Asian Dicklet

Im only 5.2 inches. I cry everyday because no one will ever love me because of my race. I can only settle for a flat chested traditional womanlet or weeaboo trash. All beautiful asian girls will always lust for the superior 9inch white man and even 12 inch black man. I cope by being a productive neet maybe i can learn to be alone forever.

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give me "weeaboo trash". im 6 inches. put my iphone and case over my erection and part of the head is visible.

Damn son, life's always a cunt isn't it?

thats why you fuck lifes bitchy cunt hole and make her love u

I love panda express make me some user

that does sound good. honey walnut shrimp, those chicken and veggies with gravy and squash with lo mein.

Why don't you just go back home and get one of your own girls?

>tfw 4 inches
>skinny dick
>want fat women
>cant even please them

All of my brothers have fat dicks too. Why was I singled out!?!?!?!

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i dont want them. they didnt grow up here, didnt earn their green card. im not going to be used.

you dont see asian women born here that grew up here going back to their parents homeland to find a husband, do ya?

Yes you do. Like all the time. Now i know you actually have zero asian friends.

>tfw 6/7 inches
>tfw is 14

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You are literally .3 inches below the global average. That is more than enough to work with to pleasure a woman. You might not ever make her orgasm via penetration, but sex will still be pleasurable for her. Just focus on oral and you will be fine - she won't mind your penis size unless she's a roastie coal burner.

no you dont. the ones born here dont go back to find a spouse, only the ones who came here as children and couldnt let go of her parents culture.

asians born here date out or date asians who were born here.

You are wrong. Not only do they go back home but theyll travel all over asia depending on their interest if they like taiwanese pop, they go there if they like kdrama or anime they will go to korea or japan even if they never knew anything bout that culture simply to learn about it and spread their pussy open for homemade asian dick in hopes to get married because they prefer it that way. Im sorry that you have white washed asian friends

5.2 is a boiclit OP also asians with little boiclits make good traps you should consider transitioning

no they dont, they visit to sight see not hook up with native randos that cant even communicate with them.

im sorry youre not asian but think you know everything hun.

how do i transition? my boi clit is kinda big but i wanna be a tranny with a big boi clit, its hot.

There are always native asians orbiting the asian girl that came from america because wow, they are asian but so free and less strict. It makes their dick hard and as soon as they sight see, they eat some food, it leads to sex. The only reason marriage doesnt always happen is because cultural differences make it hard again later. Fight me IRL i know jeet kunt do

t. delusional asian roast with dreams of picking up a hubby from an affluent city in asia

Like i said name the time, date, and location and i will beat your ass with my thicc asian thighs. I can fight you luchador style to prove i know americans i love eating mexican food so fite me IRL

i can handle thicc asian women, they like it doggy style.