Why are females so good at deceving males into thinking their love is sincere...

Why are females so good at deceving males into thinking their love is sincere? What's the scientific explanation for this?

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1.Guys think with their dicks, feeling 'love/lust' impairs your judgement (both sexes) and women aren't necessarily lieing when they say it.

Most people are fickle, confuse lust with love, and don't think their feelings will change over time (they almost always do)

Because males are low IQ brainlets desu

It only works on betas alphas cant feel love thus are always desires by women since they cant be tamed.

Go away misandrist you women are evil

Bullshit, most of my friends got dumped by their girlfriends, I can assure you some of them weren't even thinking with their dicks. Never had a girlfriend myself but I'm starting to doubt girls actually understand love. What's up with those creatures?

love does'nt exist as what you think it is (there's someone out there for you just you wait!!!!11!!), and what it actually is has been over-romanticised by human culture in general.

"love" is arbitrary, and there is nothing wrong if somehow you end up being unloved

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Why are males so easily deceived into thinking the "love" of a female is "sincere"?
Maybe it is self-delusion born from desperation.
Maybe it is an inaccuracy in the definition of what the indications of "love" or "sincerity" are.

Like said, people are fickle. Not only that, they can also just be ignorant about what they actually like/want.

bullshit? Sounds like those bitches changed their minds when the lust ran out

It takes two people to maintain the relationship and only one of them to ruin it.

Don't let their failures cloud your judgement
There are quality girls out there.

It's mostly a society thing. Society isn't redpilled on women

This actually makes sense, thanks user

That's why it was good times when the west had arranged marriage, divorce was prohibited, and only whores or widows had more than one man.

And before leftists start screeching, remember that the Islam /Muslims that liberals praise so much has even more conservative marriage system, which is one of the few good parts of Islam by the way.

Don't fucking impose your life decisions and religious beliefs on me because you're a loser who can't find a quality girl

>That's why it was good times when the west had arranged marriage, divorce was prohibited, and only whores or widows had more than one man.

>i'm losing at life, and I want society to fix it for me

Beta faggots

Maybe Islam was right all along in this regard at least, whores (male or female) should bite the bullet. Nuclear family is the only way to built a proper human society.

liberals =/= leftists

there are issues with modern relationships, but degrading yourself back to feudalism is not an answer

Is /sci/ the most alpha board?

Because females evolved to attract a man, get him to impregate her, and stick around to protect her and the child

/sci/ went so far down the Alphabet past Zeta that it started backwards in reverse again and went back to Alpha.

>Is /sci/ the most alpha board?
No it's the Jow Forums

But at least /sci/ isn't the most beta
Because no board is more beta than Jow Forums

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>Because no board is more beta than Jow Forums

Jow Forums is pretty beta.

Beta uprising

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Jow Forums is definitely not the most alpha.

that is an oxymoron dude

Jow Forums is Jow Forums, go back to R*ddit if you want a safe space for your numale predisposition.

So which one?

I don't want a safe space.
I ahte censorship

the problem with you and other Jow Forums tards is that if anyone disagrees with you they are safe space faggots

you argue like this because you are a fucking retard who can't think and has to rely on meme graphs for all of your information.

/a/ and Jow Forums are definitely beta.
Is Jow Forums alpha?

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Jow Forums is pretty autismo

Are traps beta?

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Jow Forums isn't alpha, but it's not beta either

its a mix of gun nuts who won't admit they are sexually aroused by weapons, people who are trying to fill their inadequacies with weapons, and people that have been running around pretending they are a ninja turtle for the last 20 years

anime sucks so I don't go to that board

Jow Forums has a heavy neckbeard and population


Says who? No one thinks of classic liberalism when someone says liberal you autist. They think of a Hillary supporter who enjoys his wife's strap on.

Anyone who fully identifies as "right" or "left" is an extremest and a moron.

We call these people "Americans"

America: left vs right sharply defined
Sweden & Canada: gender fluid

Dominating a trap is alpha, being a trap is beta as fuck.

/ck/ is def alpha
/co/ is fucking shit
/a/ is a containment board like /v/ and Jow Forums


Alpha faggots

not sayin they dont' exist, i just think it's funny

> containment boards

never thought of it like this

makes sense

>me: a moderate centrist

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quality girls dont always exist, and neither do quality guys, it could very well be better for everybody if society imposed quality control onto the lives of men and women.

Why not radical centrist?

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If you aren't a centrist, especially today, you are a fucking retarded, full blown.

Like seriously, stop associating with political parties, you are the cancer killing America.

Why the fuck are you on /sci/ if you can't handle graphs?

I like that

because I really hate most people and their overly emotional and irrational responses to situations and circumstances.

Nonsense, quality girls exist. There are very attractive women who are not terrible people. They exist.

