Happy /TogaTuesdays/
I hope everyone has a good day, and may you find happiness in this eternal nightmare of an existence.
Happy /TogaTuesdays/
go away dumb disgusting bitch
That's just not very nice friend.
i hope you find happiness to friend good luck out there
why did you ask to play video games and not accept the friend requests of those who added you on steam to play video games
I added everyone on steam and discord who added me. Maybe you should double check?
no you didn't
I have time to play video games and respond to threads
its your loss for not adding me when you had the chance
Yay, Toga tuesday.
i beat you have a really small dick
Wait... It's Tuesday?
Didn't this person get exposed as a catfish recently?
I literally added everyone.
So not sure what to tell you friend.
Don't we all?
It is, isn't that exciting it's a new day!
you're literally lying and doing the very things everyone said about you would do.
Hooray for Toga Tuesday!
hi mommy how are you today?
What day is the day you will finally kill yourself?
good tuesday to all!
why did you ask to play video games and not add me? why are you deliberately lying about this? what is your motive to act this way? you have no intention of playing any video game you just want special attention because you're retarded so go fuck yourself you time wasting faggot.
it's a good day today friends
what did i do?
i did not get any requests.
Some day, but not this one, friend!
Why not jump off a roof right now? I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy.
>those fangs
why do girls with fangs turn me on so much?
A year ago.
Make a new identity again. Try a new gimmick as well. You fucked up and somehow exposed yourself.
Be nice to all togas or you'll get the toga hammer of death.
No it was quite literally only 5 hours ago that this person was found to be posting pictures from someone else' Instagram account
do we love her? :3
what's a toga
anyone be my gf please
who couldn't
We love her
i have never seen the anime that she is from and i already love her
If I did that, I wouldn't be able to enjoy Toga Tuesday!
We do!
toga tuesday is the best tuesday
Everyone excited to see more of toga in season 3?
She's been doing it for over a year. Link below. I'm glad the Instagram was posted so I can continue fapping to the girl.
lolcow dot farm/snow/res/302894 dot html
I like these threads.
I hope life is okay for you or gets better
will some one tell we what anime she is from
You know deku will never love you right?
soft! chunky!
My hero academia.
My hero Academia
You see her at the end of season 2, and she'll be in season 3.
shut the fuck up take it back.
My normie academia
toga more like trashestwaifu lole
Why would you say that about toga?
why is this sadist QT not real user
why are we born to suffer
she is real! >:3
Just have hope, and wait for advanced VR
we can only hope
love! girls! love!
live? toga, love?
Shitposting isn't gonna save you
>every time with this shit
it's called toga tuesday for a reason
This is getting sad. You could have had so much attention if you didn't screw it all up. This is almost as bad a Light being found out to have the Deathnote. You were doing so good. But ya dun goofed. I don't even know how someone can mess up this bad repeatedly.
are you an idiot? this was already widely known! at least, among people who actually matter
Because the idea of risking your johnson being lacerated whilst she's sucking you off is hellishly titillating.
What people that matter? You have no friends which is why you shitpost for attention every day.
>Assuming it's not Toko Tuesday
Waifu quality on this board seems to be going on the constant downslide
it's not her stupid
lel did your fee-fee's get hurt?
Too much sharptooth girl ITT.
yeah I'm sad:(
Well I won't feel sorry for you. Not this time.
you will in the end
all of you sad robots in this thread: anime isn't real. move on from it, get Jow Forums, study hard, be an upstanding citizen
Nope. Not gonna happen. Can't fool me again.
t o g a t u e s d a y t o g a t u e s d a y
MHA came back! I can't wait till she shows up.