Doing a PhD was he worst decision of my life. Now i'm 3 years in and I can't leave.
While my old friends are getting married and buying their first house I'm still a student. I want to kill myself. help
Doing a PhD was he worst decision of my life. Now i'm 3 years in and I can't leave.
While my old friends are getting married and buying their first house I'm still a student. I want to kill myself. help
Why do you care so much? Who cares about owning a house or having a family?
How is your post on topic?
Literally this, owning a house has value sure but starting a family is for cucks
>Starting a family is for cucks
OK Jamal.
>How is your post on topic?
PhD students are the only ones here who actually know any math or science, the rest of you are popsci IQ study pseuds
I'm not seeing that right now. All I see is a little bitch.
Can we have an academia board where undergrads and grad students can bitch and moan and Jerk each other off
I was having a conversation with another PhD student about this the other day. You get the feeling that you are trapped but it's easier to quit than you think. You can get a decent paying job tutoring to carry you over until you can decide something else you'd like to do but it's never too late to bail.
Also you have the added bonus of being 3 years deep so provided you did any work at all you can write up a masters thesis and transfer backward to the masters program. Talk to your committee members and explain your situation. Anyone decent would support it so if your advisor won't let you go, they can't do anything about it if your committee feels the work is adequate. If they disagree, talk to other profs, find a new committee if you have to. Everyone acts like their advisor is god watching over them but at the end of the day THEY need YOU for publications and grants and you CAN find a way to get what you want.
I'm serious guys. I'm breaking down here. I have fantasies of cars hitting me and killing so it all ends.
t. retards
why do you complain? you probably fall in to one of those categories
at least you're 3 years in and somewhat close to the end
>All I see
Stopped reading there. No one cares what you see, Cletus, because you're an ignoramus. Run along now, there's a racial genetics thread calling your name.
can't get cucked if nobody loves you
can't argue with that logic or your sad existence
bam, graduate with a masters
I know people who have done this because they decided that this wasn't the right career path for them
OP, consider it
oterhwise just finish up as fast as you can
You're not missing out on life. You're living it.
Don't fall for the happy home meme. Lots of people race for a house a mortgage and a ton of kids because they think that is what they are supposed to do. It usually ends in divorce and massive amounts of debt :) alimony and a mortgage are worse than a student loan user.
I've had a few bad days where I end up searching for jobs I can get with my creds, but all I can find are jobs requiring 5 years of industry experience while I've spent 3 in grad school.
And a lot of times they require too many specializations
yeah it is typical that industry asks for the moon
I am in the same boat. about to start my second postdoc because i'm under-qualified for a real job.
Try anyways, companies often don't find the best candidate and settle on someone with less experience.
Apply anyways
also look into the government
Athiests don't believe in love, ever heard of my chemical romance?
>second postdoc
jesus christ i don't even want to do one postdoc
i am so tired of the fucking chase
Nothing is stopping you from finding a mate and eloping.
I got my BA at 32. Stay mad OP, enjoy what you do.
Im too old to go for an undergrad then a PhD in the subject area I want (assuming I want to research).
Consider yourself lucky enough to be in a PhD program, dropping out would be a mistake.
Barely any young people own a house. Last I read, 60% of under-30s are in an apartment. Youre not alone.
Whats your PhD in? If you go into research, youre not going to be able to have a family anyway. Thats something to consider for the future.
I advise against having a family anyway. Its a huge drain on your freedom, time and wallet
Also try places that aren't looking specifically for your degree but the field is loosely related. Companies in my area have been hiring my colleagues in expanded areas of work. One good example is engineering firm that does turbine parts hired an PhD inorganic chemist to work on PVD coatings for corrosion resistance in some of the parts that'll undergo more exposure to the elements. He won't be synthesizing anything (or really doing much chemistry at all) but the characterization techniques he used in his grad studies apply here and the background knowledge he has with transition metals convinced them he'd be a good fit. No postdocs, 5 papers published in PhD. It's possible.
>Made a life-changing decision without fully examining the consequences.
>Whine when faced with said consequences.
You deserve what you're getting.
>wasting your life is better than doing things that matter and are fun
tell me about it. i'm 25 and about to academically withdraw or fail out of the degree I was about to finish. granted it's one of the few undergrads you can actually get a great job with. but at best ill have a full year of doing nothing just to come back and ifnish it, if i even can