Be me

>be me
>break up with girlfriend
>she slashes her wrists both arms loses 28% of her blood
>sepsis, broken rib, fucked stomach, permanent nerve damage

I don't know what to do. I've killed someone Jow Forums

Attached: GalGadot.jpg (1000x1500, 196K)

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bloody hell user, she got BPD?
That sounds mega stressful, is she seeing a therapist?

>had a girlfriend
>she loved you enough to kill herself over you
>you still rejected her

It happened last night. I think so, I didn't know she was like this. I mean I knew she had panic attacks over relationships etc but not to this extent. She was telling me over IM that everythings fine while slashing her wrists. Everytime I said I'd go get help she'd say no she'd kill herself if I did.

:( I'm worried she'll die but I can't see her like this it will kill me

Hop on hrt, it fixes all emotional problems in a nanosecond.


fuck off OP CUNT ASS

s-sorry I have no one else to tell.

was she hot though? why didnt you want her?

Too clingy, I like my independence.

You had no way of predicting this would happen, its not your bad.
The real question is how big were those sweater dicks?

Meant for this user righ here

She was telling me she was doing it but I wouldn't call for help ebcause she said she'd kill herself :(

Did she end up going to A & E or something?
Sounds like she is really mentally unstable, I'd say go and get help. Can you contact her parents or a close friend of hers? If you are really worried about her safety call 999 or something and say that she is a risk to herself, they should then send an ambulance/crisis team.
This really sucks user, it's unfair that this is all being put on you to deal w/ but I guess if she's in a bad place she won't be thinking straight.

oh i just got dumped because I was too clingy

now i hate you even more

fuck off retard nigger faggot normie shit

being """""clingy""""" is literal cancer you fags ruin everything with your manipulative toxic asses

being clingy means you care about someone and enjoy being around them


Thank you user, she is at the hospital. Her father found her unconscious. 30 more minutes and she was dead they said..... She was transferred straight to a specialist hospital and is awake texting me but she is terrified of needles and surronded by them. Her mother also disowned her calling her a psycho bitch. I feel so guilty. She said she will see a therapist soon

dont bring her hopes up by still talking to her you cunt

if you got dumped for it and still think there is nothing wrong with it then you should unironically reconsider your opinions

Next step is that she will treat you with it.

Since this seems to happen to many clingy people, you might want to rethink your ways.

some people dont deserve the other one

>SHE slashes HER wrists

sounds like a big fat case of notyourproblem.exe

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It's pointless to argue with someone who lacks the sense to search for faults in themselves first, let me just say I wouldn't want to spend time around you from what I've seen of you.

user seriously if you feel like you got dumped by someone for being nice and wanting to spend time with them you are very delusional

Oh wow, I feel for you. But I honestly think you have nothing to feel guilty about. She obviously has very serious mental health issues & what she did is not your fault. Any rational, normal person would not react that way. I mean, yeah you and I would probably be upset but it would not trigger us to flat out kill ourselves. She probably has abandonment issues or some kind of trauma/MH prob which has cause this; it was not you. Sure you dumping her would have made her feel like crap (like it would to us all if our bf/gf dumped us) but you can't blame this on yourself. (ahaha srry for the rant :/ )
Glad she is now in a hospital, she will hopefully get the help she needs. It's going to he hard for her becuase she obviously has some work to do to work out why this happened & idk it's up to you but just try and be a friend to her. I don't suggest getting back together w/ her, at least deffo not at the moment as she needs to work on herself and her issues. Also, as you mentioned before, you weren't happy with the relationship so I suggest to not get back together w/ her knowing that you may end up dumping her in the end. (srry, I hope I am not being harsh.) Re her mum, wow. Sounds very supportive...(not!) She is probably half the reson why your gf is in such a state!!! guuuurrrr. You can't just disown your kid for a suicide attempt!?!
Hopefully they will be able to work through thier issues w/ family therapy or something...
Also, if this ever happens again, just call the ambulence and don't let her know that they are coming. (yup shady af but neccessary so that she doesn't kill herself before they arrive.
You'll get through this user

this is a very nice post user I can't believe I am actually reading something like this on r9k

