What on earth is going on, i don't remember any of this happening yesterday. Did /LGTB/ raid us?
What on earth is going on, i don't remember any of this happening yesterday. Did /LGTB/ raid us?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's pol again. those faggots literally cannot stay on their containment board.
thats fucking disgusting. trannies should all be gassed
it's Jow Forums trying to start shit as usual
Jow Forums literally saved us from a /lgbt/ raid.
Trannies were raiding yesterday, the day before that and every day for a year or something.
Some normie made a video on it which then blew up and caused mods to take action.
I don't think so, somethings goin on
I'd rather have pol here than fucking lgbt
def not a vagina
looks like a post-op gaping wound
chris chan?
correct ,y frendu
fucking hell, that is fucking sickening, how a man would mutilate himself like this, traps, transgenders, they're all batshit insane.
For once I don't think so
you're just figuring this out?
>Trannies raid the board daily for 2 years
>They get called out
>REEEEE Jow Forums
Lol a neovagina.
We will always be with our robot brothers.
Is it true that Reiko is blackmailing robots to get them HRT?
its a polnigger raid, and for some reason theyve made it into this bizarre drama to do with some fucking losers on discord.
to be fair i welcome anything that encourages the mods to delete shitty trap threads but pol pretending like they saved r9k when theyre easily just as bad as the trap threads is just delusional shit
I am proud to have taken part in this.
Don't listen to this trapfag OP, the threads have been deleted but do some digging to uncover the truth and the fucked up shit reiko and his merry band of cock suckers were trying to do.
Yes and he also posts CP everywhere.
Listen up faggot, Jow Forums didn't care since they had to handle the shills from their own board only like 5 Jow Forumsacks were here but they did help, also this was going on way before Jow Forums was even involved, but apparently if we want faggots gone or wanting to improve board quality it must be Jow Forums do you know how retarded this sounds?
Its the trannys false flagging
>no it's Jow Forums
>no it's /lgbt/
maybe it's different these days, but just little bit ago Jow Forums and /lgbt/ had a lot of cross posters. Used to be a significant minority on /lbgt/ shared similar opinions to Jow Forums, minus the sexual degeneracy part and were live and let live on that bit. It was only a vocal minority of what seemed to be mostly trannies (or anons pretending to be) that were die hard antifa, /leftypol/ trouble makers (spammers). But maybe all that's changed in recent days.
t. lurking Jow Forumsock about to fuck off back to his containment board.
not chris chan but it's a common troll to associate it with that autist. Chris just has an open wound in his taint that won't close form a piercing gone wrong.
iirc: it's some dude that lost his dick in an accident. He's not even one of those crazies that wanted it removed -like a tranny or that freak that cut his balls off with a steak knife and posted it on his tumblr.
I hate that I know this shit but there you go.
WTF is that?!?
That looks disgusting
they made enough of a ruckus that the mods started banning trap threads so they did kind of 'save' r9k
Nah /lgbt/ doesn't raid people, lgbt jannies are super autistic and they push stuff like that to /soc/ straight away
>10-11 April
The dates are all wrong.
Last time mods started deleting trapthreads, they only did it for a few days and let it run rampant here again.
I think the mods are in on this trap shit.