Reiko should be put behind bars to be honest.
Preying upon young boys to fullfill his twisted sexual desires often ruining the boys lives and their family members lives with them.
Despicable excuse for a human being.
Reiko should be put behind bars to be honest
Other urls found in this thread:
He will, we have the proof. We're just waiting for the right time to release it
You have to be over 18 to post on Jow Forums.
I am 19, will be 20 on in August
And these "young boys" being preyed upon, why are they here? And if they're adults why do you care what choices they make?
As far as i saw there were pictures of boys as young as 13 wich Reiko had convinced to dress up for him
If hes over 18 hes fucked because he has massive amounts of child pornography
Those youngs boys are the same kind of people that get recruited by Isis to blow themselves in a country they hardly know anything about. Although many of them are over 18, they don't have the abilities for social life and are not always able to acknowledge when they are being used as a tool, just like many people on this board. It is a mutual protection for all of us to put Reiko's ass in prison, as this could happen to any of us for different reasons.
The guys he has been preying on were the same as you and me when we were anxious youngsters.
And go where? 8ch? Wiz? r9k is still the objectively best board
Should not be on Jow Forums.
Should not be on Jow Forums.
Why so? Because i have some decency and remember when this board was a refuge for socially ostracized fuckups rather than a cesspool for tranny death cults?
>making facebook tier moralfag posts
>as this could happen to any of us for different reasons.
Sure if you're a newfag who uses Discord. And if on top of being a newfag you're also retarded enough to join a Discord server by posting a picture of yourself in women's clothing. Oh and if on top of being a newfag and retarded you're such a window-locker you think taking hormones and looking like a girl irl is preferable to some fag leaking the pic you took to join his fag server to begin with
18+ only. Simple as that.
I already said, i am almost 20
If the people "preyed upon" were on here under 18 then it is none of our concern. They should not have been here to begin with. If they had not been here they would not have been preyed upon. Almost as if the 18+ rule is for their own prptection or something.
And you don't have a problem with someone shitting in your own backyard?
i love r9k, the people here that have came and gone, it hurts me to see it in the state it's in so it is my concern
Under 18s shitting in our back yard and then getting shit on themselves by someone bigger is no concern of mine. If they hadn't been in the yard they wouldn't have been shit on.
youre telling me if an 11 year old walked into a bar and got fucking shot the shooter would be above the law cause the 11 year old wasnt meant to be in a bar?
Like I said, they're not able to acknowledge that at first point. They were probably lonely, mentally ill teenagers looking for a community that would even acknowledge their existence.
Just like ISIS, Neo-nazi chapters, religious cults, they prey on the weakests, and where's a better place to find some other that Jow Forums?
Everyone here is a social oucast, so it would make no sense to not give a shit about them if they get fucked, because in the end they're just like us.
And also, the majority of the people he has preyed upon were 18+. Just children minds in adult bodies.
I absolutely agree with you fellow robot
who cares? They should use some other board instead. But falling for the transition-plot is still better than joining some terror-group. Annoying little bugs.
If you're stupid enough to join a group by taking pictures of yourself you wouldn't want shared, and then stupid enough to think taking hormones and looking like a girl in real life is somehow any better than that picture leaking, I don't know what to say.
It's almost so stupid I don't believe it.
And for the underage ones how were they getting hormones? Who was paying for them? Why wouldn't they just lie.
This issue is pretty easily ignored like this:
If they were of age and retarded enough to do all that, that's no one else's problem.
If they were underage they should never have been here to begin with and all that needs to be done is the enforcement of rules already in place.
reiko aka starfall aka xero aka ryan king
SSN: 405-47-5721
DOB: 20/09/1994
This is Reikos dox, should not be difficult to confirm.
i wish i could make strawmans this fucking stupid
>If you're stupid enough to join a group by taking pictures of yourself you wouldn't want shared, and then stupid enough to think taking hormones and looking like a girl in real life is somehow any better than that picture leaking, I don't know what to say.
Weakness powered by insecurities. Still not a reason for us to shit on them, quite the contrary actually.
>If they were underage they should never have been here to begin with and all that needs to be done is the enforcement of rules already in place.
I agree, but just because the rules couldn't be enforced enought that we should let a pedophile alone.
>If they were of age and retarded enough to do all that, that's no one else's problem.
Don't tell me you never did anything utterly retarted and dangerous when you were in your prime years. I wouldn't believe you.
Yeah looking back on it it was fucking retarded. Still, I dont think that you should disregard the damage done to children simply cause they arent meant to be on the board
Confirm it then if it's not difficult.
Agreed. And you deserve to be forced away from Jow Forums for a week for taking up space with this worthless thread when you could have just posted in one of the other 120 active discord/pol/ drama threads.
none of your other tactics have worked reiko
this one won't either
enjoy getting stabbed in prison faggot
How does it make sense?
>I really don't want a picture of me dressed like a girl shared
>better take irreversible hormone treatment to look like a girl in real life
No one, NO ONE is that stupid.
Stop treating adults like they're children.
I don't disagree. Just tell me how? Who will testify against him?
>reicord has gone full circle and now blames Jow Forums for not stopping them from grooming kiddos
The absolute state
Just saying it's not our problem. Report the guy to the authorities and move on. Stop shitting up the board like this is some national tragedy
Never underestimate human stupidity.
Hi Reiko! I've been telling people all about where you live.
>of you think under 18s wouldn't have been preyed on if they had followed the rules to begin with you just actually be the pedo guy
>Its another retard telling people its alright to threaten/blackmail people because they were weak or must have wanted it deep down
>its another retard telling you to stay out of other peoples business
>"people deserve to be physically threatened and blackmailed because they are shitting up my board"
i am genuinely curious how you manage to live in this world. are you even conscious? like are these just shitposts or have you never thought a single time about the things you post?
