"Bust inside dis good pussy, whieboi. I'm gon make you a daddy tonight"

>"Bust inside dis good pussy, whieboi. I'm gon make you a daddy tonight"

Would you have the mental stenght to stay clear headed and pull out at the last second or would you break and end your pure bloodline?
Make your choice

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One black bubble butt is enough to turn me into a race traitor

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But your ancestors...!

I would fill her womb with my white semen and pound her pussy like there was no tomorrow. I would also suck on her milkybags and milk her daily.

i'd cum inside and then disappear from her life
my ancestors would be proud

Literally would cum buckets

Bestiality is disgusting

Fuck them
What did they do for me that was so good?

I wasn't strong enough when tempted so no.

Can I use the asshole instead?

Ayrton Senna De Silva De Originaldo

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rather fucking horse pussy than dying as a virgin

Men can't "end their bloodline" only women can.
White men spreading their seed in non-white women is actually beneficial for the world as it slightly waters down the inferior genes of lesser races.

hell ye brother

You guys do know that in like, 4 generations, the % of DNA people have of you (or you have of your ancestors from 4 generations back) is like, 0.3% right?

>Would you have the mental stenght to stay clear headed and pull out at the last second or would you break and end your pure bloodline?

if i know the person, i will fucking ravage her. even if my dick isn't the size of a telephone pole, also i love black women so i'm only really winning

This didnt even illict a response from my penis. I genuinely cant even get an erection over obese or nig women.

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>a woman can't have kids from different fathers of different races

Nothing stopping a white girl from going to Africa, burning coal for a few years then leaving the kids to go home and have a white family.

>tfw half black but not hood enough for a black gf

why not do anal?

they did that actually

why only women?

isn't like 6.25%?

I mean, it eventually goes even lower.

Why care about the whole gene thing anyways? In the long run it doesn't even matter.

Evolution doesn't seem to take races into consideration, but rather the environment to which its creatures are exposed.

Niggers will always exist, as will tribals, whites and asians. Unless there's a mass genocide (and even then, some survive).

GTFO you fucking faggots! This shit doesn't belong on Jow Forums go back to lgbt you fucking pedophiles.

Post more pics please everyone

ew imagine the smell, I dont fuck monkeys

ewww!! imagine the smell... yuck!!! very much prefer the smell of a WHITE WOMAN, the kind only a virgin deserves

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i definitely do not fuck monkeys. just look at the nose! ew and those titties! beauty is only a possibility if you are white, take it from me, im finnish, depressed year round, and partially inbred.

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You wouldn't be ending your pure bloodline, you'd be having a bastard kid. Black girls are for fun, white girls are for breeding.

But white women are entitled bitches
Maybe if she would allow herself to be me and my black wife's maid/slave
Then I'd breed with her

i just cant stand hair extensions. nope, not cumming in this THING! i need that 2d more than anything

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That nose actually puts me off a bit she was 10/10 til you pointed that out

>But black women are entitled bitches

A few maybe
Might even be most
But ALL white women are entitled bitches

if you did find this attractive you should be gassed
you're normal, user, don't worry

How do I get to be the one whose handprints are the ones on her tits and pussy?

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Absolutely disgusting
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because this board has a retarded fucking filter

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>projecting this hard
Then again this is Jow Forums so more like mild projecting

in reality, its just a nose. does the snake distract you in this painting?

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>tfw married a black woman

Teach me your ways master
That way I may escape the feels of no black gf

how do i find a wife?

My advice is don't go for someone just because of their race. I met my wife through random chance online. We talked for a bit, realized we liked each other quite a bit, and now we've been together for almost a decade.

I want to stick my penis inside her, if you catch my drift

Greentext please?

Nog is cultivated inside. Men can bust many times over a short period.

I don't have to look at the snake when looking at the person. Besides, the human face is an area the brain focuses on when deciding attractiveness.

>implying any of us after years of death grip masturbation to various underground fetish would even feel anything while fucking
get a load of this guy ahahahah

They're only interested in your NEETbux, robots.

Death gripper here. Pussy still feels like pussy.
Hell the time I lost my virginity I was whiskey-dicked to hell and back and could still feel it.
Also, there's always anal.

