and manipulate guys. Weak men will do it and never put a woman into her place. They'll believe bullshit lies, and always take her advice, even when they know it might be wrong. High status men don't give a fuck and will do what they do. Women know these types of men are probably very capable of taking care of their basic needs.
You faggots need to swallow some red pills on Jow Forums about women and society. This is day one shit bros
You usurped this board, it wasnt always an echo-chamber for incels.
I come here to stave off boredom and to shitpost.
>These kinds of guys do not swim in pussy.
Explain Jeremy Meeks then? Women throw themselves at that man who beat a child. Women also like guys with "confidence" which is a code word for being aggressive and knowing you're hot shit.
>evopsych nonsense
no thanks I'll pass
Typical normalfag with their rude attitude. I dont choose to be inferior, i try my best and give all i got but i understand a simple fact that some people are just better than me. It just goes to show the whole "everyone is equal" meme just got another victim
Women like moderately muscular men. But seriously, secondary sex characteristics are tautologically sexy. For men, musculature is a secondary sex characteristic.
>he thinks one exception disproves facts
Confidence is not aggressiveness. If you were not a brainlet you would understand this. Clearly the reason you can't get girls is your brainletism.
Women like a healthy looking man. Ottermode is best.
>healthy looking man
And who do you think is healthiest all other things remaining equal? The fat man, the skinny man, or the muscular man?
but the two correlate with each other.
>My question is, if women don't want men like that, then why are they doing this to society?
because that is a shit test to weed out betas who fall for it. also don't listen to women but watch what they do. women are reacting to assholes and not the nice guys.
The guy with muscles that don't look like giant tits. Bara for fags and fat black ladies only.
They are very much related. Gang members, murders, drug dealers all have no problem fucking tons of girls.
He's just the most prolific example and to think he beat a child. Something women are suppose to culturally care a lot about, but when it comes to alpha aggressive men they don't care and will worship him.
God you fucks are pathetic. Fuck what those people have to say. Make yourself better everyday. Read a book, form and have opinions. Challenge people and yourself intellectually. It will make you a more interesting and competent person. Don't give a fuck. Call people out on bullshit, they actually respond to it better than you think and it will make you look alpha as fuc. Lift weights if you are so inclined, but it's more about attitude I've learned. It's a mentality. You aren't better than anyone, and vice versa, so go make something of yourself and stop wallowing around and feeling sorry for yourselves like little bitches. All of the greatest humans throughout history didn't become great by sitting around talking about Chad. You don't have to resort to violence, when people talk, just ignore that shit and know that those people don't pay your bills or do anything for you, they are a waste of time everytime you think of them. They won't give a fuck about you in 10 years, hell probably 5 years, and you won't give a fuck about them either. Basically, if you want to be something, go out and fucking be it. There is no other way to achieve it
most woman are very emotional and insecure. dominant men make them feel good without actually making them feel better about themselves or improving their self worth.
society doesn't work like that anymore
>if they're trying to feminize society
not only that but they are welcoming invaders to conquer them because they fell for their shit test.
The guy with a good body and healthy muscles that doesn't look like he eats steroids for breakfast.
No they don't. Many guys are aggressive because they are insecure.
Men who are not gang members and drug dealers also have no problem fucking tons of girls.
Then tell me, oh great incel, how does it work? Wittle babby just wost da genetic wottery so he won't even twy anymowe cuz it's sooo pointwess?
I don't see it. Polite and reserved men are constantly demonized all over social media and in tv shows and movies. Nobody is telling them to be timid. Men are being punished for being bold and forward, too, yes, but no longer are men being taught that it's okay to be timid. Women and the media don't actually want men to do anything other than be their perfect puppets.
It did at one point?
This doesn't happen. Why are you lying? Tranny psyops again?
Nobody demonizes "nice guys"? Nobody claims that there's a rape culture and that men need to be more respectful of women? Those aren't often the same people? If the answer to those are "yes", to you, then we live in different timelines and that's pretty cool that we're communicating.
user you typed like a 10 year old. I used to say that kind of shit to myself for god knows how many time but you have to understand that your dumb forced positivity doesnt work in real life. You are wired to obsessively care about peoples opinion. Thats why you wear clothes, uniform to school, eat food with chopstick. You care about ppls opinion. You want their respect and you would do anything to get that. The fact that you keep telling yourself to not give a fuck means you are just denying reality over and over. Your behavior has a fuck lot to do with your surrounding and your own action just plays one role in it.
It works like one big highschool thanks to the internet and social media. And you can't really opt out because if you don't use social media people tend to think you're weird.
Nowhere near the amount the "bad" guys get. And women will cheat on their regular bfs pretty frequently with these more aggressive guys. And it's false a lot of men have a lot of problems with getting even a little pussy
This is sick. Mocking the disabled like that man
>Women aren't interested in or capable of pulling something like this off.
Not consciously or overtly, but this is their subconscious thought process when choosing a mate and the consequences of it.
You are factually wrong. This bitter incel bubble you live in doesn't reflect reality.
I'm not an incel, just cause I've had sex doesn't mean I have delude myself to the real nature of women.
>implying the Florida or the Aurora shooters are not swimming in female fan letters.
You can't get respect from other people until you respect yourself. You fags have an absolutely weak minded attitude and you feel defeated because of it. You've no self respect because of it. Become productive, not for anyone else, but for your damn self. If you don't respect yourself, you don't take pride in your appearance, or the objects you have or the state of your living quarters. People see this shit from a mile away and it seems simple but I've seen so many people (mostly young men) fall in to this slob mentality and it bleeds over into other aspects of their life. It's why that Petersen fag is always telling you to clean your room. I'm not much into him but he is correct. Start taking some pride in yourself, people will notice and treat you differently.
Oh, and you might have told yourself that forces positivity shit, but did you actually act on it? You can tell yourself until you're blue in the face but action is when the difference is made. I can tell myself I need to cleanup my living area, but do I actually do it? Or do I sit around and vidya all day then feel even more shit about myself because I know exactly what I need to do but I didn't do it?
Oh and for real fuck people's opinion. I can't say it enough. Some people will drag you down as much as they can just because the feel like shit themselves and think everyone else should too. Don't fucking listen to them user, they are toxic
Lol bro no one cares what they themselves have to say. I got chad like friends who would come to my house, took my guitar and made me film him pretending to play the guitar to get them like on facebook. He cant play guitar. I can tell you are from Jow Forums and Jow Forums and you are all deluded as hell.
Who the fuck says you can't opt out of social media? This is what I'm talking about, you care too much what people think. "oh they'll think I'm weird if I don't have social media", so fucking what? This is the confidence aspect I'm pushing, if you don't want social media, don't fucking have it. You are letting outside influencers dictate your actions. It's seems like a petty thing but it is not. This attitude bleeds over into all other aspects of your life. If I like Miley Cyrus, I'll fucking like her music and nobody will tell me different because fuck em. Who the fuck are they to try to tell me what I like and don't like? If I enjoy, I'll enjoy it, I ain't hurting nobody
This is the confidence women talk about, not some aggressive caveman gangster bullshit.