Tfw i want to be a girl

>tfw i want to be a girl

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we support u senpai

Fuck off faggot, go jack off to the people who you blackmail.

go back to discord anime tree anime

your meme feitsh threads ain't gonna fly any more, tranny

martial law is in effect

end yourselves

I didn't think I wanted to be one but now I keep seeing these threads I think more and more about how it would be nice to be pretty and feel appreciated.

Begone trapposter! You and your kind Are not welcome here. Fuck off to your faggot board.


we'll have tracked down the reicunt soon and once we do, his life will be over. we have sleepers in his discords and we will find anyone willing to continue his work. we will end them too.

you won't survive this. pol won't let you harm our poor little autistic robots any more.

Die of aids orignally.

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You will never be a girl, you are a fucking man, a dirty perverted one at that Do yourself a favor and be another lgbt suicide statistic. sage

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Because youre completely useless and the only thing you can offer is a hole that isnt even wet. I will never understand you trannies

Reminder that Jow Forums is a progressive board and we should be accepting of those who want to cross the gender border

ok you go now
bye bye

great now thanks to that Reiko cocksucker everyone thinks us trannies are all freaks and kike shills

Shilling this hard. Time to go faggot.

you are freak. off yourself or get off this board.

Whoa! Dude, you... You just.. I will never see trannies- I mean- Transgendered individuals in the same light again! Thank you brave soul! So glad Jow Forums is a beautiful and progressive place! Progress in equality is exactly why I love this board :)

I appreciate this post.


but you are a freak, makes me happy that you lot will burn in hell for your disgusting behavior

kek why would i give a shit what a jewish god approves of or doesn't approve of?

Try seeing a doctor. Now fuck off

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Ok but you aren't planning to do anything about that are you? Nothing would be enough.

KYS Reiko#3333
We know now.

You're both right, most likely fucking nothing happens when we die...
But hey, it's fine, being a tranny is a punishment in itself. It just takes a little time before the regret kicks in and you see everyone near your age with families while you've permanently fucked your body and you're infertile.

I'm not attracted to women user and lets be honest i heavily doubt most of r9k would ever have a chance at starting a family and i wasn't trying to say that i was just saying i don't care what Jewish gods think of me Christianity is a jewish religion i do believe in gods just i don't care what a jewish sky daddy thinks of me