Feels Good

>Go on r9k
>Go on catalog
>See ACTUAL threads for once
>Rarely see any mentally ill poopoo eating soybois(a trait that trans nibbas have due to the interest of a man's asahole)
Thank you guys

Attached: image.png (1298x1181, 480K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank me later son
*Jow Forums exits*

We purged the degenerates

Attached: born2meme pepe.jpg (930x1060, 341K)

It's been years since we had something resembling an actual board. Does feel good.

>actual threads
What? Last time I looked, it was primarily Jow Forums spam, I must have hid 50 at least threads in the past hour, that's children getting all worked up over their happening. Are you roleplaying, by pretending having 100 threads for the same topic, being discord drama and a fake war, is normal?

I want a girl like that

>Jow Forums spam
Fuck off, degenerate! We owe it to them for all their help in resisting trap faggot menace.

You're a child and cheering for a handful of selfish retards ruining the entire board for days for the amusement of other children who are too bored by the actual board and need an epic "happening". You fuck off.

Damn nearly 25 min and he still hasn't picked it up, he's really slipped up in that last years.

>Go on r9k
>Go on catalog
>See ACTUAL threads about having ACTUAL threads for once
>Rarely see any mentally ill feelfag threads discussing problems or sharing greentext stories (because everybody here is a retarded normalfag that came here in 2015 for Pepe memes)
Thanks guys

Also mods have been complete fags today, I hate how jannies can dish out three day bans with impunity. I have a fever and I can't do anything productive and now I'm banned from my low effort time waster for disagreeing with a power tripping cocksucker

I HATE phoneposting, it sucks

Phone posting is master race user

Attached: 7f61939fbf158972e2f94f0aece7436e.jpg (538x600, 17K)

How should we reboot, lads? Trannytrap is definitely not coming back, but which of the following aspects of our history should return?
>Greentext stories about life
>Virginity and robot/wiz exclusivity
>Weird shit and autistic semi-blogposters
>Running threads like /britfeel/
>Other shit

It is our duty to protect the vulnerable boards from subversive forces. The integrity of Jow Forums is vital to the development of Jow Forums board culture. Their meming is integral to our campaigns across the web; we rise and fall together.

Hail Victory, Hail Jow Forums, Hail Jow Forums

>thinly veiled barneyfag bait
For shame OP.

neet vs wagecuck.

Crossboarder here. Someone in /qa/ told me that there was a civil war here because of a tranny spammer or something like that. Can you give me more details about it? I caught interest when someone mentioned something about doxing anons and mods.

It's basically the Spanish civil war, with Jow Forums acting as Nazi Germany, bombing Trap Republicans while Jow Forums nationalists do the bulk of the ground work.


But we doxed them and drove them run them degenerates off

There's no going back, user. You must rebuild a new Kingdom from the rubble of the past. Jow Forums is set to develop a new, likely more positive (for better or for worse) culture since the destruction of the Trap rebellion. You must take care not to become assimilated by mainstream internet culture, but not lash out in a purely contrarian way. Keep meming, no matter how dark it gets, the memes will guide you.

Phone posting sucks dick. It's harder to manage tabs and copy/pasting is more finnicky. Also a keyboard is a million times better than any shit touch screen. It took literally five minutes for captcha to load on this shit connection too

You helpless fucking mental infant. Mods do not give a shit about Jow Forums, they've made fun of Jow Forums and hated it for like seven years. We will have moderation for at most two weeks and then things will go back to normal.

Jow Forums is literally incapable of generating decent content, this board is now bait, rage, and pornography. MAYBE we will get a new janny who gives a shit when they hire next, but I seriously doubt it.

And remmember kill a trap thread on sight

yay i know right!!!!!
im so happy right now the board is fucking alive again.... it's been cured!! eeyeyyeyeeeeee

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What does it feel like for a woman to want your baby?

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That pic looks like pic related in the thumbnail, funny.

Attached: heh.png (320x282, 7K)

Jow Forums is the Volk of Jow Forums's State.

Take you joy to the catalog; revitalize your board.

I hope to integrate our heritage as we move forward into a new era of glory
>Now been here from over a year before the trap era
>No longer a newfag
How should we do this? I was thinking we could spam them with unrelated nutritional information and turn them into healthy eating threads, in order to reap alimentary profits.
Trapposters will keep their threads alive anyway, so occupying them with unrelated shit and rapidly reaching a bump limit if the disease ever exits remission may be the only option.

I came to Jow Forums after my first gf cheated on me back in 2014. I was a broken wretch of man; not a robot by admission, but I respected the culture at the time. I quickly saw the meteoric rise of Pepe within the confines of my new land and fought tooth and nail to protect Jow Forums from the normies invasion, Dances with Wolves style. We tried but for the most part failed to achieve any long term victory, the magic slowly left as robots either grew up or migrated. I myself was cast adrift into the internet and followed the wave to Jow Forums where my personal growth continued as the presidential midterm elections had just started.

Now I have returned after I heard word of a civil war fought by young Jow Forums volk, seeking to protect their board from the venomous bite of dissolution and manipulation. This is not my board any more; it belongs to you men. It is your duty to protect and maintain the culture you have created and to bring it to new heights.

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lol shut the fuck up gramps get a life what are you talking about

also fuck off ur gay

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I have seen things you people would not believe... it's hard not to get sentimental.

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You post gore,sage and report

very funny good job

we may put our raid gear down
for now

We must establish an independent Jow Forums sovereignity. Free of traps and free of Jow Forums. Robots shouldn't be forced into an identity such as race or gender, us robots look different but we hang together not for our traits from birth, but for our way of life we take and our values.
Fuck Jow Forums and fuck traps out of my board.

Attached: Swidem+not+drik+on+pigulauandai+_c5640e07b3c9d0265846a567a1eacf18.png (640x580, 64K)

Die you fucking Barneyfag
(remove the first period)


Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 30K)

Your independence is vital to Jow Forums, it does not serve our interests to have another vassal state, yet should you fail at keeping your own people under check, do not expect mercy.

I'd really like to see you beaten to death

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To see you kill yourself would be awesome

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So I'd like to crack your skull

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Isn't it incredible? Like, it's completely fucking changed. Like, IT ACTUALLY RESEMBLES R9K. waaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAT. MODS ARE GODS!

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Hang yourself you goddamn waste

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-04-19 at 10.01.45 PM.png (786x81, 26K)

And make you neck yourself as well

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.25.00 PM.png (649x323, 39K)

I want to make you fucking die in pain

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bleed out you fucking piece of fucking shit

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Just to see you die, fag

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I want to have you killed horribly

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And I want you to get killed, fucking piece of shit

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The world would benefit without your existence

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Why brony? What is brony on him?

I'd also like to cut you up with a razor-sharp knife

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What do bronies have to do with anything?

I just want to see you dead and hanged

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