TERF here. Caught wind of this drama on Twitter, saw the YouTube video. I'm new to Jow Forums and just assumed you all were bad people but apparently some of you are fighting for a good cause. We need to keep protecting kids and emotionally frail people from perverseminded people.
TERF here. Caught wind of this drama on Twitter, saw the YouTube video...
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh kids
Lurk more larper
Yeah, lots of underage kids use this board, and they're usually the most vulnerable to this trap brainwashing shit.
What if I want the trannies dead AND want to fuck your kids?
We aren't usually that blunt about it but yeah it does mirror a lot of our sentiments.
You should check out "GenderCritical" communities.
I actually think this is a point where two seemingly opposite communities can come together and be pretty strong 'allies'.
Unironically support a lot of TERF points
>sluts are bad
>porn is bad
>trannies are bad
based feminazi
Same orginally. I don't usually agree with Jow Forums but I guess the intersection of Jow Forums and TERF is alrigth.
You will be killed as well.
You're still a communist puppet. Eat shit and die.
Even I stay away from Tumblr.
being a TERF doesn't mean you hate sluts and porn, wtf. TERF only means that you are a feminist who does not think male-to-female transexuals are the same thing as biological women. the term is Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, not Sluts, Porn, and Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
you'll notice, by the way, that they had to put the Radical in there, because not thinking that a eunuch in a dress is the same thing as an actual woman with a vagina and a womb makes you a dangerous extremist, despite this being the view of 99% of all humans who have ever lived.
Ah so roasties are okay in your book?
TITS OR GTFO No one wants you here unless you do the above thing mentioned in this chat.
>be a terf
>"fight" for equal rights for everyone
>"but fuck those fuckin trannies amirite fellas"
retarded? where?
Get the fuck out no one wants you on this board sentimental trash.
>Trans exclusionsary
Great so far
>radical feminist
REEEEEEEE you are the reason I dont have a qt gf
A terf would never call themselves a terf.
Gtfo larper.
I want you to realise that you're the worst kind of person and you don't belong here no matter how many autistic anons say they believe in a couple TERF taking points.
fuck off commie
In English please
You also hate regular men as well jewish kike monster get the fuck out you lying cunt you're the same type of person who Believe in the S.C.U.M manifesto Society for Cutting Up Men
trying to peedle your jewish lies here
are not welcome you fuckin bbc loving roastie nigger kike lover.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
the tranny hatting part is fine but they also believe all men must be subjugated by them and they deserve to die because they believe female are superior to mean they even wrote a bout about this with the S.C.U.M. Manifesto which all these whore follow
Radfems/terfs are the most dangerous and evil sect of feminists. We aren't your allies just because we also hate trannies, you SCUM manifesto man hating dyke subhuman swine. Get raped.
your creepy fetish doesn't deserve rights or respect, porn addict.
And Feminist deserve to go back to the kitchen and get bitch slap like the cunts they are no one wants you here roasties we may hate trannies but you hating men makes you a vile cunt against us men here get the fuck out roastie Take your Andrea Dworkin kike loving ass out of here
are TERFs wrong about trannies?
Jus the tranny hating part but they get the bullet 2 if anything they deserve to be gassed more so than tranny since they're the reason where in this mess because second wave feminism lead to what we have now they're the same ppl who tried to kill andy warhol because he dare to call them bitches out for their hypocrisy
if anything they're a sheep in wolf clothing once they get rid of the trannies they will set eyes on you don't think because you have similar hatre for trannies these bitches will not get to you next they already disenfranchised many men with their bullshit since the 1960 and made shit extensively worse for all men around the world.
Terfs literally want to exterminate males WHY THE FUCK do you think we'll ally with you?
I do side with them because Im a fembot. They have to gtfo regardless.
Ironically the people you are fighting with are actual nazis/fascists.
So because you're a woman you have to side with evil misandrists who want to exterminate males? What the fuck kind of thought process is that?
Ge out roastie scum this is a manm board tits or gtfo I'm not gonna allow vile woman here who hate real robots to ruin this board.
Fuck off teyard,gonto pol with this shit most of us dont give a fuck
Its just the same as the misogyny on this board nothing to take to serious
Correct way of thinking. Terfs are right, except the whole kill all men part
Are you kidding? It's not comparable whatsoever. The misogyny on this board is contained here, you can't say the stuff said on Jow Forums irl at all. Yet the SCUM manifesto, #killallmen and other incredibly misandrist shit is TAUGHT in universities and gets millions of tweets and there are literally multi-billion dollar feminist organizations dedicated to advancing the ideology. There are laws written to favor women over men in many areas. Misogyny isn't real in society but misandrist is normalized and continues to grow.