But there are also attractive women who are terrible people. You just have to search around a little, eventually the right one will click, user.


more policing isn't the right choice

beta faggots have the right to be beta faggots

don't micromanage me because they are stupid

>Extremism is the answer

Examples of extremism:

Hillary Clinton
White supremacists
Social Justice Warriors

the list just goes on and on

I like graphs

but I don't just post the same tired meme graph over and over to push my personal ideology as truth on others.


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If the so called "betas" set up the system and shoot you if you don't comply, who's really the beta?
>inb4 durr if they could do that then they wouldn't be beta

You're saying by being submissive you're an alpha?

Is this what your boyfriend tells you?

they aren't, guys are good at deceiving themselves

I'm saying that forcing arranged marriages at a societal level is not "beta" behavior, claiming it is doesn't make sense at all.
Tbh I don't buy into this alpha beta stuff anyway.

>I don't buy into this alpha beta stuff anyway.

Me either
but this is Jow Forums so I automatically assume you identify as one of them

this thread belongs to /b/ or Jow Forums or /trash/, not here

>why are so many males so stupid they are easily fooled?
because evolution is satisficing


nice to see someone else who gets it

evolution doesn't mean anything at the individual level other than you got to exist

Why are males so bad at detecting deception of females?

There's your scientific explanation - both have evolved this way because it was evolutionary beneficial. A providing male doesn't have the time to waste on rising kids and cooking dinner while a vulnerable female needs protection from a providing alpha, the female then proceeds to give the ability to rise kids efficiently and care for male's needs while male provides the resources as a payment. Both fit perfectly as intended by nature. Whining about "manipulative females" and "golddiggers" is retarded and goes against what nature intended

Males on average are only competent at determining aggressiveness

women are much better at reading all other emotional states and are poor at reading aggression

another male killing your babies and raping your women was a much bigger problem before the beta male Jow Forums existed

What happened sci bro?
I'm here for you

I have no idea how what you wrote relates to my post, but ok

>Why are males so bad at detecting deception of females?

Because we aren't good at reading emotional states

Well yeah that's what I said as well, we have specifically evolved like that to be welcoming of female manipulation trying to reach our resources as that then produces high-quality offspring born into wealth, this is why golddiggers exist and should exist. Whining about them like this thread is doing is simply pointless, it's like saying "why are flowers so attractive and welcoming to those nasty bees with their sharp colors if all those bees do is to leech their nectars", they ARE supposed to have their nectar leeched


>enlightened centrist

*tips emphatically

How does it feel to be a spineless coward with no convictions? To stay willfully blind to the left's destruction of the West is to be part of the problem.

Read my post again.

I'm against extremism.

Everyone look at this retard and laugh.

Listen, bud. Everyone on Jow Forums is conservative. No one is a fucking republican. Okay? Okay. Now here you go

They actually believe it themselves - until they don't anymore.

That's why I'm a MGTOW!

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>t. disarmed europeasant who canĀ“t grasp the thought of a person with a functioning self-preservation instinct
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental part of civilized society, brainlet. If it is not upheld, we regress into a feudalist way of life, where the weak (women/children/the elderly) continuously fall prey to the strong (men); egalitarianism cannot exist without a right to arms.

The simplest explanation is that boys are stupid. Even here where distrust and hatred of women is wide spread I find it extremely easy to manipulate robots. I think the only way you're safe is to refuse outright to interact with women because any girl worth her salt will outplay you.

This. This. This, you autists.

Men have a documented tendency to over-estimate the extent to which women are into them. Women are not skilled at fooling men into thinking that women love them. Men are just inclined to think that anyway. ozy.com/acumen/the-scientific-reason-men-think-youre-into-them-when-youre-not/76373

There's a massive difference between stupidity and hope. If you can't trust even a little, you literally can't say a word to anyone, because the choice of vocabulary reveals information about you, which they can easily use against you.
Robots maintain hope that there exists fembots. Betrayal of trust has nothing to do with intelligence, because there is, by definition, no indicator.

No, women just lead men on for free shit KNOWING that they have tricked the man into thinking he loves her. Because the man wants to believe, because unlike women, there's no harem waiting for them back home.
>Because nearly 1 in 5 women in the U.S. have been raped in their lifetime.
Fuck off SJW retard.
>dress like a slut
>"why can't men guess I don't want to see any man today!!1"
Fucking roasties and normalfags. Literally the scum of the earth. You're the reason the world is so fucked. Without you manipulating fucks, we would have colonized the entire galaxy and a few more by now. Instead because of your ilk, nobody can do anything because we have to constantly figure out a method to determine who's lying to whom in that precise instant so that our lives may not be terminally ruined.

Men are lonely and desperate for anyone to care about them. All a woman has to do is smile and be nice to him and hell so the rest. Women are evil and incapable of feeling emotions like love, but men are very desperate for the opposite to be true that they'll fool themselves. Men are virtuous where women are conniving. The solution is to find a way to exterminate the entirety of the female half of the species.

Women exploit lonely sad men hoping to god for any amount of genuine kindness or affection to come their way and then call them stupid for thinking that anyrhing of the sort could ever happen