Yes or No?
Should it be regulated and how?
What do you think of men who do it?
What about women who offer themselves?
Should be illegal.
Virgin. Just lol at your life.
check them every few weeks for diseases
pretty gross
you cant stop it anyway so might aswell control it in some way
>if you're against prostitution you must be a virgin
Or I can get sex without having to pay for it, beta.
Sure as hell men like that sit here all day long.
Prostitution is legal everywhere except a few third world religious shitholes.
You obviously can't, virgin. Chads go to prostitutes as do normies.
no. it gives too much financial power to women over men. its not equality. ban it.
Exactly. America rekt.
If that's the type of thinking that helps you get through the day, so be it bud.
What if we force all women to be a hooker?
Oh wait they already are.
you wont trick me, roasty prosty. i know youre not male ive been merely pretending not to know all along.
Indeed I am trans male.
Men who go to prostitutes can also get it for free. Virgin betas are the ones who don't go to prostitutes.
had a lot of fun, didja?
Yes, all the dicks in the world and I still get them every day.
Aha yes uhum okay.
Yes or No?
Should it be regulated and how?
They should be screened for diseases and you should be required to wear a condom is all. Legal brothels for incels that can't get sex otherwise would be great.
What do you think of men who do it?
I think there are better things they could be spending their money on but I don't blame them if getting sex the traditional way is too difficult for them
What about women who offer themselves?
Well if they have no other way to make ends meet and they aren't spending their entire pay on drugs I suppose it isn't that bad. They probably make easier money selling their body than they would working minimum wage and they're only doing as they see fit for themselves.
It's true, virgin beta.
u lye, roast. i have learned your ways.
Should be legal, I'd gladly pay some dosh every now and again to plough some slut out of my league.
nah. its promotes financial imbalance between sexes. now that ive confirmed she doesnt like me , i dont ever want to see her roastie again.
>you cant stop it anyway so might aswell control it in some way
Spoken like a true hater of freedom.
>unironically being libertarian
I do that whenever I can.
>Chads go to prostitutes
Maybe the most delusional cope I've ever seen on Jow Forums
>pre-sexual revolution, it should be illegal
>post-sexual revolution, legal
It depends on the world we live in. I'd obviously prefer the former, but in our current society it's more pragmatic to have prostitution legalized.
Of course.
Regulations provide healthier working conditions for women and less drug overdose related death yadda yadda yadda.
If kept as a "special item on menu" and not openly advertised i don't care.
A profession that existed since Babylon.
They legit do. Chad is horny af.
Whore houses that check them weekly and where you can take an appointment for a room
Don't care about either, everyone is free to do what they want.
Disease screening, protective legislation, sex workers union, at least getting women off dark street corners and out from underneath highway overpasses is a good fucking start. Established, clean, well-maintained brothels and employment through erotic entertainment services (Rather than self employment or pimping) are probably good non-government measures that can be taken.
>Men taking?
Do what you wanna do, I don't care.
>Women offering?
Same. At the very least, if a woman feels she has to turn to prostitution- she should be able to do it in an environment where there is some concern for her health and safety.
Yes. I wouldn't care about anyone who participates, as it doesn't bother me and I'd still enjoy my virginity. There's no reason for it to be illegal in this current dating climate, anyway.
Strict punishments against it.
Even more pathetic then me.
Even more pathetic then me AND their customers.
For the record I live in a country where prostitution is perfectly legal.