Homosexuality is not degenera-

Homosexuality is not degenera-


Daily reminder that homosexuality is evil.

Romans 1:21-30 King James Version (KJV)
>Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
>And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
>Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
>Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
>Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

Attached: Why gays are looked down upon.jpg (968x1998, 304K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> has sex in the middle of the street during a gay pride parade
> puts gay propaganda all over tv
> teaches homosexuality and anal to kindergarten kids
> spreads AIDS and causes a health epidemic
> begins the normalization of child transsexuals and pedophilia
> sues Christian bakery
> passes laws against "homophobic hate speech" to put anybody who criticizes them in prison
> mainstreams deviant sexual acts like anal and normalizes hook up culture
>puts gay shit all over the media and schools
>adopts young boy, rapes him

Attached: Truth.jpg (675x1031, 267K)

very very based

All of those things shouldn't happen.

t. gay

But they do.

t. reality

Attached: #011 Facts about homosexuality.jpg (3100x1604, 1.27M)

Wake up, robots!
Do not fall for the pro-gay propaganda.

Attached: truth about homosexuality.png (1506x3976, 573K)

Rescue the next generation from the clutches of these oppressive people.

Attached: #012 Kids raised by broken and homosexual families heavily underpeform.png (971x823, 87K)

Soulless stares.

Attached: Gigi2.jpg (650x535, 36K)


>posts on Jow Forums
Really makes you think...

>hating on your fellow men.
What the fuck is wrong with you. The average homosexual is infinitely more based than the average woman or even the average normie.

Thanks for the advice, bro.
Now you've posted this on a virgin board where everyone points fingers at society and calls for its end, you've really changed some minds bro.

Attached: Problem-degeneracy.png (800x600, 11K)

I heard some r9k people asking for help on Jow Forums due to invading gays and trannies.

Would smash butthole and suck dick too.

>Never been molested
>Had good parents who raised me with morals and shit
>Didn't even know what gay was and only knew the definition of the word a couple of years after my sexual orientation was extablished
>Still ended up gay but not a degenerate perv who wants to fuck kids or sleeps around
>Know straight pervs with abusive and deviant straight parents
It's almost as if... hold up...
It's... It's almost as if... the exposure to sexual perversion early on... hold up...
The exposure to sexual perversion early on... makes you a deviant degenerate pervert... rather than determining the gender aesthetic of your sexual tastes...
Huh... Who'd have... Who'd have thought?

Reread the bible verses. There's other ways to be given unto vile affections.

reminder: it's not homo if you turn yourself into a girl

>sodomists are immoral perverts
Yes we've known this for thousands of years already. Why are 21st century people so uneducated?

But it is satanic.

Jewish propaganda.

Daily reminder that Jews worship Satan.

Mentally ill. Congrats on following Jew2.0.

Yes of course kuffar are agents of satan.

Good post lad

>real homosexuality has never been tried

satan isn't real sweetiemuffins
and if he was he would be a hero

There is no such thing as gay/straight/bisexual/trans/etc

There's degenerate and non-degenerate.
There is no different between pedophiles and homosexuals. They are one of the same and often both at the same time. There is no such thing as transgender people or identity.
Those who want to become the opposite gender are oversexed perverts who's sexual diversions have sunken so deep, they now find self-mutilation sexually attractive.

These are not healthy, normal people.
They are not like you and I.

Attached: ignorefags.png (1600x1600, 102K)

>Drinks milk

>Drinks semen
>Gets GRIDs
>Fucking dies

>"He held hands with someone of the same sex! Fucking paedophile degenerate hedonist, turning a blind eye to how sick, gross, wrong, and damaging that is!"
>Eats egg


Sodomites get out.

Indeed. They are all reprobate.

>unironically quoting the bible

sjws existing doesn't make your book any less fake

Repent of your disbelief and believe in Jesus Christ as your LORD and savior.

Can't believe just because you told me too. I'm not a sheep.

Read the King James Bible. Take some time to get through it. You can ask for advice on 8ch christian board.

You mean the wildly mistranslated bible he commissioned so parliament would leave his boyfriend alone?

Hello JIDF! Didn't know you come on R9K too!

>citing a bible verse on Jow Forums
...well okay I understand some people are religi-
>king james version
2/10 try again

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Why hate the true word of God in English?

kill yourself along with your imaginary god faggot

because he doesn't exist you brainwashed fuck

Ok for real though, without any ad hominem, can someone tell me what's wrong in being gay by itself? I do agree the LGBT community is fucking retarded and I absolutely hate it, but I'm also bisexual and never even thought of pedophilia, rape, or any of that degenerate stuff. Homosexuals have been around for centuries, as far back as the ancient Egyptians, which by the way allowed homosexuality. So honestly, stop attacking gay people and instead focus on the moral degenerative manner of cultural Marxists!

it's not wrong, people just hate on the vocal part of the lgbt community which just so happens to be completely retarded

I don't hate gays, but the whole "dicks everywhere being flamboyant and catty" thing really bothers me. You don't see women do it, so why should gay men feel the need to do all of this shit?

Why so hostile? This board is being oppressed by faggots and trannies but you treat christians as you should treat them.

It's purpose is to destroy the family. The family is the backbone of society.

Tbh I don't really even think straight and gay are identities, and treating them as such is just a way to divide people and market things to them. Just try and comb through older Egyptian or Greek texts and find anything that references homosexuality or heterosexuality as an identity. Even the Bible for all it's supposed homophobia never says anything about homosexual people, only homosexual acts. And yeah, the "LGBT community" tends to value acts of "transgression" (e.g. pride parades, dressing in drag) as ways to assert identity against an oppressive system, but I think you really have to wonder how transgressive something is when the supposedly oppressive system begins to, for the most part, accept/support it. It's just mindless identity politics. Cultural Marxism, though, is a bigger meme than crypto-fascism and I always feel sad when I see people buying into it.
There is a huge disparity in the type of attention given to gay male sexuality and gay female sexuality. I really do think part of it is because gay female sexuality is, just like gay identity, something that can be packaged and sold. How much "hetero porn" do you see that involves two girls performing homosexual acts on each other? Now how much do you see that involves two guys performing homosexual acts on each other? "Straight" guys will frequently fantasize about "gay" girls; "straight" girls don't do it nearly as much with "gay" guys. I don't really have a conclusion here that can answer your question, just food for thought I guess.

Read the story of sodom and gomorrah and the story of the Levite and his concubine.

I feel too scared to ask them for fear of losing my place in my god-tier but SJW college.
The closest faggot I know seems to have noticeable but low levels of fag (lowkey hates pride, etc.) so it's not like I can ask someone in confidence... But I want to know their honest reasoning because it bothers me.

I have. As I said, none of it posits homosexuality as an identity. The sin is performing a homosexual act, not "being a homosexual", because being a homosexual was not something they considered.

Correction. Homosexuality itself isn't the sin but the state of mind are in to reject god. The state of mind is when God gives over to a reprobate mind to have vile affections (in this case, homosexuality) to do things that are not convenient (gay sex)

Single most based thing I've seen all day.

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>on not Jow Forums
Normies get out