Im so happy

im so happy
theres not a single trap soyboy mentally ill fuckwit sissy faggot thread in this entire board at the moment
i hope i dont jinx it

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Right? I love seeing the original threads being slowly bought back to life, peice by peice, the reconstruction of Jow Forums

You should really consider transition, it will make your life happier!

I'm really quite proud at what the mods are doing today, fixed this place right up. I just hope they realized that they can't just put of proper board moderation, it can be really dangerous when thousands of autistic anons start waging war.

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this is a fucking meme now and it's here to stay. as a meme.
>tfw no reiko dom bf

op here
i hope you joke user
pls tell me you be memeing me right now

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you have no idea how happy I am about this. i've been here for years and I feel like I'm free. even though I'm still here the lack of traps just makes me feel... Comfy.

what exactly happened to free us of the traps? did reiko just give up after being exposed?

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mods are deleting their shitty threads

I wish there was. I haven't jerked off in a while.

go back to xvideos you sissy soy boy
we dont serve your kind here
go eat some tofu and shave your testicles

mods are doing their job, reiko is running scared and actual traps are feeling unwelcome

it feels like a dream. this day couldn't get better if it tried.

ikr? i feel like im on cloud 9 right now
im so happy im gonna buy a custard ejuice to celebrate the burning of the traps
so happy i can scroll through ten pages without seeing a shaved cock

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get the fuck out of here you disgusting piece of shit. go tell your mother that you jack off to this shit. would she be happy?

you should feel ashamed of yourself, you dirty, low test, waste of space.

What are you, gay? I don't want to be one, I just want to fuck one.

I don't think my love life is my mother's business.

one day we'll gather all the soylent boys and faggots and burn them

i, the op approve

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go for it, user. you deserve a treat! im going to get myself an eighth and have a little read. today feels fresh.

explain to me exactly
ok lemme get this right, just right
explain to me how fucking another man does not make you gay

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He looks like a woman. Except the penis.

she brought you into the world, you fucking retard. if you don't think your parents would be happy with what you're doing(which seems likely) then you should just either off yourself, or get off this board.

... if I dress a monkey up as a woman, shave it, put on makeup all over it, do its nails and lashes, and then proceed to fuck it in the ass, does that make it not bestiality?

This isn't over until reiko is behind bars

>has a penis
>biologically male
>you are male

you're a fucking faggot hahahahahahahaha

its not love life u fuckin idiot true tranny chasers (not you) are disgusted by these freaks' bodies and are turned on out of their hatred and disgust kind of like a scat fetish or a rape fetish

Transitioning isnt a joke, its a pathway of life most should consider

>she brought you into the world,
Didn't ask her to. But that aside, pushing me out of your vagina only gives you power over me for the first 18 years.

What is that analogy

If you say so

Fair point, love life was the wrong phrase to use. I don't think I could actually be in a romantic relationship with a tranny.

Checked, you based bastards.

Ever since Raiko happened becoming a trap is the biggest meme imaginable. Fortunately, times have moved, user.

and consecutive dubs too
truly we are blessed this day
by the trap haters this board so badly needs


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We are the angry hero's that this board may not want, but definitely needs.