Radfems and TERFS and feminists in general need to be completely destroyed.
Then why have terms like "porn sick" if you don't hate porn?
>not to take serious
Thats where your wrong roastie whore
I dont agree with you since society is there are still structured in a patriarchal way and it gets worse with all those apes invading civilized countries. The currently publicly pushed agendas arent a solution to that.
I ment to say
>is still
Maybe its patriarchal because women are only good for making children and washing the dishes
>I dont agree with you since society is there are still structured in a patriarchal way
It's literally not. Explain how you can even think something so rediculous.
Also, it's funny that you're racist as well. So to you only white women are people? Males and nonwhite are subhuman? You're a terrible person and exactly what you'd think a TERF would be.
>The currently publicly pushed agendas arent a solution to that.
What would be a "solution" and to what problems?
Or maybe it is patriarchal because woman cant fight men in terms of brute force. Especially when they are pregnant they are no match and seriously disadvantaged in other areas too. Since the meaningless permapregnancy of woman stopped its time for a change.
>We need to keep protecting kids and emotionally frail people from perverseminded people.
yeah, they might learn devious and dangerous behaviours like tolerance and understanding and refuse to die in wars for oil.
So what you are saying is that women are useless unless used for menial tasks and breeding
I just disregard islam and societies which hav an extreme patriarchal structure - nothing more and nothing less. Has nothing to do with being white, yellow or black
this deserves a screencap
or they become dependent after all that sheltering
Molesting kids to #own the TERFs
I stated they are quite useless while they are pregnant.
> evil misandrists who want to exterminate males
Implying there's anything wrong with hating and exterminating the group of people that commits 90+% murders, 90+% rapes and started all the wars in the entire history.
You didn't answer my question at all.
HOW is the modern western society patriarchal at all?
Also, how can you disregards societies with strong patriarchal structures if those societies historically have been superior to egalitarian and matriarchal societies?
real edgy breh
So without pregnancy they are just useless.
Got it
You're a fucking joke. Women in this country murder almost a million babies a year, men don't even come close to it.
>durr fetuses aren't babies
That's literally how you justify it.
Also, historically female rulers have stereo more wars as a percentage compared to male rulers.
Misandrists are a fucking joke, everything you say is projection.
artificial wombs and sex robot has them afraid and they started to ban them cause they know the one value they have will be taken away once men don't need to submit to it.
Rape and murder are natural parts of life. It's primal, animalistic, ingrained into every living creature's being.
Since woman arent permanently on a disadvantage by being pregnant anymore this will change more in the future if society is fast enough to change and wont simply die out.
Another reason why we need matriarchy and less men.
I love TERFs. Unironically.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
I'm not RF, but I can meet you at TE.
It's pretty hilarious how Feminist's first and foremost occupation today is making sure that men dressed up as women can compete in sports with women. And screeching about Trump.
You're still fucked, but at least you've got a basic understanding of biology.
Your post reeks of rejection, you fucking basement dwelling, neckbearded, sophomore at most student.
>TERF here
>It's pretty hilarious how Feminist's first and foremost occupation today is making sure that men dressed up as women can compete in sports with women.
This society is messed up.
Duh.. Not everyone who claims to be a feminist is one.
Women were never "permanently pregnant" you moron, women worked in the past as tailors and accountants and other jobs and they were payed and even allowed to own property in many places across Europe and the world. The code of Hamarabi even made sure women had rights. If you genuinely believe women have been domesticated servants with no rights for all history until feminism in the past 120 years you're a fucking idiot.
Also, you STILL haven't answered the question: HOW is modern western society patriarchal?
Fetuses aren't humans. They are unable to survive after being separated from the mother's body. They don't even have brains at the stage when they are aborted. "Killing" a fetus is like killing an ingrown nail or an inflamed appendix.
> Also, historically female rulers have stereo more wars as a percentage compared to male rulers.
They are part of the system and therefore have to adhere to the rules. Only by breaking the system by exterminating the group people like you and belong to we can live peacefully.
You can rape me mommy. Make me your house hubby. Come home from work and ride my face like you own it.
You don't sound very genuine. I say your post is bait.
Dating a TERF would be great. Having kinky hate sex and shitting on trannies together.
