What if Reiko actually gets killed by a raging autist because of some larpers making false accusations?

What if Reiko actually gets killed by a raging autist because of some larpers making false accusations?

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It's ok to worry, reiko, just invite me to your server plss

What if reiko has been two steps ahead of everybody, and all the doxxed info isn't actually him

You come at the r9king, you best not miss

inshallah, OP, inshallah


>false accusations
wew lad, I hope he gets killed anyway


I can only hope he and all his ilk do wind up dead. These are truly disgusting individuals.

Good another tranny sympathizer off this planet

It's funny because I'm not affiliated with anyone called Reiko and he keeps blaming every inflamitory thing I say on them. I wonder if Reiko reminds him of the dude that diddled him or something lol

What did I miss can someone explain

nah trannies getting killed for being insufferable is fucking funny.

>false accusations


Whoever finds him first, do it with this.

Attached: Kel-Tec_KSG.jpg (650x354, 49K)

That would be fucking awesome, I just hope the autist records it and posts it online before he goes to jail.

Reiko will not succeed, get /out/ trapposters.

what if Reiko gets mad and dumps all his saved up cute trap porn? wouldn't that be terrible Jow Forums?

Attached: best_girl.jpg (615x900, 85K)

This is what happened, Reiko is trying to "pink-pill" us all.

Attached: image.png (615x582, 279K)

>t. reiko
Die already you faggot.

Attached: .png (785x757, 106K)

So? That faggot deserves death.

He would finally be doxxed and found.

I have access to reiko's server but i have the suspicion that its not the only one. Add me on discord >tfw u get trips#4954 to invite you in

we can only hope, fags and trannyposters need to leave

>fags and trannyposters need to leave
we will never leave now that we know you are weak little sissies that can be easily manipulated into being our cute girl slaves

Attached: thiscouldbeyou.jpg (606x960, 55K)

Then he'd lose all his power. All he has now are those pics and the threat of doxxing. What happens when he actually doxxes them? Well, the police are most likely going to get involved, discord will probably help, and I GUARANTEE they have logs of what's said on discord. It would not be hard to find out who he is.
He'd shit up the board for a while, but it'd be over. For him, and (maybe) for the people he posted, depending on how much of a retard they are. Because suicide is retarded.

An easy way to get a website delet and freedom of speech in current year.

This is how you feel powerful. It's hilarious. How little goes on in your life?

but this is so retarded why does r9k even give a shit?

>tranny blackmail plot and psyop
That's pretty serious.

>How little
you shouldn't be talking about little things with equipment like that.

Attached: yoursize.jpg (340x340, 18K)

Trannyposters will perish.

likewise, faggott

Thats funny as hell why aren't we encouraging it

>"false" accusations
first mistake

we'd all be better off.

Here's Reikos dox, his real name is Ryan King and he lives in Lisle Illinois pastebin.com/AScm241h

Give me one good reason why Reiko should survive? The shithead blackmailed people into turning into traps and being his sex-slaves.

I could care less about his wellbeing. Based upon my judgement of how he acts, our world would be better without his filth.

Attached: tranny-death-dick-hang-out-fatal-beating-brazil-01.jpg (721x1280, 309K)

What proof do you have of this

Good, one less trap spammer.

that'd be amazing

Good rebuttal, tranny. Keep supressing it. It'll get release eventually.

is that the shaulby gun?
I'd save the pics to my fap folder and sage the thread anyways lmao.

Should not be very hard to confirm, you gotta do your own work though. I gave you all the names you need twitter.com/not_reiko should help you link ReikoStarfall.
Here are some pictures of Reiko

Attached: IQbF2nB.jpg (1280x720, 419K)

another picture of Reiko

Attached: UPVwGSb.jpg (1280x720, 382K)

God that would be based

I live like an hour drive away from him. I'm not surprised he was driven to insanity, Illinois is a shithole.
If I could drive I'd go to his house in the middle of the night and break his windows or some shit.

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I hope no one does anything bad to his dog. the pupper didn't do anything wrong.


This Joshua Arnold guy is apparently Reikos boyfriend

I literally hope that happens people like him (trolling or not) are very mentally unstable and not safe for society.

Trolling or not, you have genuinely crossed the line for some users. If I find you or your ilk, I will crush your neck under my boot, you filthy faggot scum! Mark my bloody words!

He alledgedly practiced sexual things on his dog, we may have to put it out of it's misery for that.

do you think it has STD now?

With the disgusting shit that faggot has done, I wouldn't be surprised.

and nothing of vaIue was lost

Nothing of value will originally be lost

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>the tan lines curving up the loli booty

People who post and save these pictures get the bullet too. Fucking pedophiles will be skinned alive.

you must avenge Shuaiby. Kill him.

who gives a shit, he deserves it for spamming shit anyway. we are doing it for fun