I hope you follow her footsteps you fucking normie faggot

I hope you have a vanishing twin inside of your intestines

Thank you so much user. I needed someone to tell me this. I agree with everything I just know I'll off myself too if she dies. I still care about her

Yes her mom is not nice and her past has had some tragedy. You are right about the ambulance and this is why I feel so guilty. She kept saying she'd be fine "I've done it before" :(

aw thx v much user - much appreciated!! haha idek how I got on & stayed on here :')

Fuck off you absolute retard of a pol fag

Aw no worries OP, ik it's hard and these things always have such an effect on us all but you are not resposible for her actions. To be honest, you were probably in shock & panicking when she was telling you all this and so you wouldn't have been thinking straight. In hindsight we can always see how we should have acted differently, but it okay - it's how we learn. She thankfully didn't die, and if this ever happens again you will now be much more prepared and will know what to do. Try and see this as experience.
And re your suicide :( it's up to you obvs but idk - I hope you never reach this point OP.
Just try and be there for her, as a friends becuase she's going to really need friends during her recovery - maybe talk to her, let her know how you feel about this and that you're going to be around.
I hope she gets the help she needs and can work though the issues in her past.
I'm sure you are a good person OP.

thanks so much user, I think she's asleep now so I will be worrying over the next few hours whether she wakes up or not. I have been constantly talking to her trying to cheer her up. I only want to hug her now.

how is anything I said related to pol?? imagine this scenario:
>mutually fall in love with a girl
>feels great
>you enjoy spending time together
>at times you feel like it's a bit unnecessary to do it so much but fuck it it feels great because you love her
>months later your infatuation with her slowly starts to fade
>you still care deeply for her and love her
>but not enough to go out of your way to spend every breathing moment with her since it gets tiring after a while
>she doesn't understand you need time to yourself
>starts dropping you hints that she's upset with you
>everytime you hang out with someone without her she keeps texting you
>she keeps getting angry at you
>she keeps doubting your loyalty to her even though you would never cheat
>she still doesn't understand you need time to yourself
>starts being toxic, trying to make you feel bad for your actions
>you never even tried to do anything to hurt her
>you don't even love her anymore because of what she's doing to you
>it is unhealthy for you to stay in the relationship but you still need to stay because your CLINGY gf doesn't realize she's tearing your whole world apart and will most probably attempt suicide if you do

This is a scenario I hear from my friends
with clingy partners. This shit never works, leaves you exhausted and it really gets under your skin. MUH TSUNDERE LOYAL GF is a fucking meme and you know it.

Jesus user OP here. That's exactly how it happened.

this is always how it happens man. I never experienced this but I have heard this so many times I think I have a pretty good idea...

It's ok OP :) Try not to worry about whether she wakes up or not (easy to say not do) as there will probably be lots of staff on the ward she is on or she could be on 1 to 1 supervision or something like that - so don't lose sleep over whether she is being looked after or not (although I totally get you, it's not like it's somehting you can just stop thinking about.)
Glad you're there for her, trust me, I bet a fair few guys would have just freaked out. I'm sure it will mean alot to her that you are there.
Good luck OP, hope all goes well for you.

Yeah it's spot on man. I'll add that in my scenario I had to drive for 30 mins after work every day to see her because she has no car and we live in the countryside. Every time I'd come home I'd be wrecked tired and nearly crash my car, also exhausted at work. I wanted time away for a start but she kept pushing for more time together even with my exhaustion.
I'll try, distracting myself right now. I'm worried about a coma situation :/ Thank you, I know it will. She loves me unconditionally fortunately or unfortunately :(

>Fall in love with gf
>l0l jk not anymore
>she still loves you enough that she doesn't want to live without you
>blame her for you baiting her
Return from whence you came foul creature