How the fuck? I had to buy a honahole and retain from fapping to weeks on end to even cum
By the time of me unvirginizing myself I had amassed a 150gb strong collection of meticulously organized doujins, each month dipping a little more into fbi territory

Post more godesses you stupid retards

>tfw got myself a gfd mixed cutie

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Should I take the plunge and fug a beautiful negress escort?

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Do you deny that men can produce significantly more children throughout their lifetime than women can? In your scenario it would take a woman 3 years in Africa to have 3 children. It could hypothetically only take a man a single day. Breeding is always a more costly investment for women and a lot of gender differences between men and women are results of this fact.

Posting my favorite negress

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Had to turn my brightness up because I can't see into the FUCKING ABYSS. FUCK that shit my boi. No black or Asian for me doods.

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Alternatively, you are creating slightly improved versions of other races who can more adequately advocate for their own interests and against yours. Ie., Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Obama. Slaveholders not keeping it in their pants is ironically how we got the civil rights movement.

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>Nothing stopping a white girl from going to Africa, burning coal for a few years then leaving the kids to go home and have a white family.

By the time they're back, they will have hit the wall with very few options available to them. This hypothetical white girl would have already given away her prime years to another race, that's bloodline ending right there.

You're still a virgin, and always will be. No horse pussy will change that.

Fantano, pls

No, no I do not is what i want

>tfw when only black chicks show any interest in me
>tfw when the only women that have ever started flirting at me were black

Should I?

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Yes, absolutely. I've the same experience with them but I never took the chance. Now that i'm older I don't give a fuck what other people think, i'd date an ebony ASAP. I swear they were the only girls that were cool with me in school, the worst they did was ignore me unlike other races of women

This one is too fat and her weave is tacky, bring me a thinner one with a proper fro'

give up your seed whiteboi

she's ugly. i find most black skin utterly repulsive.

>tfw 100% white northern european
>can't stop fantasizing about a black or latino girl dominating me and making me have kids with her

Kids with a latina girl will be white.

This. In several places in the world older family members encourage the young adults to seek out white partners. The old folks lived long enough to see how the stupidity of their people held them back and see white/mixed children as an improvement to the prospects of their whole family.

Nope, they'd be Mestizo or depending on the girl, Castizo, not white.

latinas love that nordic cock so you're in luck

It's still hot though. Especially the darker coffee coloured girls in mexico and the Caribbean.

Latino is a male Mexican. I think you mean Latina.

Latinas are already majority European. My hispanic gf is 75% European, for example.

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actually i'm scottish

do i still count?

I would lick and fuck the shit out of all her holes.

all brits are viking rape babies

She's a Castiza then. If you have kids with her then they'd be white.

This, best part about having a black woman is tugging that thick woolly fro as you bounce her black butt cheeks on your pelvis. The ones with weaves don't like you grabbing it.

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Yeah, me being dumb.

the thought of nutting in a nignog is repulsive and seeing that fat nog ass makes me think of every time I've eaten burned meat.

What brings a (assuming happily) married man here?

He was probably a lurker for years before he stopped being a betacuck and found his wife like me .


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Robots is it bad that I want to fuck the shit out of a black girl at least once?

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Not if you marry her.

Fucking gross. And no, I would not give my genes to a shitskin.

>tfw black and find none of these girls attractive

anyone else?

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Couldn't relate with you any less than right now

>Your entire existence.

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No, user I only want to satisfy my fetishes. fucking the shit out of a qt black girl

you should know that many will not discriminate for pussy

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Fuck that
I'll love a black girl if I want to

>Pure bloodline
Who honestly gives a fuck. You're getting laid why would anyone even care about this

a couple things. Most white people arent PURE white. They have some black in them somewhere. Second your bloodline definitely has some branch out there that is black.

Id totally do it if I didnt have to pay or help.

>Most white people arent PURE white. They have some black in them somewhere.

speak for yourself EL ATROCIDAD

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Goes in her teens after high school, has a few kids, is back still in her early-mid 20s and can start having having a family. Could still have 10+ white kids no problem.

Of course not and I'm not saying I condone this, obviously it's unrealistic for a white girl to even do this. Just saying though that it is possible for both genders. Men are naturally better at breeding, but not like only men breed.

ive grabbed a weave before and held it. Great for doing doggy.

>le we're le all le mixed le race
the absolute state of la creatura...

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