Dont mind me, just posting some stuff to help me study

Dont mind me, just posting some stuff to help me study

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Let me help you post what you are supposed to do

You should have that shit memorized by now, you are never gonna make it breh

Dont mind me just posting some stuff

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graphs and stuffff

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Dont mind me part four

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Mathematics is a waste of time

>not just taking a picture of everything on the phone to look at during test like all the cool kids think they can get away with

>A post written which can only exist because of math
>On a computer that can only exist because of math
>In a house that only can exist because of math
Are you retarded?

don't mind me. just fighting for europe's survival and the existence of the white race

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>memorizing the unit cirlcle

>t. high school sophmore

>supposedly above highschool sophomore level
>can't spell sophomore

Are you a junior? Do you live in California?

I'm 25 and going to comm college taking trig courses

>t. only knows one language

don't let these people get to you user, it's never too late to pick up maths and you'll feel good for being able to do these problems you found hard before

never give up

thanks brah

moot box

graphs and more stuffff

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Math is the coolest thing but I can't do it for shit

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Good luck to your studies op

I was able to skip it during high school and holy shit do I regret it.
My coworkers gave me the stare of death when I didn't know what sin and cos were.

>mfw I never even got to study maths past or take the gcse exams for the last 2 years of high school

Still working in welding and fabrication lel

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>I didn't know what sin and cos were.
>Somali education