I'm worthless. I have no friends. I'm ready to end it. I had the worst day of my life. Trips I write my suicide note...

I'm worthless. I have no friends. I'm ready to end it. I had the worst day of my life. Trips I write my suicide note. Quads I shoot myself tonight with or with out the note.

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What happened today, user?

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Rolling for your death

Don't worry. No one cares.

Care to elaborate on your reasons?

Come on be realistic
I'm sure you still have potential, don't kill yourself that would be a shame

You're right, but tell me anyway.

I'm sorry to see you go, user. I know how you feel.

I thought I did. No one cares about me. I'm worthless.
No. Just roll.

We do care
You're another human being and thus someone I care about
I don't want you to kill yourself


I care a lot. I'm a grill and I'll be your friend and send you comfy vocaroos. Please don't do it.

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Stop acting.

If noone cares about you then why dont you try to make them care.
set out this goal and push yourself

Don't you have anyone who gives a shit about you.
Family, pets, friends, enemies.
Someone cares if you are dead.

I don't have any either. iktf.

Op, if you live near me I'll come hang out with you
Socal here

>tfw no pity comfy vocaroo friend who helps you not feel suicidal
I'm sure that op could use it more than I but that sounds nice

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I want to know, and then I'll decide if i care

Sleep thight sweet prince

Check these q-q-quads...? Sidenote , OP, why not just kill yourself? Like, why hinge your life on this thread? Second thoughts?

I'm not lying, I'd rather not have you killing yourself
Ofc I wouldn't cry much because I don't know you, but I bet that if I did I would be destroyed by your death, think about your family, your coworkers, your childhood friends and all those people who love you more than you think

Why would you want a roastie to just string you along?

Fucking normalfag.

I'm not sure. I'll end up probably doing it with quads or not. Some people enjoy this kind of thing.

That's an awful lot of assuming. Also, not OP.

I feel you. All the people who I thought were friends left me. I have no one I think about killing myself everyday but I'm too fucking scared to attempt it again.

just straight up tell us how many posts big the thread should be to get enough attention and fall back till next time... 40? 50?

I wouldn't be killing myself if I had any of that. I feel no love from my family. I got denied a job I would have loved giving me a reason to live. I have no friends.