Reiko most likely didn't told his preys to go full HRT from the first message.
At first, it could just be a pic to confirm you belong to the community, then more pics because others tell you they find you cute, so you finally feel loved, you play their games, and once you think they're going too far, they tell you you cannot refuse or they will reveal everything to your loved ones, so you continue until the punishment for disagreeing is actually better than what you're getting into, but you continue out of fear because in the meantime he has already killled all your marks and managed to brainwash you without even realizing it.
>it's another bleeding heart who thinks he needs to save people when the measures to prevent this are already in place and nothing more needs to be done other than alerting the authorities
How do you live? Are you even conscious?
>becoming a girl irl
Sognificantly worse than
>photos being leaked
Any retard could see this.
Trannies are mentally ill. You can't apply logic here.
If they're trannies why is it bad for them to be on HRT?
The blackmailing thing is probably bullshit. Reiko and his harem are just a bunch of depressed faggots. I have no sympathy for any of those people and I'm pretty sure those losers are laughing at the fake boogeyman image people here fell for.
This. So glad someone said it, this hysteria is ridiculous and only being egged on by Jow Forums fags who love conspiracies and hate traps
Do you understand the concept of empathy? Do you understand why we have the laws we do and what they mean for a society?
Apparently the messures are failing and even if they werent, this is not an argument for refusing to help someone. But yeah go ahead, consider me le fedora nice guy for not wanting to have a childs/young adults social life ruined.
you are going to prison lol
t. psychopath retard
You're not helping anyone. It's obvious that the thread that started this whole thing off was from a degenerate with a forced feminization fetish.
"Oh noes they're forcing me to become a girl, what do I do now?"
Not only that but as others have pointed out, why would anyone take HRT instead of simply letting their family see a picture of them in women's clothing. It makes zero sense.
Thank god for the voice of reason
How is it refusing to help anyone? The point was there is nothing else to do except report the guy. How are you helping anyone by bemoaning what happened?
every year I think wow this place really can't get any worse but then you guys surprise me with shit like this
post your moralfag shit on facebook where it belongs
>le autistic nice guy who wants to feel like a martyr
Reiko is a little faggot that want to be inside of the poopy holes of every faggot on this god foresaken board.
That still doesn't mean it was OK for that repulsive sack of shit to groom them.
>everything bad in the lgbt community is pol falseflags
seriously man youre not fooling anyone
Who said it was okay? I know i didn't. I explicitly said report him to the police. What more is there to do? Absolutely nothing.
>What is gender dysphoria
>What is mental disorders
>What is general mind weakness
this is getting posted everywhere, but what if this is just diversion? and what if it's true but some fag friend of his later says "yeah i went there there were just 2 old people no reiko"
same thing happens in the straight community. It's only annoying because tranny faggots like me are now gonna get put on the witch hunt list because of some ugly tranny who needs others to feel some form of validation
pictures of Reiko aka Ryan King #1
I think he killed Shauiby.
this video needs to be downloaded before he removes or privatizes it.
Extradition to isis when?
Hot, post more pictures
So the blackmail plot is that if you don't keep dressing like a girl and turn yourself into a "girl," we'll tell your family that you dressed like a girl once? How is transitioning in real life more favorable that? There's a hole in this story.
Reiko? You mean this guy?
See >r9k won't let me post
reiko threads are getting deleted
pictures of Reiko aka Ryan King #2
dox available at
Reiko getting desperate and falseflagging now.
Well I saw that youtube video and all the twitter drama and I logged on here to expose it but it seems it's already been done many times
Good fucking job anons, he's a piece of shit
pictures of Reiko aka Ryan King #3
contact information available at
I would rather be outed as a crossdresser than actually fool people into thinking im a tranny and fucking my entire life up cause of internet bullies. It makes no sense.
What an ugly piece of shit, can't wait until he kills himself
where's the fuckin photo
Self medication is a bad idea, especially with something like hormones treatments.
>join discord
>he threatens to dox me
Ha-fucking-ha, not today faggot
>send him a grabify link to some degenerate porn
>get ip
>have friend who I know is a very good doxxer get all his info
>drop his personal information, ISP, and SSC all over Jow Forums
Get fucked faggot
Doing it incrementally still doesn't make it make more sense dipshit
Would you fuck Reiko on his bed?
Reikos contact information:
Can we atleast agree to put an active pedophile in prison?
yo what's his discord server invite?
I'd have him get his dick out and then I'd put it in my mouth, but little would he know that it would not be a gay blowjob he got but rather his penis severed via my teeth from the base up
Do you really want to lock up this sweet thing?
So you think reiko is abusing people and that's bad.
But then you want to kill him for posting on the internet.
Why don't you guys notify discord?
If he's done something illegal then they'll take action.
yes very much so as a matter of fact
Also Reiko has openly told people that he had sexually practice on the family dog
This guy literally fucks dogs!
Someone post the discord conversation to prove that he's a dog fucker
Can we atleast agree to put an active pedophile in jail?
Literally been said a hundred times, yes report him to authorities, then stop shitting up the board with drama
posts with reiko's discord are getting deleted
what the fuck mods
Said family dog can be seen in the background.
No, we have to fan the flames
This is why people think it's Jow Forums hysteria to try to ban trap posting.
Yeah well, Google "ryan king" AND "reiko"
You can easily find material going many years back. Not_Reiko on twitter is a good start too.
Go ahead and try if you have proof. If you don't have proof. You can stop larping as vigilantes
it's so that more people can report and aknowledge what he did
i am 25% sure you're either him or one of his friends
is there a server invite floating around?
die reiko