Why dont you just get a pure muslim gf user

Why dont you just get a pure muslim gf user

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No no no, don't do this to me, user. Don't do this to me, user. DO NOT FUCKING DO THIS TO ME, user...

I'd get one if she converted to Christianity for me

What if she adgrees what do

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I guess I'd just have to fuck her.

Being promiscious is a sin, the holy verse forbids it. B-But if you let me worship your thick white cock, I might forget about Allah's words for a few hours...

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Unironically saw hot mid eastern baddies covering their head like that today.. would nut inside of and breed

I married a muslima, all good.

Marry her then destroy her pussy

I got one. I miss bacon and pepperoni tho...

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Dont be a pussy she doesnt have to eat it but you should be a man and not submit to her practices

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Post more of these pics pls


Anyone who's been around young Muslim girls knows they're trashy

Because they have disgusting bodies.

These people do not represent Islam.

Despite how much I hate pol, I hate all abrahamic, and most muslims aren't even white looking.

Some weird tribes of afghanistan I think might have been white looking, but other than that, noped the fuck out. 90 percent of aphghans are fucken Sunni, that's literally the same shit as Somalia, I doubt I'd get along with her even if she was white looking. Sunni is Muslim, ergo abrahamic shithole again.

>like this ethnic

>tfw they were originally hindu and buddhist before the kikery infected them


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Here you go kaffir

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Because I don't support beastiality.

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Moar and thanks

Yeah sir no prob

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Because Islam is a backwards ass religion and I don't want any part of it.

Fuck no. I'm okay with a middle eastern/north african, but not muslim.

Trips of truth the non islamified ones are great

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Not sure i understand what youre talking about user

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Yeah they're great because they're roasties with no morals amiright