Tfw no rule breaker bf

>tfw no rule breaker bf

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Die in a fire, tranny cultist.

Is it max or someone else?

Oh fuck that, you're not breaking any rules AND you're not a tranny. The hell are the mods thinking

Heh dumb edgy newfag
Someone else

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>Cebruz calling anyone a newfag
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Are you that interested in my noble phantasm, user?

Attached: Rule_Breaker.jpg (1920x1080, 84K)

I bet he's a qt3.14

I can't believe people like you are playing Fallout New Vegas. Makes me sick

Does Chaotic even reply to anyone

Since when F:NV is a sekrit club for people with refined taste?
Fallout 1 is the patrician's choice in the series.

Chaotic is on our side you braindead newshit

>tfw VI isn't my wife

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>imagine being so new you actually support and tolerate avatarfags
even if he is on (((our))) side he's still a faggot


>blaming every homosexual for the trap shills
did you just find out about it

half faggot actually, newfriend

t. cebruz

>/r9gay/ appeared practically at the same time as the shills started their operation
What a bloody coincidence
i'm glad that your shitty threads get 404'd by mods on /v/

is ceb STILL jealous?

Weather or not it is, doesn't matter. Stop sperging at every homosexual you come across on this board.

If it wasn't for you and tomoki I'd leave this newfag drama cancer shitstorm of a board for good

Being gay is fine as long as you aren't obnoxious
Being straight is fine as long as you aren't obnoxious
You're obnoxious

Why is your steam profile private?

For the privacy of my friend

You actually made a friend? Unbelievable.

uh that's because I'm hetero.

pretty sure he's had hundreds if not thousands but just ends up hating everyone

me too.

this is why is distance myself from everyone.

Not on steam pal

I have another steam from 2009 too
I've had tons of 'friends' if you'd count an online list as that but there aren't many people I've actually felt a connection to

I don't know how to make connections with people so I just gave up