>implying its difficult to get laid by modern women
Settle down now roast
> If you genuinely believe women have been domesticated servants with no rights for all history until feminism in the past 120 years you're a fucking idiot.
I dont there is even a small village in china where there is still some matriarchal structure left. But sadly its already a lost cause.
But those structures could suit female needs better than todays structures. The current structure still leaves mostly woman with the task of raising children.
Fuck you you fucking evil piece of shit. A born baby is just as reliant on the mother/caretaker as a growing fetus so that argument doesn't work. Not until a child is a few years old can they survive without parents, and passing through the birth canal doesn't suddenly male a baby any more of a person than they were one hour ago while they were still in the womb.
I and males have a right to live you evil misandrist genocidal demon you're a freak and you don't deserve happiness at all.
Then go the African village route and all women can leave and start their own village with no males allowed.
being this afraid of being replace and having their own worthiness taken away in the near future
are you really afraid of having competion and having to you know act like a decent human being for a change instead of trying to enslave all men and trying to subjugate them to your bs
if anything you're the reason why we even have trannies when you have subjugated men into the status of being woman because Men can't be men anymore since anything they do will crucify them in the eye of society if anything
feminism has created your own worse enemy by lorcing men to transition in order to get a fair hand at life so if you want to bitch about anything go back to the kitchen if you want to fix this society and not have men in your bathroom you dumb cunt the 19th amendment was a mistake
You said in an earlier post that "this society is still patriarchal" but still haven't explained how that is the case
>raising children
That is all womens role in society is and will ever be you larping faggot
Woman either stay childless or suffer many disadvantages by having an offspring.
This is bullshit though, there are a shitload of structures built to help and support mothers.
>That is all womens role in society is
Thats exactly whats needs to be changed.
>when you actually agree with radical feminists
Yes we need more fat disgusting dykes to create beautiful and moving (((ART)))
>change reality
Now thats what I call larping
Men either stay childless or suffer many disadvantages by having an offspring.
muh welfare
welfare is about gibs
while men have time to go to university and pursue a career a lot of woman are tasked with pregnancy and raising offspring
how is this not disadvantageous?
the enemy of my enemy is an ally, not a friend
Because being a mother is not inferior to going to college, you're setting up a false dichotomy
what is the goal of any social movement?
And the fruits of all the effort they put into their academics and careers will be an income. Imagine if there are institutions in place that ensure that man has a loyal wife and healthy children. Who will he spend that money on?
>terfs uniting with Jow Forums
wtf is this timeline
Whitemen going to university LMAO
if anything minority men are doing so even then more woman are going to colleg
e then men less men have opt out of it
also you white feminist don't even care about other women in places like saudia arabia a real patriarchal society why don't you do something about real opression?
that's right cause you live in a 1st world country where you have everything in a silver platter if you're born with a bomb but you don't even fight for the right of against trully "patriarchal society" like the middle east
>terfs uniting with Jow Forums
To rescue Jow Forums no less
Attention and to destroy the things that made it possible for faggots like you to exist
> A born baby is just as reliant on the mother/caretaker as a growing fetus so that argument doesn't work
And yet a born baby, even if born at, say, the 24th week (the stage when abortions never happen unless for severe medical conditions that might lead to a woman's death) is able to survive with provided medical care. Yeah, it's literally a coin toss, but there is possibility. The 1st trimester fetus is unable.
> I and males have a right to live you evil misandrist genocidal demon
You belong to a group that is the source of the majority of human atrocities. You do not recognize it. You do not point out at other people belonging to your group commiting these atrocities. And yet you claim to be some special snowflake "good" part of the community that has a right to live. Are you fucking serious?
Honest question TERF-chan: Are you aware of what happens to childless women as they approach their 40s?
You seem to acknowledge human nature and biology when it's about traps, but every human being on this earth was born from a woman, and every woman eventually craves her shot at motherhood.
When it is denied, she enters deep depression.
The emotional reaction is downstream from her biological needs.
So if women don't make or raise children, who will?
(Pls no Sci-Fi larping, actually answer if you will)
This is why I ment this society is patriarchal. Gaining knowledge, connections and a stable source of income gives you much more advantage in this society than raising brats.But since we need children to contine with humanking, we need to restructure and make equal opportunities. Since this wont work with men, we should reduce them to a minimum.
>why don't you do something about real opression
I already stated that I support the idea of having less men and a matriarchy. I wont travel there an go on a killing spree.
it is for you
I'm not a woman