What's the best way to get a conservative girlfriend?

What's the best way to get a conservative girlfriend?

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be successful
not be the kind of loser who sits on r9k

you've already failed user

Go to church
Leave Jow Forums (or at least Jow Forums)

>takes selfies
Hmmm, seems like a fucking whore to me.

Go to a bigger church (not mega though), get involved in some leadership capacity like running a small group, and also be successful outside of church. I legitimately scammed my way into a Christian girls mouth by doing this

What do you mean by conservative and why is that important?

convert one of the many Jow Forumstards infesting this board into a girl
they'll still be conservative but they'll be liberal in the bedroom

Chloroform theory.

Start by, first, being able to get one in the first place.
Oops, looks like this is gonna be harder than expected.

start going to church at the very least, also many good christian girls are emotional compassionate types, so no open racism etc.

Do you think I have a chance with this girl if I go back to church? She used to be an altar girl.

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that's blancnoir, she is a whore, and she's great.

thats a tranny, if you didnt already know

She's Korean by the way
I went to that church until high school then stopped going

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if you are not korean so you don't have chances

It depends. You must be a true man.


Ask out conservative girls?

I'm Korean too

She has like 700 instagram followers though
Does a scrawny beta like me have any chance? I don't think I'm that ugly

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Nice body too surprisingly
Short height too
She seemed quiet back then but not sure

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dsa fads d sasdf

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>started seeing this girl
>Only had 2 dates and she's already sending me pics of her in underwear

Is it weird that this is both good and bad to me? Obviously a girl sending me sexy pictures is nice, but the fact that she's doing it so soon kind of conflicts with my values.

I've been responding sort of positives but... I don't know. I dunno how to feel. I've been thinking a lot about just ending this now before any sort of conflict happens. Tbh I'm not really brave enough to be honest about my values with her and ask her to slow down

I just want to a cute conservative girl

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This is what I don't understand about Jow Forums. No morals the faggots on this site spout is worth taking seriously.

No wonder you're on Jow Forums

Become your own conservative gf :^)

not necessarily politically conservative
yeah but it's still beta as fuck