Reiko#3333 Thread, post everything you have

Reiko#3333 Thread, post everything you have.
CRIMES: Forums/Reiko+gets+exposed/wuwwLjh/

This guy cause some of us to kill themselves.
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god these people need to be burned at the stake
what sort of twisted shell of a person would put in the effort to do this shit

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How do I join this shithole? I'm already a tranny on HRT so not like they can blackmail me ;)

HRT is super dangerous and can lead to extreme pain, stop now.

find your way into their server, collect as much evidence as you can

then fucking dump it all at your local police department

proof he caused people to kill themselves

Attached: Reiko_55935e_6573980 (1).jpg (900x594, 96K)


Him and all his discord buddies

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How?As far as i know you need to dress up and make a pic for them.

I'm kinda happy now. I thought 2 years about transitioning and started at 20. Now I have about 10 orbiters just by posting a single picture and have people complimenting me on my looks irl and online. it's pretty nice

I totally wouldn't do that. where's my invite

they did the peanut slut thing didn't they

You posting this bullshit is far more annoying that fapping playful (((degenerates))) on a degenerated manchild forum.

Ruin it how even? The board culture is being raped by pol, you are ruining it.

Slam that pol button.

> I want to look like this anyone can help me?

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You are part of them Im not a fucking idiot dumb cunt.

this has become a meme at this point

Is there any proof he was on HRT? How do we know this is not Reiko just attention whoring? Does he even have any chatlogs saved with this guy?

I like to think this guy was just depressed and killed himself. Trying to take his death and tie some sort of tranny cult reason to it is very disrespectful I think.

Extradite them to isis.

Believe me i'd like to see them arrested or killed by some robot just as much as you. Yet another group of dumb retards making trannies look even worse than we already do

hey reiko, if you're reading this, please drown yourself you inbred blackmailer fuck

can somebody gank this nigga

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as true as ever

You're mentally unstable. Get a fucking therapist or overdose on sleeping pills. Please