Sure, chatting w/ others is a great idea :)
Is she still in a risky situation? Did she have a blood transfusion or something? If she can use her phone & stuff she will (probably) be in a rather stable physical condition. & she will probs be hucked onto montitor and stuff so staff would be alerted if anything were to change.
Ahhhh yikes... do you think you'll get back together? Aw user, I really feel for you. It's hard stuff becuase desu it looks like emotional manipulation/emotional abuse kind of behaviour. But I also understand that she is very unstable and needs help so may not be thinkinig straight. However, it's highly unfair on you as you'll just kill yourself w/ worry and stress. :) What a situation. Could you go to a therapist together and talk things together there? Or if she has an inpatient say let her know exactly how you feel. Or else this could end up repeating itself. If you let her know the bouderies you need (e.g. some time alone, none of the constant hounding and suspicion & neediness) she needs to at least try and respect this.
Really sorry if I sound harsh user. :(

I don't know how her situation really is. She told me she has all those issues I mentioned earlier, sepsis, broken rib, stomach lining issues, deep cuts.

She's on a drip, no transfusion.

Yes I hope she is being monitored correctly, I don't know if we will get back together. I guess you don't know what you miss until they're gone and even injured. I miss her so much, I did love protecting her..... but she is unstable and I have failed to protect her now so cannot bare to ever look at her again :(

It's ok user, thank you so much again.

so she's available?

>so cannot bare to ever look at her again :(
And how will you feel then when she kills herself right out of the hospital? She's expecting you to visit, and if you don't...

Why say this dude :(

what's her name?
for scientific reasons obviously

>fuck off retard nigger faggot normie shit
Your underage now fuck off

idk user. Maybe to convince you to prevent this random girl from killing herself. Visit her faggot.

ah I see. It does sounds complicated... I mean deep cuts could be self harm (especially if she said she has done this before, stomach lining issues - Bulimia?) Maybe try and encourage her to be as truthful as possible while in hospital w/ the therapists (although this is going to be v scary for her) as this is the only way she will be able to get the right help she needs. If she is in a bad home/abuse environment depending on age etc she could get help w/ that too.
That is true, however, you will both probably be going through lots of emotions as it this has happened so recently & it would have been such a scare so I get where you are coming from. To even consider losing a friend & the guilt you feel will all be playing into your feelings towards her rn. It is impossible for you (& any other human being for that matter) to be constantly there for someone. You will end up exhaused and w/your own mental health problems which will enevitably mean you won't be able to help her at all, in any way, not even as a friend. That is why it is important you also look after yourself :)
From what I've gathered, she had highly unrealistic expectations that on one could keep. It is not your repsponsibility to be her saviour (srry this now does sound harsh) - sounds like you would both be on a path to destruction if it were to continue as it was & that would be very tradgic. I'm sorry OP. :( It must be so hard for you
Here are some links from an (annoyingly happy) youtube therapist person which may help:
(one sec, my laptop is being rlly slow so gonna find them and post them to you soonOP.)

Thanks user, it's not bullimia, she took antibiotics for a flu on an empty stomach. I will take what you say into account, I'm just dizzy atm from all this :|

Honestly, you can either shitpost here with us while your gf is on the verge of death, or you can visit her, and decide after you know that she's safe whether or not you'll get back together.

Which do you think is the better option?

Here are some links from moi () (emotional abuse) (fear of abandonment) (BPD) (bounderies) (more on bounderies) (neediness, dependency & bounderies)
Sorry idek if you wanted this info but you got it anyway... who knows it may help keep your mind off things. I tried to pick the one's you may find more useful.
Ah well I guess that's a plus, ED's are soo hard to treat & get through.
& no worries user, everything is up to you. Do you have anyone in real life to talk w/ this to as that could help too? (not that I don't want to talk to you btw, we can ofc keep talking)

Thank you so much user I will watch these when I am more stable tomorrow :) I have no one really, I don't even want to desu. I just want to hear her and only her :(

Sure, no worries.
Aw, sorry to hear :( if you want, we could keep in contact via discord or something, although I'm a newbie to it so idek how to add ppl & stuff - only if this would be helpful to you tho as I'm concious it's alot to handle by oneself :(

thanks sure that would be great. Sorry if I'm a little late replying sometimes, find myself staring into space....


That's my discord.

hahaha desu I'm pretty much the same. Can't say I'll be around 24/7 but sure, I'll add you. :)

I hope she ended up diyimg then, if you are deranged enough to consider suicide you deserve it.